I am gonna go to sleep now. That's why it is short.

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The lights were still out. Each footstep echoed around the halls, students were huddling together (Especially Patton and Logan 😏)

Dee crouched near Remus, trying to keep his distance incade he began to freak out again...

"Remus... What can I do to help?"

"Everyone one says that" He sniffled, trying to stop the tears, "But no-one ever does..."

"Remus. I swear on the life of Gerard Way, Patrick Stump and Brendon Urie that I will help!" Dee called, whisky trying to shimmy himself towards Remus. "What do you want me to do?"

"Want me to use my phone torch so you can see?" He asked, as he shoved his hand in his pocket as he began to rummage through a pile of stationery and sweet wrappers.

"No. You don't need to. I just want Virgil..."

~With Virgil and Roman~

"Roman, you aren't touching me..."

"Wait... And that means..."

"AHHHHH!!!" Roman shreeked, promptly running away from whatever he was holding. He felt it's cold touch slip away from him.

Virgil held his breath as the drama queen ran down the corridor screaming and burst out laughing.

For context, yes. Roman did find Virgil, and he was touching him. Virgil is what's know as a prick, kids.

"Oh my God! I can't believe he fell for that!!!" Virgil laughed, still trying to see through the flood of darkness that surrounded the room.

~Now we're with Patton and Logan again~

"So Logie, you are usually not okay with people... Ya know... Touching you... So am I different?" He smirked, his hands still perched behind Logan's shoulders as they swayed side to side in the dim lighting.

"... Nothing I particular. I am I very fond of you?" Logan replied, his voice nearly cracking as he did. He then placed one of his hands on Patton's hands as they began to dance in the dark.

"Are you sure? Want me to help you to out that into words?" Patton asked, as he began to lay his head in his shoulder. Logan felt his face glow, almost radiating from blushing so hard.

"Y-Yes, that would be quite useful, thank you Patton" He called, his voice still echoing around the room.

Logan tried to speak but he felt his words get caught in his throat as they continued to dance around the empty science lab. Their heart beats were in sync.

"I think I love you."

"Really? Did you just figure that out? We literally just kissed?" Patton smiled, sarcasm in his voice more prominent that ever before.

"C-Can we kiss again?"

"You don't have to ask!"

~Jump to Dee~

Dee was running down the halls, yelling our Virgil's name. His chest sore as he panted to a stop.

"Virgil! Where are you??? We need you?!" He screamed, trying to keep some level of composure. But it's not like he has already list all of his dignity when Remus and Logan made him do the Lamby Lamby dance Infront of the whole school.

As he began to lose hope, he heard the sound of screaming, and someone quickly blabbering on in a different language. He didn't know what language it was. But he guessed Italian, French or Spanish.

When he shone the touch at the person it was a very panicked Roman, who was still waving his hands in every direction. "Help Help! Someone touched my hand! And it don't know who it was! It could be a ghost but Virgil said it wasn't him! So I panicked and left him and now he might be in trouble so I must go back!!!" Roman yelled, pumping his fights into the air as he did.

Now Dee... He had no idea what was doing in. All he saw was Roman speaking what he thought was Spanish and he freaked out and ran. Though Deciet did here Virgil's name in the rant... So maybe Roman could help him find Virgil...

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