Don't talk in assembly

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Remus and Roman would always argue in assembly. Despite being in Year 9, they would always feel the need to pester each other during a silent time.
This could be whispering gossips about friends or pinching each other in the arm. It began as harmless, but the kept the stakes higher everytime.
Before it could lead to anything to extreme people started noticing.
And after a total of two years. They stopped. Not by will, but by force.

On the day I'm particular, they were called out half way through assembly when Roman called Remus a dirty piece of sh*t, after Remus poked him in the eye (or near it). The teacher called their names bombastically, "Remus, Roman, please follow me for disturbing assembly. Again."
As followed, they got up from their chairs, passed the class in 'shame' and they went down the corridor a bit to have a chat with the teacher.

"Look," Began the teacher, "I really don't want to have to tell you off again, but I think I will. I'm going to send a letter home and put the new kid in-between you two in assembly."
The twins both looked at each other, confused.
"A new kid?" Asked Roman.
"Yes," The teacher proclaimed, "He is going your tutor..." She trailed off, mumbles following. Until a look to suprise light her face it.
"You two can help the new student!"

A look of utter disgust and interest filled their faces. They lived in a small village in the UK. No-one had heard about where they live, and the most exciting that ever happens is when someone other than Logan get a good grade, or if someone broke up.

"He will be arriving in a day or two, and I want you two to show him around the school, escort him to his lessons, and help him to fit in. Can you do that?"
"And a reminder that if you do not, you will get an after-school for everyday for the rest of this term, helping to scrape off the gum under the tables."
"Yeah we can."
"Good." The teacher finished, "I want you two thirty minutes earlier to tutor so I can provide you with everything you need."

Remus and Roman went back into assembly, the boring drabble still pouring from the head teachers mouth about friendship and cooperation. They knew all about that. Who doesn't?
It's hard not to when that's all your school talked about.

When the day ended, they walked home, the rain lightly dripping down, as they talked about the new student.
"Why would anyone move here anyway?" Remus asked, "This is literally the most boring place ever!"
"I don't know. Or care to be honest, I just want to get home and finish off the cake." Roman replied, kicking a pebble down the pavement, watch it bounce onto the road.
"Come on Bro Bro, what if he's cute?"
A light lit up from inside Roman's eyes, the word cute and he interested him. He'd been single for a long time, (like two weeks) and he'd want someone who wasn't completely boring to date him. And gay.
Most of his friends were straight. Or closeted. He didn't know.

"What do you think he'll look like?" Roman inquired, his fantasies in full force.
"I don't know, but I heard a rumour that he might he from a different country, or London!"
They both looked in awe.

Excited and nervous for the day ahead of them...

"The New Kid".        Sander Side FanficWhere stories live. Discover now