Logan X Roman?

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Warnings: Remus, swear words, panic attack and angst. A boatload of angst.

Logan huddled in a ball, next to his bed, in the corner of his room. His tears were rolling down his face and he rocked himself back-and-forth. His glasses became unclear as his vision narrow, his body still shaking. He was in utter disarray. And he did this to himself.

His door was locked, as his door handle had been sealed my himself as he wanted to. His heavy breathing filled the silent air that covered his room. His room. His silent room.

And then came a bang. Logan tried to ignore it. And yet it went again. And again and again.So Logan got himself up, pushed away his books, cleared up his tie, dried his eyes a bit and opened his door.

Only to be embraced by his best friend - hugging Logan as tightly as possible. Helping him through.
"Logan, Logan c'mon, just like chill, I guess. I don't know." Remus sighed.
"I literally have as much use as a bloody jelly dildo."

And as he said that he hear a giggle. Logan. Logan was smiling - trying to contain his laugher. Remus didn't even do this on purpose. It just kinda. Happened. And so Remus continued to make crude and absurd statements to keep Logan in high spirits till someone better to the situation arrived.

All was jolly until be made one fatal mistake; "Yeah, and remember when you were going to ask him out!" Remus stated, immediately putting his hands over his mouth and regretting any and ever word that had come out his mouth. At that moment Logan started to hyperventilate - worse than before. He started pacing back-and-forth, pulling at his hair. Remus tried to help again. But it was no use. So he got Logan to sit down and he called. He tried to call anyone, anyone who could possibly help.

Dee?        Nope, he's at band tryouts.
Roman?     Out of the question.
Patton?    Nope, helping Roman and doesn't know much about anxiety.

So Remus kept scrolling until be reached the end.

Virgil?     Maybe?

So that's what he did. He phoned up Virgil, biting his nails as he did, try to loathe a frantic Logan.
"Oh, hey Ree? What's up?"
"Ok, there no time to explain but I need you to come to me asap!"
"What?!?! Where are you, what's wrong?!?!"
"Logan's place - he's having a panic anxiety thingy."
"Got it. Where is Logan's house?"
"17 Elmslie way."
"Ok, give him my phone and I'll talk to him."

And so he did.
And so he helped.

Virgil told Logan to breath on for four, hold for four, breathe out for four and hold for four again. And got his to do this as many times as he could before he arrived at his house.

Bare in mind that Logan is till panicking, clutching Remus' clothes with the door locked and Virgil needing to get in. So Virgil used a window.

When Virgil got in, he gave Logan his headphones and played some calming music and told his to copy his breathing. After about 10 minutes Logan was calm enough to not need to copy Virgil. And was left listening to music as Virgil strikes up a conversation with Remus.

"Remus, what caused the attack?"
"What caused the attack and why?"
"Oh yeah - Roman."
"I need more in-depth detail, c'mon!"
"Basically, Logan used to have a crush on Roman and completely pine for him. It got so manic at one point, he had a framed picture of Roman in his wardrobe."
"Does he still have it?!?!"
"Nah, we burned that sh*t. And in that time, Logan asked Roman out and Roman said no."
"Ah, that was probably a pretty bad self esteem blow?"
"Yeah, but not just anyway, but like the worst way possible! Logan came in with cute tulips as they were Roman's favourite flowers. And asked him in the corridor before P.E. Then Roman just said something on the lines of; 'Hey guys look at the robot actually having feelings...'"

To be continued.

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