The falling of a prince (The incident Pt. 2)

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Dio and Patton had just left the bathroom, and separated as Patton went into the hall, a revolted look on his face. Something he didn't adorn very often.

Dio meandered over to Dee. They shared a seconds glance to each other. Anyone could have taken that anyway. But they knew what they were doing...

Patton walked over to Roman and raised him hand. Slapping him as hard as he could. Leaving a mark.

"Pat! Wha-???"


"Huh? What did I do?"

Patton had tears streaming down his face, snot running down, making a mix of the two near him lip. He felt himself began to shake as he fell to the floor and wept.

Everyone rushed over to him, trying to comfort him.

"What happened???"
"Dad! How can I help?"
"What did he say?"
"It's Roman isn't it!"
"I always knew he'd do something like this..."
"Fuck you Roman."
"How could he do this to you???"

Roman tried to bend over to help Patton up. But he flinched away.

Most of the hall took Patton away from the "Prince". Leaving him on his throne alone...

Pt. 1 Was complete...

Dee meandered back to the group and simply listened to their conversation.

"Yeah... But a tent... Made of flesh!"

"That's highly impractical Remus. What would be used as the padding?"

"Dried up guts! Moulded by yours truly~"

"Mmm... Sure. Hey Dee, how are you?"


"Oooooh! That's great, did you and Patton make out or something?"

"Patton... Patton!" He cried, sprinting to the Bathroom.

He passed Roman running, but he was stopped, by the "Prince".

"I know it was you Deciet."

"I haven't done anything... Your majesty~"

"Cut the crap! What did you do!"

"I haven't done anything..." He broke last Roman's arms and turned around, looking over his shoulder.


~In the bathroom with sad Pat~

Dee ran into Patton's arms, squeezing him tight and trying to comfort him.

Everybody stepped back to give the couple some space.

"Darling, what happened?"


"What is it honey?"

"H-H-H-... He did something I d-don't..." Patton mumbled.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I'm not ready yet..." He whispered, smothering his face into Deciet's shirt. As the tears made it damp.

"It's okay... Just tell me when you're ready..." Dee replied, "Wait... Did I ever tell you my name?"

"... No..."

"Oh. Shit... I was Meant to tell you for the anniversary with flowers and shit... But I guess I've got to get a better plan then."

"...What is it?"

"It's really dumb." He laughed. Clearly uncomfortable. A single drop of sweat rolling down his face.

"It's fine... If you don't want to tell me, I understand-"


"Yeah... that's my name..."

Patton was stunned as tears contained to pour down this face; "I'm so happy you trust me... Thank you Janus..."

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