Part 32

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~in Jenkook's house~

It was night time and they all were in the dining room, having dinner. Jennie smiled at Jungkook and gave him a piece of chicken extra. Everything was okay between them. Jin and Hoseok were happy to see them together.

Jennie: oppa, you want one? (Sweetly)

Jin nodded no and smiled.

Jennie: you hobi?
Hoseok: no but thanks NiNi. (Smiled)

Jungkook cut his extra chicken in a half and gave it to Jennie's plate.

Jungkook: eat. (Smiled)

Jennie smiled back.

Jennie: so oppa; tomorrow, restaurant opening is in which time?
Jin: actually the opening is not tomorrow. We are delaying it. It's a week or ten (days) later.
Jungkook: why you delay it? (Surprised plus confused)
Jin: because nonna and buddy is coming. (Smiled wider)
Jungkook: really, they are? (Excited)

Jin smiled and nodded.

Jennie: who are nonna and buddy?
Jungkook: they are our grandparents. (Smiled)
Jennie: oh! That's great, they're coming. (Smiled)
Jungkook: but all of a sudden? I mean, they are coming so suddenly, without telling earlier.
Jin: actually they miss us and want to meet Jennie and Jisoo.
Jungkook: well I miss them too.
Jennie: I'm really excited to meet them. I actually never have any experience with grandparents. Both of my grandparents died when I was very young. So it will be great to having them around.
Jin: Jennie-ah~ I know they will love you.

Jennie smiled wide. After that they started to finish the dinner.

~In the morning~

Rosé's POV:
I was with mochi all the time. I didn't know why I agreed for this but I didn't regret it. To be honest I was happy to work with him. Mochi always brought me to a coffee shop or restaurant. Because we always had meeting outside. I didn't know that Jimin was so much dedicated towards his work. He is super focused into his work. After the meeting we had lunch and a sweet conversation with each other. By assisting him, I learned a lot of things about him. He was not only a funny, cute and nice guy but also he was dedicated, serious and sensible.
We were in the office because he was some discussion with Tae and Jungkook. So he told me to wait for him in his cabin. I was working with him for two days but didn't went to his cabin. As we always had meeting outside, so I didn't have to. I went to his cabin and it was pretty nice. In his desk I saw there were three photo frames. I went closed to the desk to see the picture.

1st picture^^

1st picture^^

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