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It was the day before school started and Quinn had woken up before Rachel so she headed downstairs to make herself a cup of coffee, she was very comfortable in the Puckerman house. She reached up to the cabinet to reach for a mug but struggled. It was then an arm reached up for her retrieving the mug. She looked up and saw Noah. She instantly froze and muttered 'You're back.'

'Miss me?'

'Not in the slightest.' Quinn retorted putting in the coffee machine.

'Come on Q. Don't you remember what happened the night before I left.'

Quinn rolled her eyes and turned around to face him. 'Nothing happened.'

He smirked and took a step towards her, now they were pretty close and Quinn had no idea where to look, so she settled for his eyes. 'I remember pretty well, we-'

'Noah, shut up, I don't want Rachel to find out.' She said in a loud whisper taking a step back from him.

'It's not Noah anymore babe.' Quinn furrowed her brow. 'It's Puck now.'

'Puck?' She asked popping the P.

'It's badass.'

'It's humiliating.' Quinn replied. 'Is that what they called you in juvie.'

'You know?'

'Please, boarding school?' She scoffed. 'And did you really expect Rachel not to tell me.'

'You two really tell each other everything. How come she doesn't know about us?' He asked, now they close again it took everything in Quinn to not fall for his boyish charm again.

'Quinn who are you speaking to?' Rachel's voice asked coming from upstairs. Quinn quickly pushed the boy away and started to pour the coffee. 'Noah!' Rachel exclaimed running to her brother and hugging him.

'Sup, short stack.'

Quinn watched the siblings hoping that Puck would say anything to Rachel about what happened between them. She couldn't know. It would break her.

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