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Quinn got ready for Sam to pick her up. Only the He never showed. She waited for hours. She got stood up.

She wasn't going to waste her night so she changed into more comfy clothes and drove to Rachel's house. She just wanted to watch a rom com and fall asleep. She knocked on the door and waited for Rachel to answer, only she didn't and Puck did.

'Sup blondie.'

'Is Rachel here?' She could be bothered for his games.

'She's at bredstiX with Mercedes and Kurt.' Puck replied. 'Weren't you meant to have your date with Fish Lips tonight?'

'I can't believe I'm about to tell you this but he stood me up.'

'Well then, he doesn't know what he's missing.' Puck said with a gentle smile. 'You can wait for Rae until she comes.'

Quinn sat on the couch next to Puck, he was studying. 'Puckerman study's, I didn't think you could read.'

'You are hilarious Fabray, anyone ever told you that you should do stand up?' He replied sarcastically. 'What idiot invented Math?'

'I can help you if you want. I mean Artie is a lot better but-'


The two then studied and found that she completely forgot about the blond boy.

'How was your date?' Rachel asked once she came home.

'Don't.' Quinn laughed, Rachel laughed and went upstairs. 'I'll see you later Noah.' She said kissing the boys cheek and waking up to the brunettes room.

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