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The glee girls were at the local prom dress store looking at dresses. They each picked dresses to try on.

'Did Puck ask you to prom?' Tina asked prom making sure Rachel couldn't here.

'Yeah.' She said smiling at the memory.

'Any progress with Rachel?'

'No.' She said and the smile disappeared.

The girls all went to the dressing room and Quinn was the first to reveal the her dress to the girls. It was light blue with some detailing and very simple.

'What do you think?' The blonde asked the girls, they all nodded and praised her choice, other than Rachel who was looking at her nails.

'Puckerman is going to practically rip that dress off of you.' Santana said. Each of the girls became quiet and looked at Rachel. 'Oh come on! Quinn and Puck are dating, Berry you need to get over it.'

'Santana-' Quinn said trying to calm the girl and to stop making a scene.

'Okay, so Puckerman will love the dress? Do you?' Mercedes asked trying to move the conversation.

'I think this is the one.'

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