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It's another one of the best friends annual sleep over. The blonde and brunette are watching Gossip Girl and mooning over Nate Archibald.

'Kurt just texted. He wants to join, can he?'

'Of course.' Quinn agreed.

'Alright. I'm gonna go pick him up and we're going to stop by 7/11. Do you want anything?' Rachel asked.

'Chocolate Chip ice cream.'

'Back in a few.' Rachel said and left the house.

Quinn continues watching the TV when there was a knock on the bedroom door. The blonde stood up and walked over to the door.

'What do you want?'


'You have a girlfriend, who your meant to be with right now.' Quinn sighed and closed the door behind her, leaving the pair in the hallway.

Puck smirked. 'We're not exclusive.'

The blonde rolled her eyes at the boys efforts to flirt. 'Did you want something?'

'To talk to you.'


'That night before I left at Santana's party. If I remember correctly we were in all over each other.'

'Shut up.' Quinn demanded. 'That night was a mistake. If Rachel ever found out she'd be crushed.'


Santana's dad was away at a business trip and her mom was working a night shift. Santana Lopez's party's were notorious for people hooking up. Rachel was sick and couldn't attend the party but a lot of the Cheerios were going to be there so Quinn thought that she should attended.

Quinn was sitting by herself sipping on a wine cooler that she had been nursing for the past hour not wanting to get sloppy and make a fool of herself by throwing herself at some guy.

'Fabray.' Puck called as he walked over to her.


'I'm thinking that we should get out of here.'

'I disagree.' Puck always flirted with Quinn, it was pretty much second nature by now. The blonde would never go anywhere with it out of respect of her best friend, his sister.

'Come on Fabray. I'm hot, you're hot let's be hot together.'

'You're drunk.'

'I'm not. I'm drunk on love for you baby.'

She laughed at him. He wasn't serious. Or was he?

'You're beautiful. Hands down the best looking girl I've ever seen.'

Quinn sat there and listened to the compliments she was receiving knowing that he wouldn't remember this in the morning.

He pulled Quinn into his lap. 'Tell me you don't want to kiss me.'

'I can't.' Quinn admitted. She really did.

'Then do it.'


Quinn was sucked out of her flashback when Puck took a step towards the blonde. They were really close. Mere inches away from kissing. 'She never has to find out.'


'Tell me you don't want me to kiss you. Tell me and I'll leave you alone.'

Quinn couldn't resist his charm. She pulled his neck down to reach her heigh and collide her lips to his. She hear the sound of her beating heart thumping in her ears. The smell of his cologne filled her nose. His lips were soft and took her back to the first night they kissed his hands cupped the sides of the blondes pulled her closer to him. The pair stumbled into Pucks room barely letting their lips leave each other. Their laying on his bed. Puck is on top of Quinn and their kiss is deepening every second their attached.

'Quinn. We're back.' Rachel's voice echoed through the house.

Quinn jumped up. She was just kissing her best friends brother. Quinn looked in the mirror on his room and fixed her hair and lipstick. While Quinn was in a panic Puck was laying on hi bed looking satisfied.

'Don't look at me like that.'

'Face it Fabray, you can't resist me.' He smirked.

'This never happened.'

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