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In Spanish class Quinn usually sits on her own but Puck sat next to her. 'Someone is gonna see you.'

'We're friends right.' Puck shrugged. She couldn't argue with the logic, they grew up together.

Mercedes and Kurt sat opposite the couple and spoke. 'Are you guys coming to Tina's party?'

'Its a glee club thing.'

'I guess.'


The party was in full swing. The whole glee club was there plus Blaine. Everyone was drinking beside Kurt and Finn who were designated drivers but Quinn and Puck decided not to get to sloppy.

'Let's play spin the bottle!' Sam hollered. The group sat in the circle and each took turns. Sam kissed Brittany, Blaine kissed Kurt, Rachel kissed Finn. It was Quinn's turn to spin the bottle and it landed on Puck. It was really hard to hide her smile. She looked at Rachel and she was hammered and leaning on Finn. It was perfect everyone was drunk. No one would remember. The two and forward and attached lips. The group hollered and whooped as they kissed.


The party was winding down. Finn had taken Rachel, Santana and Brittany home. Leaving only Tina, Mercedes, Kurt, Blaine and Sam.

'Wanna get out of here?' Puck said to the blonde.

'My parents are on a cruise.' Quinn said.

'Lets go.' He said grabbing the girls hand. They all said a small goodbye and they left the party hand in hand. Completely forgetting that Kurt was Sober and would remember everything.


Quinn and Puck woke up in each other's arms. It was just them and it was perfect. The two woke up banging on the blondes front door. The blonde reluctantly woke up and ran down stairs. It was Rachel. Her eyes widen and she automatically ran back into her room and started to panic.

'Puck wake up.' She said. Nothing. 'Puckerman.' She said again. 'Rachel is outside.' He woke up instantly.

'Fuck.' He cursed and started to get dressed.

Quinn watched as he moved around the room trying to find clothes. She couldn't help but laugh.

'This is so not funny.'

'It kinda is.'

'Quinn!' Rachel shouted and knocked the door again.

Puck was finally dressed and he stood in front of the blonde. 'Out the window!' The blonde demanded it was the only option.

'One for the road?' He asked? Quinn kissed him and watched him jumped out of the window. She saw him wait for Rachel to look in the opposite direction and ran.

Quinn quickly fixed her hair and walked downstairs and answered the door. 'Hey Rach.'


No. She wasn't. Her and Puck only had a wine cooler. 'Yes!' She lied. She really hated lying to Rachel.

'I heard that you had to kiss Noah during kiss the bottle.'

'Yeah.' The blonde said bitting down on her lip.

'Gross.' Rachel teased screwing her face up in disgust.


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