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The blonde was standing at her locker looking over her math notes when someone tapped her on the shoulder. 'Quinn! Just the person I needed to see.'

'Hey Kurt! What's up?'

'I need to ask you something and you have to be a hundred percent honest with me.'

'O-Kay She said slowly.

'Are you and Puckerman dating?'

'How did y-'

'Honey, I'm not blind, and judging by that answer, you are.'


'The kiss you two shared during spin the bottle at Tina's house was intense.'

She froze, Kurt knew. Meaning Mercedes and Artie probably know. 'You can't tell anyone. Especially Rachel.'

'Your secret is safe with me.' He said sincerely. Quinn actually believe that he wouldn't tell anyone. 'I've always thought you'd be the one to crack Noah Puckerman. You're totally cute together. Rachel will never know.' And with that he walked away

'Meet me under the bleachers at lunch. It's urgent.' Quinn quickly texted Puck. She was panicking. If Kurt has figured it out, how many other people had?

She was panicking. She paced back and forth under the bleachers, fiddling with her rings. 'Q! What the hell is going on?'

'Kurt knows.'


'Tina's Party. And he could just tell that things were different between us.'

'Maybe this is a good thing.'

'If Rachel finds out it would kill her. I know you don't want to hide it but-'

'I don't think you do know. I'm sick of hiding. It's like your ashamed that your dating me.' Puck bit.

Quinn felt the tears welling up in her eyes. 'You know that isn't true.' Her voice was low and weak.

'Either this isn't a secret anymore or we're done.' He said lowly and walked away.


She sat in the back of glee club that day and listen to Mr Schue rambling about god knows what. She heard her name.

'Quinn?' Kurt whispered to her. 'Are you okay?'

'Fine.' She smiled, Kurt automatically knew something was wrong. 'We're arguing.' The blonde said quietly ever through Rachel was flirting with Finn by the piano.


'He wants people to know. I don't want to hurt Rachel.'

Kurt sighed. 'Rachel is your best friend right?' She nodded. 'Then don't you think she'd be happy for you.' The bell rang and Quinn got out of school as quickly as possible and just wanted to cry. She headed to the parking lot to get into her car and saw Puck getting into his truck. The two looked at each other but Puck got into the truck and drove off.

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