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Quinn zipped up her Cheerios uniform and tightened her pony tail. She was nervous about seeing Rachel. She hoped that Puck wouldn't have said anything about them but it was Noah Puckerman. No one ever knew what he was going to do next.

The pair always walked to school in the first day so they met at the park and walked to school. Once the entered the building of McKinley high they walked to their lockers. 'Are you joining glee club again this year?'

'Definitely. I'll be there singing backing vocals behind you and Finn.' Rachel and Finn has been flirting over the summer and the brunette was pretty much in love with the quarterback. 'I have Bio so I'll see you at lunch.'


Cheerios practise was the last period of the day before glee club. Luckily it ran smoothly as they did basic drills and pyramids as the freshmen were joining and Sue atomically sent them to the bottom of the pyramid.

After practise Quinn went into the locker room to prepare herself for the next class. She redid her high pony and flattened down her uniform. She was the last one out of the locker room. She walked down the empty hall wall but was pulled into the janitor closet. She saw Puck and immediately scolded.

'What the hell Puckerman?'

'I gotta say I really missed seeing you in the uniform.' He said lowly. The blonde rolled her eyes.

'What do you want Puck?'


Quinn laughed. 'I'm not doing this with you.' And with that she was walking to the choir room.

She took her seat at the back of the room. She examined the room and it was mainly the same people as last year beside a blonde kid. He was cute. 'Who are you?'

'Sam Evans.' He replied looking nervous.  'Your Quinn Fabray right?'

'The one and only.' She winked before turning her attention back to Mr Schue.

'Right guys. We need to get recruiting as we only have eleven members and we need twelve.'

Quinn examined her manicure not fully listening to the teacher. 'Mr Schue?' A voice asked.

Quinn looked up and saw Puck at the door. 'You have got to be kidding me.' She whispered to herself.

'Noah? Back from boarding school?'

'Yeah. They said I should join clubs here.'

'Looks like we have our twelve members! Sectionals here we come!' Mr Schue exclaimed.

Puck smirked and took his seat at the back next to Quinn. 'You're not getting rid of me that easily.'

Quinn desperately tried to think away the butterflies.

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