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Quinn was standing by her locker when Sam came up to her. 'Hey Quinn, I'm sorry-'

'Save it.' She dismissed him. 'It didn't happen.' And with that he walked away.

'What a dick.' A voice asked from behind her. It was a Puck.

'Whatever. He's missing out.' She said slamming her locker shut. The pair walked down the halls together to the choir room and tried to ignore the whispers the glee club made.

'Puckerman, are you still coming over Saturday night? My parents aren't going to be home.'

Quinn felt a wave of jealousy run through her body.

'Guys sectionals is next week. I have made the arrangements to our group number. Finn and Rachel will sing together, Artie and Santana and finally Puck and Quinn will sing together.'

Quinn swallowed hard. This was not going to be good.


They were dance partners and they hadn't been this close since that night. Every time he touched her she held her breath. The two got the choreography before everyone else so they were sitting in the wings of the stage.

'You and Santana?'

'It means nothing.'

'Then why do you do it?' Quinn asked.

'I don't know.'

'Maybe you should think about that.' She said and stood up to help Finn with the dance.

Puck watched the blonde, how she furrowed her brow at Finn and pursed her lips. She was so hot and he couldn't get her out of his head.

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