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It's the Monday after Mike party and Quinn couldn't shake the thoughts of Puck, she found her mind always lingering to him. She needed to take her mind away from her best friends brother.

'Hey Quinn.' Sam said coming up from behind her. That was it, ask Sam out.

'Hey Sam.' She smiled. The two walked to the choir room together 'Hey I wondering if you wanted to see a movie on Friday night.' She was never this forward but at this point she was desperate.

'I would love to. I'll pick you up at eight.' Sam said and they sat down together. Puck walked into the room and scolded at the two of them together.


Rachel and Quinn were sitting at the kitchen table that night studying. 'Do you wanna go to bredstix on Friday?'

'I can't.'

'Why not?' Rachel asked, as of on cue Puck entered the room.

'I have a date.'

'Who asked you out?' Puck asked. Quinn rolled her eyes.

'I asked them actually.' Quinn replied. 'Sam Evans.'

'Fish lips.'

'Noah shut up.' Rachel said. 'That's so exciting. I didn't know you liked him.'

'He's sweet.' Quinn smiled feeling Pucks eyes burning into her.


Puck was mad, he knew that he had no right to be but he was. He was jealous and he never got jealous ever. Quinn drove him crazy.

The next day he walked into the locker room and found Sam in their alone.

'Stay away from her!' He said
Pushing Sam against a locker in the boys changing room.

'Puck? What the fuck man?'

'I don't usually repeat myself but I get that you're new here. Stay away from Quinn.'

'Why?.' The blonde asked puzzled her

'You're not going on that date tonight.'

'Or what?'

'I'll get you kicked off there team and all you'll be is some gleek loser.'

And with that he walked away.

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