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The weekly sleepovers at the Puckerman house were the hardest. Quinn had gone careful with everything she did. It was a month after Tina's party, Quinn and Puck were in a routine of hiding the relationship. Although the boy hated every second of it and didn't want to his it anymore.

Quinn, Rachel and Mercedes were watching a movie and Puck kept texting her. She saved his number as an * because she didn't want Rachel to go through her phone and see their messages.

'Who are you texting?' Mercedes asked.

'My mom. She wanted to know if I was coming home. I told her no.' She lied. 'I'm gonna go get a glass of water. Do you want anything?'

'Nah.' Rachel said and looked but at the TV, she was clueless.

The blonde walked downstairs to the kitchen and was startled by someone grabbing her arm and pulling her into the corner and kissing her.

'Puck, Rachel might see you.'

'She will if you keep talking.' Quinn couldn't argue with his logic and reattached their lips. Before anything got to heated Quinn pulled away and got the items she was meant to get.

'Sneak into my room when their asleep?' Puck asked.

'Maybe.' Quinn replied and gave the boy a peck.

She went back into the room and saw the girls talking. 'You took your sweet time.'

'I was talking to Puck.'

Rachel scoffed. 'He didn't give you any grief did he?'

'No.' Quinn quickly said hoping that was the end of the conversation.


Rachel and Mercedes were fast asleep. She debated whether to go into Puck's room or not. She did. She creeped out of Rachel's room and opened Puck's door. He was sitting on his bed playing guitar.

'You came!'

She smiled and sat next to him on the bed. They ended up just watching a movie. For once they acted like a normal couple, she almost forgot about Rachel...Almost.

'I should go back into Rach's room.' She said laying on his chest.

'Do you have to?'

'Yes.' She said but really didn't want to. 'I meant to be her best friend not your girlfriend.'

'I wish we could just let people know.' He sighed.

'Me too. But-'

'But it would hurt Rachel.' He sighed. 'But right now you're my girlfriend.'

She hummed in amusement and kissed him. She would never get used to him calling her that.

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