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The day after the kissed in the janitors closet, both of them could get each other out of their heads. Quinn was laying in her bed thinking about what she was going to do about Puck. And on cue he called her.

'Look outside.' He said and hung up. The blonde opened her curtains opened her window. Puck was standing outside holding a sign that read 'COME DOWNSTAIRS.'

'Puck What is this?' Quinn asked as she went downstairs.

'I know you don't want to hurt Rachel but I can't stop thinking about you. The day after we hooked up, I went to the atm to get cash to buy you something and then ask you out.'

'You should have just asked.'

'Quinn. Will you be my girlfriend?'

The blonde nodded and kissed him. 'If we do this Rachel can't know.'

'I can roll with that.' Puck smiled and kissed her again.

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