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'What the-'

They'd been caught. Rachel knew. The two froze and looked at Rachel, her jaw was dropped and tears were pricking the corners of her eyes.

'Please tell me this is the first time that this has happened' The brunette said in a choked sobbed. 'Please tell me that you two haven't been sneaking around.'

'Rachel.' Quinn said releasing her hand from Pucks and taking a step toward the crying girl.

'I thought you were my best friend.'

'I am.' The blonde said letting a tear roll down her face.

'Are you proud of yourself Noah? Was my best friend just another one of your conquests?' She bit.

'No.' He said.

Rachel scoffed. 'Are you telling me that you two haven't slept together?'

'It's not like that, I love her.' Puck said standing beside Quinn and interlocking their fingers, the blonde looked up at the boy, he loved her?

'I'm done with you.' Rachel sobbed. 'Both of you.' And she ran out of the house.

'Rachel! Rachel Wait!' The blonde yelled running outside of the house but Rachel was gone. The blonde broke down in tears.

'Q I'm sor-' Puck said. His voice was low and calm, Quinn knew that he upset as well. Before Puck could finish Quinn wrapped her arms around him and cried in his arms.


The couple sat on the couch. Neither of them spoke they listened to the radio playing quietly in the background.

'Did you mean what you said esrlier?' Quinn asked breaking the silence.

'Said what?'

'You know what.'

Puck sat up straight and pulled Quinn close to him. 'Yes.' He said lowly. 'I love you Q.'

'I love you too.' She said and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

Rachel opened the door and avoided eye contact with the couple, ran upstairs and slammed her door shut.

'I should go.' The blonde said standing up.

'I'll drive you.'


Puck walked back into his house after taking Quinn home. His sister was in the kitchen studying, as soon as she saw her brother she began to pack up her things.

'Rachel can we talk?' She ignored him. 'Rae please.' She picked up her books and walked past him. 'You say that Quinn is your best friend but when she needs you most your not there. I get that your pissed about us, but we're not going to stop dating to please you Rae. It isn't fair.' The girl stopped dead in her tracks to listen to her brothers words. 'And your dating my best friend, but I don't care because your both happy together.'

'I can't do this.'

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