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The following week there will still no progress with Rachel. Quinn and Puck stood at her locker talking about prom

'I'm not going with you unless you ask.' Quinn teased.

Sam approached them.

'What do you want Sam?'

'I knew there was something going on between you two. That's why Puck blackmail me to not go on that date with you.'

Suddenly everything added up.

'Don't listen to him.'

'You told him not to go out with me!' She exclaimed.

Sams eyes widened. He thought she knew. 'I'm gonna go.'

'No you stay!' She said to the blonde boy. 'I need a witness.'


'I can't look at you right now. Don't follow me.' And she walked away.

'Nice going Evans.'


Puck got home from football practise and threw himself on the couch, he needed to make it up to Quinn.

'I heard you blackmailed Sam not to go on a date with Quinn, not cool dude.' Rachel said as she walked into the living and sat on the chair next to him.

'Don't. I know it was stupid but I was jealous and-' He trailed off once he realised who he talking to.

'How are you gonna win her back?'

'I'm trying to figure that out.' He said and put his head in his hand.

'You should go to her house. Bring her flowers and apologies for being such a dick. Something romantic, Quinn loves that kind of stuff.' Rachel said. Puck couldn't help but smile, this had got to be a step in the right direction. This was the first proper conversation the twins had in weeks.


Puck called the blonde when he was finished setting up his surorise in the backyard.

'Go away Puck.' She said.

'I was stupid. I know that I shouldn't have blackmailed Sam but I was jealous. You and me Q, were not just some high school couple, we are forever. Look outside.'

The blonde smiled at his words, she got off of her bed and looked out of her window. Her eyes light up when she saw Puck standing outside with flowers in one hand and a remote in the other. He pressed a button and lights came on that were laying on grass and they read 'PROM?'

It was single handedly the most romantic thing she had ever seen. She nodded her head and ran downstairs.

'You did all of this for me?'

'I screwed up Q.'

'Let's forget about it.' She said and held his hand.

'So what's your answer to my question?'


'Rachel helped me with this.'

'She did?' The blonde found that the smile on her face grew wider. If that was even possible.

'She gave me the idea.'

'Maybe she'll forgive us soon.'

'Hopefully.' He replied and placed a kiss on her forehead.

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