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It was Friday, three days since they're argument and they still hadn't said a word to each other. It's the longest they've went without speaking since he got back from juvie. Quinn and Rachel were sitting on the bleachers watching football practise. The blonde tried to stop lingering her eyes to Puck but it was useless.

'Isn't Finn so cute on the field?'

'Totally.' Quinn tried to sound enthusiastic but her voice was flat.

'What's wrong?'


'We don't lie to each other Q, you're my best friend talk.' Rachel demanded. Guilt rushed over her body. She had been lying to her for over 4 months.

'I just don't feel too great.' She lied.

'You're still staying over right?' Rachel asked. 'Quinn it's tradition.'

'Fine. But I just want to watch a sad movie and cry.'

'We can do that.' Rachel said and hugged her.

Quinn couldn't do it anymore. Seeing him made her get choke up and she didn't want to start crying. 'I'm gonna go to practise.'


Quinn knocked on the door of the Puckerman house and hoped that Puck wasn't home. He was and he opened the door. 'Rachel's out with Hudson, she said  she'll be back in ten.'

'Okay. I'll wait upstairs.' She said slowly and began to walk up the stairs.

'Q wait.' Puck said. She turned around and took a step towards him.

The blond took a deep breath and spoke. 'Look, I know you want everyone to know but I can't-'

'That's what I wanted to talk to you about.' Puck said lowly and closed the gap between them. 'If it means I get to be with you, I'll keep it a secret forever.'

'Seriously?' She said looking at his eyes.

He nodded and leant in to her, she quickly connected their lips realising how much she missed him. The two were so caught up in their reunion they didn't even hear the door open.

'What the-'

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