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Quinn tried to resist Puck, she did and she had been for the past year. It was during freshmen year when she realised her feelings for Puck. She never acted on them because of Rachel. The blonde knew Pucks reputation, he was a bad boy, a player and he was in juvie.

Quinn walked down the halls and felt someone drag her into the janitors closet. 'Puck I'm going to kill you.'

'Your hot when your angry.' He smirked. Quinn tried, she really did but she could help but attach their lips. He was like a drug that she craved. His hands roamed her body and he backed her against the wall. The bell rang and they jumped away from each other. 'This never happened.'

'You keep saying that Q, but It does happen and you want it to.'

'Puck.' She said lowly. 'Rachel is my best friend and she's your sister. If anything happened between us it will crush her.'

'Why put your happiness aside for the sake of hers?'

'This didn't happen.' She repeated and walked out of the closet.

Puck was going to do anything to get her to go out with him.

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