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It was now Saturday and Quinn's as sleeping over at Rachel's house again. They were planning to go to Mike Chang's party but Rachel didn't feel great and wanted to stay home, she insisted that Quinn should go but the blonde decided to stay with her best friend.

The two girls were watching re runs of full house and ordered pizza. At 10 pm there was a knock at Rachel's bedroom door. 'Come in.' Rachel yelled.

'Do you two need a ride to Chang's party?' It was Puck.

'We're not going.' Quinn replied.

'Losers.' Puck teased.

'Didn't that party start like an hour ago?' Rachel asked.

'No one shows up to a party on time. I'm out.'

'Please call one of us if you need a ride. Don't get into the car drunk and die.' Quinn said. She realised that it sounded weird but she didn't want him to get into an accident.

Puck smirked and nodded. 'Later losers.'


It was nearly two in the morning and Quinn was now watching saved by the bell and Rachel was fast asleep next to her. She was about to go to sleep when Rachel's phone started to ring. The blonde grabbed the phone and answered it. It was Puck.

'Rach, I need a ride.' He sounded wasted.

'It's Quinn but I'm coming to get you.'

'Okay.' He said and hung up. She quickly put her shoes on and got into her car which was parked out front of the Puckerman house. She was wearing sweatpants and a crop top with her hair down. If anyone saw her she'd be dead.

She drove to Mikes house which was a twenty minute drive. She saw Puck sitting on the patio swing, he looked fine, almost sober.

'You look hot.' He said slightly slurring his words.

She hummed in amusement of the drunk boy and opened the car door. 'Get in.'

He got in the car and put the seat belt on. 'Thanks for picking me up.'

'I didn't want you to die.'

'You care about me.' His voice was happy and sing-songy

'I didn't say that.' She teased.

'Whatever Fabray.' Puck said.

Once the arrived back at the Puckerman house. Quinn gave him a glass of water and they sat at the table.

'Do you hate me?' Puck asked. Quinn Was took back by the question.

'No.' She replied. 'That's Just What we do, we love to hate each other.' She smiled. 'Now sober up cause your mom is gonna kill you.'

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