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Quinn was preparing to leave for school the next day, she walked out of her house quickly saying goodbye to her mom when she saw Puck standing outside his truck.

'Why are you here?'

'I figured that people in a relationship ride to school together.' He explained. Quinn smiled at his gesture. He was sweet.

The two got into the car and started the drive to school. 'Do you think it was worth it?' She asked. 'You know, making Rachel hate us.'

'Rachel will get over it once she sees how happy we are.' Puck said and held her hand with one hand on the wheel.


It was just before Glee practise and Quinn knee that Rachel would be in the choir room to sort out the sheet music. The blonde needed to talk to the girl, the longest they went without speaking was an hour but now it's been over forty and it was killing her.

'Rae.' She said, her voice was low.

'I can't do this.'

'Do you think I chose this Rae? I didn't mean to fall in lo-'


'Rachel please, your my best friend-' Quinn said and held the diva's hand.

'Was. I was your best friend.' Rachel bit and turned on her heels and walked away. The bell rang and Quinn made her way to the back of the room. Puck soon joined her and put his arm around her.

'How'd it go?'

'She hates my guts.' Quinn sighed, Puck didn't say anything, he just pulled her closer, it oddly made her feel better.

Once everyone was in the room Rachel spoke. 'Mr Schue, I have an idea for this weeks assignment. Dirty cheaters and liars.'

Quinn and Puck both tensed. They were sitting at the back of the room with his arm around her and she was leaning into him.

Mr Schue stifled an awkward laugh. 'I don't think that's the best idea.'

'I've prepared a song.'

Rachel stood up and took to the floor. 'They know who this song is towards.'

So you found a place where the grass is greener
And you jumped the fence to the other side
Is it good?
Are they giving you a world I could never provide?
Well I hope you're proud of your big decision
Yeah, I hope it's all that you want and more
Now you're free from the agonizing life you were living before
And you say what you need to say
So that you get to walk away
It would kill you to have to stay trapped
When you've got something new
Well I'm sorry you had it rough
And I'm sorry I'm not enough
Thank God they rescued you
So you got what you always wanted
So you got your dream come true
Good for you
Good for you, you, you
Got a taste of a life so perfect
So you did what you had to do
Good for you
Good for you

'What did you do?' Kurt asked.

'She knows.' Puck and Quinn replied.

'She's taking it well.' Kurt said sarcastically.

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