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As soon as my dad and Veronica walked out of that door, I tried to run to my bedroom.

I was yanked back before I could though by Jason and Justin, each grabbing onto one of my arms. I tried to break free but they were so much stronger and bigger than I am. Zach, Cameron and Ryder stood in front of me, all with hateful expressions that made me almost pee my pants.

"Let me go." I twisted, trying to wiggle out of their reach.

I've never been more scared in my life. If they murder me, I am so going to haunt all five of them in the afterlife.

"I think we need to teach Alexa here a lesson, guys," Zach said, cracking his knuckles, causing my eyes to widen.

Cameron and Ryder both smirked.

The twins probably did too, but they're behind me, so I cannot see their facial expression.

Jason and Justin both threw me to the ground and my head hit the floor which hurt a lot.

Then, the beating started.

I covered myself as I was hit over and over; I refused to cry, even though I'm bruising. "Stop," I croak, while I silently ask myself why this was happening to me. What did I do to deserve this? Why do they hate me so much?

"You're pathetic," Cameron said.

"Ugly," Justin sneered.

"Fat," Ryder said.

"Worthless," came from Zach.

"Complete garbage," says Jason.

I don't remember much after being hit till I bleed. Maybe I passed out. I awoke to my blood in the middle of the living room; my stepbrothers were not around, thankfully. It was then that I started full on sobbing. I'm hurt, both physically and emotionally.

I want to die, which even with my bullying, I only ever wished for my death only once; after the car crash that changed my life.

But now, I don't want to hurt, just to get rid of this pain. I know suicide is cowardly, but I can't take much more of this. I'm not strong. I'm weak. And I need to die. Everyone would be much happier that way. I'm unhappy; I have been for a long time.

But before I kill myself, I want to see Andrew just one more time.

With my dad gone, he won't find out. Right?


I went through the front door quietly, my stepbrothers not knowing that I left, which was a good thing. I can't handle another beating. Maybe I should tell Veronica about her boys when she and my dad gets home... which is in a week.

No. I plan to kill myself before they get home. Maybe I should leave a note...or? I'll figure something out.

I arrived at the hospital in five minutes, since it was so close to my new house. It might've taken shorter if I didn't limp the whole way. In hindsight, I should've fixed myself up because I probably look as if I need to be treated.

Oh, well.

When I entered the hospital, a nurse rushed up to me. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" she questioned. "We need to have you checked in right away!"

I must look pretty terrible...

The nurse's name tag said Mandy West. A pretty name, I think.

"I'm fine," I say. "I'm actually just here to see someone."

Mandy looked confused. "You're fine? Honey, you are literally covered in bruises. You're not fine. What happened?"

My heart ached. Some random stranger cared more than the people that should care. "I'm okay. Really," I say. This is one of my biggest lies I ever tell. "Besides, it's not like I have any money. I just came to see my brother. His name is Andrew. Can you—-"

"You can see your brother after you're treated," Mandy tells me.

"I don't have any money!" I repeat.

"I don't care," Mandy said. "Now tell me, did someone hurt you?"

I stare at Mandy's worried face and felt myself burst into tears. This lady, who I don't even know, is showing me so much kindness. I'm not used to this one bit.

Instead of feeling uncomfortable by my sudden outburst, Mandy wrapped a caring arm around me. "It's okay, sweetie," she soothes. "Who was it?"

An actual adult was listening to me; I couldn't believe it.

I didn't know what to tell Mandy. Here I was, going to kill myself after I go see Andrew, but now I realize that there is still kindness in this world. Mandy cares for me, a kid she just met. This is kind of giving me second thoughts.

But should I tell Mandy about my bullying and abuse by everyone? Would she believe me?

I took a shaky breath, my tears falling down my face. "I-I...." I couldn't speak. All I could do was cry.

"Sweetie," Mandy said, waiting for me to say something. But I don't know if I can bring myself to tell her anything about my dad, my stepbrothers, my other bullies.

"I..." I opened my mouth to tell her, I really did. But I didn't get the chance.

"Alexa, what are you doing?" came a voice from behind me.

A voice that made my blood turned cold. I let go of Mandy and we both looked to see Zach with a furious look on his face. I gulped. He found me.

"Who may you be, sir?" Mandy questioned.

"Her stepbrother." He flicked a finger in my direction. Then, he put on a strain smile. "Alexa, I was so worried." Fucking stupid lying bully.

"Oh." Mandy pursed her lips. "By any chance did you give her those bruises?"

"Of course not," Zach lied. "Let's just say she's clumsy as fuck. Let's go, Alexa."

"Wait. Don't you want her to be treated for her injuries?" Mandy asked.

"She'll be fine," Zach said.

"Well, aren't you here to see your brother, too?" Mandy asked. "Andrew, was it?" She glanced at me and so I nodded, a little unsure. "What's his last name?"

"H-Hart," I muttered.

"My.... brother?" Zach questioned, perplexed. He sighed. "Okay. Where is he?"

"Room 101 - wait, sir!"

Zach grabbed my arm and pulled me along. "So, who is this Andrew Hart you actually came to see?" He stopped out of Room 101. "We'll leave if you don't tell me the truth."

"He's my twin brother," I answer. "Please. Let me see him."

Zach stared at me with a cold expression. "You were about to tell that nurse about those bruises, weren't you?"

My eyes widened. "N-no! I wasn't!"

"Don't lie to me, you fucking bitch," Zach seethed. "You tell anyone, it's only gonna get worse. So, Andrew's your brother, is he? What's wrong with him?"

"Coma..." I answered.

Zach scoffed. "You snuck out to see someone who might as well be dead?" he questioned. "I lied about being worried about you, but I'm gonna get my ass kicked by our parents if you end up missing."

My dad wouldn't care but of course I didn't say that. "Can I see him then?" I asked instead.

"You're in charge of dishes," Zach said. "We won't be mentioning him to the others, 'Kay? Now make it quick."

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