F O R T Y - S I X

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{For the sake of the story, the trial will not be the same as what actually happens, sorry... mainly cuz I don't know what happens in trials)


Today's the day.

I'm super nervous. What would the judge's verdict  be? I hope he or she gives Ryan custody over me. Even if my brothers are nice to me now, they were horrible to me at first — and Ryan has never been like that. Plus, I really want to get away from my toxic father.

"Oh, I don't know why you and your father are going through this," Veronica muttered sympathetically, as she pulled my hair into a ponytail. "But don't you worry, hon. You won't be forced to leave, I promise."

And here I am, hoping for the opposite.

"Thanks, Veronica," I simply said, hoping that shell still allow me to see my baby brother when he's born, even if I end up living with my uncle. She has a small baby bump right now.

"So do you know who wants to rage you away from your family?" Veronica asked. "And is there a reason for that?"

"I dunno," I lied.

"There, your hair is done," Veronica told me. "Would you like me to do your makeup?"

I shook my head. "No, thank you."

"Okay, hon."


Nervously, I stepped into the living room where my dad and step brothers were waiting for me, all wearing suits. Veronica would be staying here because she had a sudden case of morning sickness, but she had wished me luck before she puked on my dress, causing me to have to change into another one.

"About time," Dad grumbled. "Alexa, the boys will be vouching for... us, okay?"

I nodded in confirmation that I understood.


We waited for it to be our turn. I sat on a wooden bench, in between Ryder and Cameron. Elliot, Jackson and Michael said they would be here, but since they're not apart of our group, they were waiting somewhere else. I think they were waiting with Ryan, which made perfect sense.

Right now, the judge was seeing someone else, and I think I heard someone mention a boy being charged for his parents murder? The mere thought sickened me... but maybe his parents were like my dad... Or maybe he's just a psycho.

The doors to the courtroom opened and out came a boy no older than my age, being escorted. Is he the one who murdered his parents? I wondered with dread. As he passed me, to my horror he made eye contact with me, and I felt cold all over.

Cameron must have noticed and put a comforting arm around me, just as the boy left. Something about him unsettled me, made me feel quite uneasy.

"The judge will see you now," someone said, and the seven of us walked in.

Dad took one side of the room, while Zach, Cameron, Justin, Jason and Ryder sat down on the bench. I took note of the judge that was sitting in his spot, but something about him struck a familiar cord with me. Had I seen him before? I can't recall exactly, but a few minutes later, Ryan, Michael, Elliot and Jackson entered and took their rightful spots.

The judge — Judge Lenard, even his name sounded familiar — began talking and then everyone did the pledges, about not lying and bla, bla, bla, bla. I'm sure you don't want to listen to that.

Ryan went first.

"Well, it was brought to my attention that Alexa isn't in the best living environment," he said. "Her father abuses her, and treats her wrongly. So, I as her loving uncle, would like to adopt her and treat her life she deserves." And with that, Ryan sits down.

"Wait, he's your uncle?" Ryder whispers in my ear.

"Did I forget to mention that?" I asked.

"Yes!" my step brothers all exclaimed.

"Oh, whoops."

"Wait, is it true then?" Cameron asked. "Does Bob abuse you?"

The moment of true.

I gave a slight, almost unnoticeable nod, but with the way my step brothers sucked in their breaths, I knew they saw it.

The judge nodded and told his defendants — or whatever they're called — to go.

Elliot: "Yes, I think she should leave with her uncle. He's far more trusting and reliable, not to mention nicer. And he knows what'll happen if he treats her like her dad did." He wore a creepy smile, but I felt far from creeped out.

"Yes, thank you, Elliot," Ryan grumbled.

Jackson: "I thought that Mr. Ryan Haynes was a pedophile at first, but he was just a caring uncle. He's more family than Alexa's father could ever be."

"Too much information," Ryan hissed.

Michael: "Yeah, I agree with everything those two said."

"Not enough information," Ryan muttered.

Judge Lenard nodded, and turned to us. "Okay, Mr. Hart, your up."

"They're making all of that up," Dad said, putting on the waterworks. "I would never put a hand on my daughter. I love her too much. She's her uncle, of course he would try to take her away from me!"

Judge Lenard then told my stepbrothers to go, and what they said shocked me.

Zach: "Well... Er, I know that we are supposed to be defending our step dad, and I don't really know this other guy, but I do know Alexa, and if she says that he's abusing her, then I believe her... and even though I don't want her to leave, maybe it would be for the best."

Cameron: "I agree with everything my brother had said, including the part where I would want her to stay with us, but she should probably go live with her uncle."

Justin: "Yes, Alexa wouldn't lie. There's a reason why she isn't speaking, I realize... and it's because her dad is forcing her to keep quiet, so now it's clear on why."

Jason: "My twin made a good point. Her dad is toxic, and Alexa deserves better."

Ryder: "I admit, we didn't treat her the best to begin with... and her dad is still awful to her. But her uncle treated her with nothing but kindness... so I think it's clear who the better guardian is."

Even though my dad should have been fuming with rage, he remained calm... and almost smug?! What the hell..

Judge Lenard nodded. "Yes, I think so too. I hereby declare that Alexa Hart is to remain in the care of Bob Hart."

"WHAT?" everyone exclaimed, but the judge wouldn't budge.

How did we lose?

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