T W E N T Y - N I N E

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I wasn't sure how to feel.

For the rest of the week, things were.... odd. Well, okay, not that odd, but the fact that I had people that didn't hate me was a weird feeling. My... friends were still my friends — who knew that'll last this long? Jason and Justin have been all right to me, and as for Cameron, he's way too friendly.

Cameron allowed me to hang around him, outside of my room, unless if I left to go be with my friends. I was able to sit next to the twins, too, but that consisted of either awkward silence or weather talk, that went like this:

Justin: So I see the sky's blue

Me: Yep...

Jason: Yeah, lovely weather, huh?

Me: Totally....

That was just as awkward as silence — actually more so, probably, but it beats before.

I steered clear of my dad, except when he was with Veronica. Basically, I made sure not to be alone with him. Or Ryder and Zach, as well.

Then, Friday arrived.

I was excited. I'll be able to hang out with my friends, without my... messed up family for the entire weekend.

But of course life hated me, so guess where I won't be going? Over to Jackson's or the others. Because my dad said I couldn't go. I mean, I was meaning to go without asking him, and then he said I couldn't leave the house.

Oh, well. I tried to think positively. I still had Veronica, Cameron and the twins. What could possibly happen?


Cameron was going over to a friend's, the twins going to a late movie, and Veronica went over to her mother's house, because she needed help — as if I didn't?!

I shouldn't have to tell you how bad this is, to only be in a house where everyone currently in it despises me. My dad. Zach. Ryder. I'm so screwed. The moment they were all gone, I dashed to my room, but what good would that do? I don't have a lock.

Right now, it's eight o'clock in the evening. My heart was pounding, my eyes darting nervously. No one has bothered me yet, and I'm probably being paranoid....

Or not... I thought with dread as the doorknob creeped open. I could only feel dread, wishing I could just drop dead at this very moment. I wished to be anywhere but here.

Ryder entered, wearing a smirk on his face. I braced myself. I stood up from my bed, my legs shaking in fear. Oh goodness, I am so probably gonna die now...

"Hey..." I said timidly. I'm all alone. Vulnerable. In a house where no one cares about me. Not even a little bit.

"Hi," Ryder said, almost as if humoring me. But then he says, "Looks like you finally don't have anyone to protect you, huh?" He cracked his knuckles. "I think I figured it out. Your dad doesn't care about you whatsoever, does he?"


Damn it.

The abuse from Dad has gone down, since I try to Avoid him and he has Veronica now, but I suppose it was still obvious how little my dad cared. Still didn't think Ryder was smart enough to realize, though.

Ryder took a step forward. I took a step back.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" I asked, almost in a whisper.

"No," Ryder answered, leaping forward and grabbing my hair, leaving me to struggle. "You are nothing but a nuisance."

Do not say something smart. Don't you dare. At least value your life a little. Don't comment on his vocabulary. Don't. Don't. Don't.

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