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I shouldn't have come back here. I should have just ran away and not look back. I should have gotten away when I had the chance. Maybe I should have told Michael about my constant abuse. Why did I have to be a dumbass?

All of these should'ves thoughts went through my mind one after the other, as I stared, wide eyed, at my step brothers malicious glaring. I wish, more than anything, that I stayed with Michael, but I also had the feeling like that would've only made things worse. Fuck my life.

The only step brother that wasn't here was Cameron. He was still working, but somehow I don't feel safe from his wrath. When he gets home... ugh.

"H-Hey, guys," I said awkwardly, desperately wishing to be anywhere else but here. Wishing that I had a better life, that I had better family. But this is what I have. I wasn't good enough for the good stuff it would seem.

Zach stepped forward. "So, you're suspended?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow, his eyes narrowed. The way he said that scared me deeply. I wanted to bolt out of there, just escape while I still can. But they are all faster than me. There's no doubt in my mind that they would catch me and torture me a hell of a lot worse than they would have if I just accept it.

The odds aren't in my favor it would appear. My odds would be better in the Hunger Games, I thought drily.

I nodded. "Yeah," was all I said.

Maybe I shouldn't have left detention. I should've said no to Michael, continue to be a goody two shoes. Even if it meant losing those popular guys as my friends. No. I kinda sorta like having friends, don't I? It's true. I've never had friends before. It felt nice.

Zach looked back at Jason, Justin and Ryder. They all terrified me. The twins had sadistic grins. Ryder had a scowl. All scary. "Wanna teach our sister a lesson?" he asked. I really don't like how he said sister; with complete venom.

Justin smirked. "Of course we do," he says. Oh god. What lesson do I need now? I shrunk back, shaking. I'm terrified. Is it natural to feel afraid on your own home? Because to me, nothing is more normal.


Ryder simply glared at me, not saying anything. Just... glaring. I avoided looking at his piercing eyes for very long that would have probably ended up giving me nightmares anyway.

Ryder stepped forward and he finally said, "I'll take the first hit."

I didn't have any time to comprehend as my face was struck by Ryder. I fell to the floor, my face hurting.

"W-Why?" I asked, desperate for answers. Why do they hate me so much? Why are they doing this to me? I feel like I'm getting a bit repetitive but I don't care. I just want this to stop.

"Because we hate you," Zach sneered. The twins nodded in agreement. Ryder pulled me up by my hair.

"Who's next?" Ryder asked.

"Me!" the twins said together and then scowled at one another. "I said me!" they, once again, said at the same time.

Just then, Zach's phone beeped. He checked the text. He stared up, frantic. "Ryder, put the girl down. Justin, Jason, you'll have your turn later. Allison is coming over to meet... her." He glared at me with something of disgust.

"What?" Jason asked.

"Why?" Justin questioned

Ryder threw me to the floor and scowled at Zach. "How the hell does Allison - whoever the fuck she is is - know about Alexa? Didn't we agree to keep her a secret? Zach, it was your idea."

"Allison is my classmate," Zach said. "She thought protective older brothers were cute. Especially toward their sisters so I may have..." He gestured to me... "told her about our stepsister. Sorry."

Cue three sets of groans from the other three.

"So we can't harm her so Allison won't know?" Justin asked. "We have to pretend to like her?"

Zach shrugged. "Pretty much," he said and then looked at me. "Go get presentable or something..."

"Um..." I wasn't sure what to say.

"GO!" all four of them yelled at once and I took off running to my bedroom, not needing to be told again. Thank you, Allison, even though I don't know you.


Now it looks like I wasn't beaten up, I thought, staring at my reflection in the mirror. Of course, it's not perfect but it'd have to do. I heard the doorbell ring and it gave me deja vu. This reminds me of how I met Veronica. And now I'm about to meet Allison.

I went downstairs to see a beautiful blond. She wore a smile and she seemed to about seventeen or eighteen, like Zach. I slowly walked in and Allison's eyes met mine.

"You must be Alexa," Allison marveled. "I guess Zach wasn't lying about having a new stepsister. Hi, I'm Allison but friends can call me Ally." She winked, as if I was included as her friend.

Zach scowled at me from just behind Alison but when she turned around, Zach's scowl turned into a smile. A strained one but Allison bought it.

The twins and Ryder didn't seem to be here anymore. I guess that makes sense. They weren't the ones that wanted to impress Allison.

"Alexa, sister," Zach said. "Are you tired? I wouldn't want you to collapse from exhaustion, my loving little sister."

"What—-?" I questioned.

"Aw,"'Allison cooed. "That's so sweet of you, Zach. Being so concerned for your little sister. That's so cute."

"What—-?" I repeated.

"Just me being protective," Zach said with a shrug. "No biggie."

"So charming," Allison said with a wink.

"Yeah.... I'm gonna go to bed now..." I chuckled awkwardly —- more like nervously —- and then left.

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