T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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Jackson stood there, eagerly awaiting, the moment that I stepped back into his house. He may have been able to see us, but there's no way he could hear us.

"So what happened?" Jackson questioned. "Did you sass them? I bet you got them good, huh?"

"That was a very... Michael thing if you to say." I smirked teasingly, crossing my arms over my chest

Jackson wrinkled his nose, but the tips of his ears were a light pink, and I knew that the comparison embarrassed him slightly. "Don't ever say that again or I'll tickle you to death," he 'threatened' me, which was different than the threats that I was used to. Normally when I'm threatened, it involved blackmail or being left with bruises. But this was different and lighthearted, and just way more of a friendly threat that doesn't do any harm. The worse I'll do is be tickled and a giggly mess because of it.

Once again, it was a nice change. I smiled, staring at him with my blue eyes, loving that we were friends, and so close to each other. I never imagined having even one friend, much less three who are like more of family than my actual one.

"Are you sure you're not Michael?" I teased Jackson once again, my smile widening at the huff that escaped his lips.

Jackson sent me a small glare, not the scary ones that I'm more used to from my bullies, stepbrothers and das, so I just cheekily looked at him, knowing that he wasn't seriously getting mad at me, and was even a little amused by me.


Fuck. I know what I just realized will ruin our little bonding. But I know that I have to inform Jackson about what I agreed to with Cameron, Justin and Jason.

"Oh, by the way, I agreed to go home on Monday!" I said, the smile previously on my face faltering for a split second, but then appearing back on my face, more fakely and forcefully. I've mastered the art of the fake smile though, so I don't think Jackson noticed that the smile on my face was no longer a real one, thankfully.

But Jackson merely frowned, not pleased with what I had just told him. "What? Why?" Jackson was quick to say. "Are they forcing you, or—"

"It's my choice," I cut him off, nonchalantly shrugging. On the inside, however, I felt like screaming my lungs off. "Um, so what now?"

"I called Elliot and Michael," he said, his face still in a tight frown. "We're going out for pizza, let's go."

"Awesome." I grinned. "Pizza's my favorite."

Jackson ruffled my hair, and I followed him out the door.


I sat next to Michael at the pizza parlor with two slices of pepperoni pizza and a breadstick on my plate , shooting Jackson venomous glares as he recounted what just what down between bites of his meats lover pizza.

"Alexa!" Michael practically scolded, like a mother hen — if hens could talk. "Why are you going back there? Do you have brain damage?" He proceeded to knock on my forehead.

I turned my glare on Michael, and whacked his hand away. "It's fine," I said. "Cameron likes me and I think the twins tolerate me now. My stepmom's nice. It's really just my dad and two stepbrothers that are still, um, assholes. Plus, I kinda am going to have a little brother soon, and I wanna sorta be there, so..."

Elliot sighed and dug something out of his bag, but not putting it into view yet."Alexa, you have to accept this, no complaints," he said. "If you ever find yourself in a bind, just..."

He held up a phone, causing my mouth to go agape.

"...give us a call," Elliot added. "Or a text. Personally, I prefer the texting method, ya know? I all ready our numbers into the phone. For now, I think this should be out little secret, Kay? Alexa... why do you look like a puffer fish?"

I frowned. "I can't accept this, it's too—-"

"Yes, you can," Elliot said. "I'm rich."

"Wait, you are—"

"Alexa, keep up," Jackson said.

"Here." Elliot handed it to me. "I won't take no for an answer."

"Thank you." I smiled, holding the phone gently. "It means a lot, Elliot."

If I didn't know any better, I would have said I could see a faint smile appear on his face.

"Hey, he may have gotten you a phone, but I gave you my pizza," Michael claimed.

I looked at him puzzled. "Um, no you didn't.... you literally took a bite of my own pizza — just now — and gave it back to me."

"No, I didn't," Michael lied.

"Yes, you did."

"Had to make sure it wasn't poisoned, of course," Michael said.

"Damn, too bad it wasn't." Jackson muttered.

I smirked while Michael looked offended and Elliot looked indifferent, as he ate his plain cheese pizza. I'm only my happiness when I'm with these idiots and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I walked along side the guys, listening to Jackson's and Michael's playful banter. I felt almost whole. All I need now is for Andrew to recover and life would be as great as it can be for me.

"What's on your mind?" Elliot asked me.

I looked at him, startled. "Why do you ask?"

"You have a stupid look on your face," Elliot replied bluntly.

"Well, don't you know how to talk to a girl." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"With honesty? Yes. I agree."

"What are you guys talking about?" Michael questioned.

"None of your business," Elliot and I responded together, and then looked at each other. Michael held his hands up in surrender.

"That was freaky," Jackson commented, Michael nodding in agreement.

"Way freaky," I muttered. "So what are we gonna do now?"

"Oh, let's take pictures!" Michael suggested. "For memories."

And so we did.

I think I'm starting to enjoy life again. I just hope this feeling will last.

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