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I didn't want to be home when Ryder gets told off by his mother for getting suspended. No doubt he'll take his anger out on me. I used Michael's phone to call Veronica and explain that I'm going to hang out with my friends for a project and that I'll invite them over tomorrow. But the truth is that I'm going to see my brother Andrew again.

When I walked in the hospital, Mandy West, the kind nurse from before, was behind the desk. She glanced up from her computer to see me. This time, I was unscathed... at least that's what it looks like. I'm always injured one way or another.

"It's you," she realized. "Here to see your brother again?"

I nodded.

"Sign In. Same room."

After signing in, I walked all the way to Andrew's room. There he lied, like always, unconscious. I walked to his bedside.

"Hey, I'm back," I said. "Won't you wake up, Andy? I have so much to tell you. Elliot, Jackson, Michael and I are getting along swell. Wake up, and you can join in on the fun. Oh... and we're going to have a new brother soon. Don't you want to be awake for his birth?"

No response, like usual. But I didn't expect one. As for my new brother, I'm unsure on how I feel about him. In a way, isn't it the same as replacing Andrew? I don't really want another brother, I have to many if those enough as it is. I just want Andrew back.

I heard footsteps so I whirled around, expecting for it to be a nurse. My eyes widened when I saw that it wasn't.

Mr. Haynes was here...

"What—-?" I started.

"Miss. Hart, what are you doing here?" Mr. Haynes questioned, perplexed.

"I should be asking you that!"

Mr. Haynes sighed. "That kid your brother?" he said. I warily nodded. "I had my suspicions. I see that I was right."

"What do you mean?" I asked, not putting my guard down.

"Your mom... Alice.. do you know what her maiden know was?" Mr. Haynes asked.

"I-I never got around..."

"It was Haynes," he interrupted. "Alexa, I am your uncle."

My breathing caught in my throat. I never knew I had an uncle. My dad was a only child and my mom hardly talked about her childhood. There is no way that's true. Why is he just revealing himself now? I've been suffering for so long, without love. Now my supposed uncle suddenly makes an appearance? Where was he when my mom dad? Where was he when my dad was abusing me?

"You're not my uncle," I said. "There's no way."

"But I am," Mr. Haynes said. "I'm telling the truth. I saw both you and Andrew as babies before your mother disappeared off of the face of the earth without a trace. Then, years later, she died but I only just found out about her... about Andrew... about you... What was going on...."

Why is he acting so calm? As if this is a normal occurrence for him?

"So, Alexa, how have you been these past twelve years?" Mr. Haynes asked. "You've grown."

"I've been.. Okay." Terrible, actually. "Listen, Mr. Haynes, I think I need time to process this. I had no idea about having an uncle... I-I just, don't know what to do!" I fear I've already let to many people in. Elliot... Michael... Jackson... Veronica, she's nice to me. I don't need someone else. Plus, how do I know this teacher is being completely honest? I don't.

Mr. Haynes sighed. "I understand. I'm free to talk... maybe answer some questions you may have... during my breaks."

I nodded and then looked at Andrew. "Bye, Andy." With one last look at Mr. Haynes, I hurried out of the room.

What the hell just happened?


"Thanks, Veronica," I say, putting a forkful of baked ziti —- my favorite pasta —- into my mouth,  ignoring the uneasy feeling that creeps up when I eat dinner.

"You're welcome." Veronica smiled.

I ignored the glare that Ryder's been giving me all evening. It's not my fault that he got suspended by the school and grounded by his mother but he seems to think that it is. My other stepbrothers were too busy eating their food, which is the only reason why they're not glaring at me, too. My dad, thankfully, was at work so I didn't have to put up with him at the moment.

After I finished, I rushed up to my bedroom. I made sure to finish before my stepbrothers finished their food. Now, I have alone time to think. Mainly about the fact that Mr. Haynes is my uncle. But the thing is, should I believe him?

Mr. Haynes showed up out of no where, teaching at my school. Doesn't that seem a bit odd? Then, he shows up in Andrew's hospital room. That was weird, too. And then he drops the whole being my uncle relation on me.

I want to believe that I still have family out there that is still around and does not hate me. Besides Veronica, I mean. I have no idea about her. Haynes, though, is apparently my uncle and I don't know what to do... I don't even know his first name. Maybe I should've asked.

"Bye, kids!" I heard Veronica's voice say. "I have an appointment at the doctor's!" When she closed the door behind her, from what I heard, I bit my lip. I'm home alone with my stepbrothers. Fucking fantastic.

To my surprise, no one came into my bedroom and bothered me. If my ears were properly working, I'm pretty sure they, too, left, soon after Veronica did. Except Cameron, for whatever reason.

I need to go to the restroom, which is downstairs. Cameron is probably in his bedroom, so I creeped downstairs. I was not prepared for the noises that came from the living room. Moaning, I think.

I inched closer.... maybe it's just the TV.

Yeah.... it wasn't....

It was Cameron... and a guy... shirtless... on top of each other. It wasn't gross because they were both guys, it was gross because they were doing this in front of my poor eyes in the living room.

Cameron sat up when I came down. The other guy did too. They stared at me. I stared back too.

Cameron turned to the guy. "Listen, Brody, some other time, maybe?"

"Yeah... okay." Then he left.

Cameron glared at me. "You won't tell anyone about that, got it, Alexa?"

"But being gay is okay," I said. "But while we're on the topic of what's okay, beating up a child is not."

Cameron winced. "So... you think being gay is... okay?"

I nodded. Then flinched. "When are you going to hit me?"

"I won't," Cameron said, walking away.

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