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I try not to be annoyed as the trio trails behind me. I stop in front of the girl's bathroom and give them a pointed look. "Do you mind?" I didn't think they would be so clingy, even Elliot, oddly enough.

"Yeah, sure," Elliot said in a bored tone, playing on his phone. Or texting on his phone. I don't know, nor do I care.

"We'll wait here." Michael grinned.

"Take your time," Jackson added.

"You guys can go on now," I tell them. "You do know you don't need to follow me around like lost puppies, right?"

I covered my mouth as soon as the words had left my mouth. I stared at the boys in front of me, my eyes wide. I shouldn't have been sarcastic with them. They'll hurt me. To teach me a lesson.

Jackson furrowed his eyebrows. Michael looked confused. And Elliot wasn't paying attention; he was still on his phone. They made no sudden movements.

Well, until Michael came forward, causing me to flinch. But all he did was put his right arm around my shoulders. "Why so jumpy, girly?" He sported a good natured grin, which confused me a bit. He wasn't mad?

I shrugged. "I-I don't know," I answer. "But you really don't have to follow me around."

Elliot glanced up. "We don't?" he questions and then shrugs. "Well bye then." He walks away, still on his phone, leaving Michael, Jackson, and me to stare at his retreating figure.

"I need to go to," Jackson chuckled. "Need to talk to Coach about something. See you later, Alexa." Then he was gone too.

I looked at Michael, who still had his arm on my shoulder. "Do you mind?" It was clear none of them had any intention to hurt me. Least of all Michael. But I'm still unsure.

Michael puts his arm down. "Okay. See ya in math. He pats my head and then walks away. Right. We have math, next period, together. But that didn't mean we had to walk there together, so we're good.

I crossed my arms, deep in thought. That was beyond weird. They weren't offended when I said a sarcastic remark. They didn't hit me. But why didn't they? I'm so confused....


I stepped into the bathroom, relieved that no one else was in here. I quickly did my business, washed my hands, and then stepped out. Unfortunately, Blake and his friend, Ethan, were waiting for me.

I sighed, kind of wishing I just let the boys stay outside of the restroom. "I have two minutes until class starts," I said. "Can you bother me some other time, please?" Sometimes I get random courage moments. One of these days, it's going to get me killed.

Blake scowled and exchanges looks with Ethan. Maybe this is the day I die? Nah...

Ethan grinned, crossing his arms. Even when he was grinning, he looked terrifying. He hasn't messed with me in awhile, which I was thankful for. But now he's back at it. Unfortunately.

The three of us stared at each other, unblinking. I tried not to be timid - you'd think I'd be used to this - but I can't just not show fear. It's hard. 

Blake stepped forward. "Too bad little Lexi doesn't have her body guards with her," he says. "Right, Ethan?"

"Right, Blake," Ethan said.

The bell ring. "Um, we're late, so—-" I tried to sidestep but Ethan grabbed my hair. He had a malicious smirk on his face. If I didn't just use the restroom, I probably would have peed my pants right then and there.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ethan questions.

"C-class?" I cursed myself for stuttering. Why can't I just be brave and sure of myself? Why do I have to be a withering coward? Why do I have to be me, as in Alexa, instead of anyone else? Why do I have so many questions? Why can't I not have questions?

"You're fucking annoying." Blake rolled his eyes.

Ethan still had a hold of my hair; it hurts like hell, but I try not to cry. Except a tear leaked out, so that completely failed.

"Aw, you crying?" smirked Blake.

"Aw, you have eyes?" I said before I could stop myself.

Well looks like I'm about to fucking die, am I? That much was clear when Blake gave me a look of absolute scorn. Ethan, though, let out a good natured laugh, letting go of my hair. I look at him in confusion.

"What?" Ethan said, still chuckling. "You may be a loser but that was savage as hell."

"Ethan!" Blake growled, glaring at him. Ethan merely grinned at him. Blake rolled his eyes and faces me. "Listen, Lexi—-"

"I would appreciate if you wouldn't call me that anymore." Oh. My gosh. What the fuck is wrong with me? Do I want to die?

Well yes, but no...

Ethan, once again, laughed. I, once again, looked at him in confusion. Blake, once again, glared at Ethan. This seems to be some kind of cycle.

"Oi!" came a familiar voice.

Michael's voice.

He marched over here, for once he wasn't smiling. He grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Blake and Ethan - which was probably a good thing, seeing as Blake was about ready to end me.

"Your girlfriend got quite the mouth on her," Blake says. "All of a sudden...."

My face went red.

"But she's funny now," Ethan says. "In a dork kind of way, of course."

Michael narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. Let's go, Alexa."

"Um... okay," I say.

"Blake, are you just going to allow that?" Ethan asked with a smirk. Blake didn't answer.

Michael dragged me to class, which I was late for. Well, we were late, I should say. Ms. Kiz wasn't happy. "Michael! Alexa! Detention after school, the both of you!"

My eyes widened. This is my first ever time getting detention. "Whatever, Miss," Michael said with a roll of his eyes. "Come on, Alexa."

"But... but... Ms Kiz—-" I stuttered.

I can't have detention. I just can't. What will my dad say? Well, he's out of town, but I don't want him to have to hit me when he comes back. Maybe there's a chance he won't find out?

"Sit down or I'll triple your detention!" Ms. Kiz demanded.

I didn't have to be told twice.

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