Sougo x Kamui

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Requested by Srilakshmilyer (thanks for reading and requesting UwU)

Sougo: What the fu-

Kagura: Nonono! It's supposed to be PG!

Sougo: Nononono, PG-13!

Shinpachi: It's not R?!

Gintoki: We've been through this before.....

Shinpachi: We have? I can't even remember... This is seriously doing something to my brain..

Tae: Nah. You were just born like this...

Shinpachi: SIS!!!

Hijikata: Normally, I would bully Sougo about this but... It's so stupid that the stupid author couldn't even find a stupid picture!

Kyubei: Wow. Try finding a better way to say that.

Hijikata: Well, I still got my point out!

Kyubei:  Well- 

Tsukuyo: Shut up it's getting annoying

Matako:  Yeah, and so are the ships.

Bansai: The author is definitely running out of ideas. When will this stupid thing end?!

Nobume: Who knows. But the readers sure are eating this up. It's already at 4k reads! 

Literally everyone else: 4K READS?!!!!

Sa-chan: *blinks innocently* Author, I request a 4K New Years Special! With Gin-san and I!

Gintoki: NO! Anything but that!

Kondou: I request it with Otae-san and I! Wouldn't that be great?

Tae and Kyubei: NO!

Kagura: How about endless food?! Let's eat!

Shinpachi: No.. we already had a chapter dedicated on food. Plus, YOU always get the food in the end!

Kagura: NO! You guys always eat more!

Katsura: THE HOTPOT!!!

Shinpachi: THE CRAB!!!

Sakamoto: Yeah! AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!! I have no idea what they're talking about but I love the action! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Mustu: That's such an idiot thing to say.

Kagura: Fine... But I'm growing! I need the food!

Shinpachi: Kagura... I'm a year older than you...?   

Elizabeth: You childs.

Katsura: Elizabeth! Watch your grammer!

Takasugi: Actually, grammar is spelled with an A! 

Katstura: GODDAMMIT  *goes to the bathroom*

Hijikata: Sometimes I wonder how this idiot managed to not get arrested this whole time. 

Sougo: Sometimes I wonder why YOU'RE NOT DEAD! *attemps to strangle Hijikata*

Hijikata: YAMAZAKI!!!! HELP ME!!!!

Yamazaki: Vice-Chief! *plays tug of war with Sougo on Hijikata's body*

Hijikata: YAMAZAKI!!!! AUGHHHHH!!!!!

Kondou: Hold on! *comes to help*

Gintoki: Is this what they do everyday? 

Tae: Wow. How entertaining.

Sakamoto: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! When can I sign up?!

Mutsu: Don't. 

Kyubei: So... I'm guessing this ship's a no.

Sougo: Yes! I mean... NO! I mean... yes?.. crap... the double negative...

Kamui: Should've listened to your elementary school teacher!

Gintoki: Haha! Stupid! Ha! Who am I kidding, I still don't know which "there" to use!

Kagura: You shouldn't be talking, Gin-chan! You still use your fingers to count!

Gintoki: YOU DON'T EVEN GO TO SCHOOL! Damn, she saw through my disguise!

Kyubei: Are you okay?... You've been thinking uh... out loud this whole time.

Gintoki: Oh, frick. I've been thinking out loud?  I think I'll run myself over later...

Hijikata: Actually, I'd be glad to run you over right now!

Gintoki: HuH? wHaT? WhAt dO yOu MeAn? I wAsN't DoInG aNyThInG! hAhAhAhA! nOoOoOoO! nOtHiNg!

Matako: Someone take this person to the hospital.

Sa-chan: I WILL!!!! *grabs him and jumps out the window*

Bansai: Well, that was interesting.

Kagura: So, are we gonna have our New Years Special or what?

I dunno. Are we? 

Kagura: *sighs* CAN we?

I dunno.

Kagura: What is wrong with you?!

Fine, I'll do something cool.. I guess.... Thanks for 4k reads!.. kay bye.

Everyone: Hold on a seco-

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