Chapter 27 Causes

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"He obviously needs to take a time out and break and serious discipline wouldn't hurt him."

"Isn't that what this suspension is for?"

"Partially, but he obviously needs to learn more than just two weeks worth of missing school. I could recommend him
for community service or-"

"That won't be necessary, I've got just the idea."

"Are you sure Mr. Mendes, I would be more than happy-"

"I'm sure you would but we are just fine."

"Hun please.."

"No no, I've got this all under control. Thank you for your time but we should be going now."

"Alright, if you're sure."


A hand tightened on my wrist lifting me up from the chair and nudging me towards the door.

Our shoes echoed through the halls as we stepped out of the school and into the India summer humidity.

"What were you thinking?" His voice boomed.

I couldn't form words.


"I-I-I'm not sure."

"The right answer is that your weren't thinking."

"I wasn't thinking, there."

"Don't even think of taking lip with me right now."

The footsteps stopped on the pavement.

I spun around.

"It wasn't me okay! I did not put the knife in his locker I did not spray paint the school I did not get high in the change room and I did not bust the lock on the cash box!"

"Who was it then?"

Can't tell you.

I felt the sting in my right cheek again as I stumbled backwards and tripped over myself.

"Stop it!" Mom cried as she held his arm back and I touched my hand to my cheek.

I looked over my shoulders and saw a class all looking out the window at the scene that was my family.

"He knows who did it, he did he just won't admit it!"

"We don't know that for sure-"

"Yes! We do! Because our kid is being a moron and can't get his act together!"

"Don't say that."

I kept looking at the kids watching from the window. A teacher came and saw what was happening and immediately drew the blinds shut. That's all that anyone ever does around here: Shut the blinds on what's real.

"Get in the car!"

He demanded as he slid into the drivers seat and slammed the door. Mom reached for my hand as I watched her start crying but I didn't take it.

"I'm fine, you're the one who needs help for staying with a guy like this."

I pushed myself up and sank into the back. I watched her through the window as she covered her mouth to stifle a sob, as she made her way around the the passenger seat.

The car started and we rolled away from the building.

"You're going to Toronto for the summer."

"What?! No I'm not leaving Aaliyah here, you can't do that!"

"Please," mom cried, "We can talk about this-"

"No. I'm done talking about it. We only talk and never do anything. Well guess what now I am okay?"


"Shut up!" He yelled again and I but my lip to try and stop the quivering.

He couldn't do this. I had a life here and family there. I wasn't leaving Aaliyah with him for the summer but I wasn't going either.

My cheek was pink where he had struck me and I held it the whole way home.

We pulled in slowly and moms breathing was back to normal, he got out and slammed the door storming from the van to his truck. He got in a sped away. He always did that when things got messed up here. He didn't know how to deal with it.

The car was quiet for a moment.

"He doesn't mean that..all that he said back there."

"Yes he does." I swung open the door and got out.

"Shawn!" She cried following me out. "Where are you going?"

"For a run."

"Please just stay we can talk about it."

"He's done talking," I picked up a steady jog. "We don't have a choice."

"Shawn!" I heard her crying from behind me but I didn't turn around I just kept running.

All the way to the bridge.

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