Chapter 32 Calls

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It was about three now and I had been struggling to fall asleep for the past two hours, and I knew this was my minds way of telling me to give into the unsurpassable urge to call him. Just to see if he had gotten home okay.

I rolled over and pulled my phone off the bed stand. Sitting up as i dialled I took a deep breath.

He had gotten beaten up because of me. It was my fault that he was aching and more than likely regretting tonight.

I didn't know what our whole relationship meant but I knew it wasn't something normal. We had been "together" all of two days", and yet we had gone out kissed a billion times and knew mor about each other than any of our older friends.

It made no sense but it felt right.

To me at least.

I stopped dialling.

Shawn seemed so distant at times it was like he was in an entirely different world, with someone else living a different life.

He talked about Toronto a bit, did something or someone happen there?

That didn't matter right now, what mattered was the fact that he was in pain.

I called him and his phone rang several times before he picked up.


"Hi, Shawn it's me, I just wanted to see..."

"Did you get home okay," I heard his voice crack. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, Shawn I'm okay, I was actually calling to see if you were?"

There was a pause and I heard him sigh.

"Yeah, no yeah I'm fine. I cleaned up the cuts it's all good."

"Are you sure, I'm really sorry Shawn I didn't mean to cause this..."

"Hey it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. It's not anyone's fault but his."

"Why did he have to do that, he doesn't even like me."

"It's not because he likes you that he did that, it's because he doesn't like me being happy."


"I honestly couldn't tell you."




"On Monday, I want to be seen with you everywhere. In front of them I don't care because I like you and a douche threatening us shouldn't dictate whether or not we can be together..."

"So we are together, Mendes?" I smiled and leaned back into my pillows.

"Yeah, you know what? We are."

"Do I have a say in this?" I laughed and I swear I heard him smile.

"Of course, do you want to be together?"

"What happened to uncertainties?" I mocked.

"Meh, that's just a line I use on all the girls."

We laughed. "Of course you do."

"Well obviously how do you think I got so good at charming you?'

"I don't know but I'd love it if we..were together."

There I did it.

"If you had said no it would've been terribly awkward. So thank you for sparing me the slightest bit of pride I have left."

"My pleasure. So I should probably get back to sleep, see you Monday?"

"Monday it is."

"Goodnight, Mendes."

"Night, Livingstone, and hey..thanks for calling."

"Anytime, goodnight."


And that was that. I slid under the covers smiling to myself. That doofus who hit me in the head in dodgeball was now my boyfriend.

The ultimate test to see if this would work would be Monday, and although I had my doubts I also had my hopes.

Whether or not we could face Daemon on Monday, was the only remaining uncertainty.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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