Erza vs Luna!

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It's been two weeks since the ending of the grand magic games. I had planned to go see Gajeel in Magnolia this week and I was packing my bags. Two weeks ago I had my first kiss with our guild master Sting. I could still remember it, the feeling of his lips lingered across mine even now. It was a magical moment, one I'd probably remember forever. I moved into his house a week later, it might of been a little rushed but that's how things like this are sometimes. He said he wanted to keep me safe and what better way than to have me move in. Tenroku and Lector have bonded quite well, they both started to form a friendship which was good since we'd all be living together now. As I'm packing my bags I also grab the moon amulet that Sting bought me. It was absolutely gorgeous so I made sure not to forget it. As I pack my bag, Sting walks in and kisses me on the cheek.
"Hey, you going on a trip?" He asks me.
"Oh, yeah I'm going to Magnolia to visit Gajeel," I say as I smile while petting Tenroku on the head.
"I see, well stay safe. I would go with you if I could but I've got guild master stuff to do." He says then I leaned up and kissed his cheek gently.
"Hey I understand. You're guild master, you have responsibilities now." I say as I finish packing.
He walked me to the train station and kisses me as I board the train. I wave goodbye as I go to a compartment and I sit down. I watch him shrink in size as the train leaves the station, it was a little sad to be apart but i'd be back before long. I just look out the window as I grow excited to stay a few days in Magnolia with Gajeel. Erza even offered to let me stay with her during those few days. I also planned on battling Erza while in town like her and I promised. I smile as I slowly fall asleep on the train. Dreams of the grand magic games fill my mind, mostly memories of my fight with Cana and then the dragons. Remembering the grand ball a few weeks ago was the best part. The lavish ceremony and all the gorgeous dressing in the amazing ballroom was something I'd never forget any time soon. As the train continues to head in the direction of Magnolia I hadn't realized that a certain wizard held a smirk on her face as she sat at the end of the train car. Minerva narrowed her eyes at my compartment, sinister thoughts rushing through her head as always. She was planning when she'd jump me and try to kill me.
~Time Skip~
I opened my eyes as we reach the town of Magnolia, the train coming to a slow stop along the station. I smile as I hold onto my bag, excitement filling my body when I thought about seeing my little brother again. Tenroku was awake before I was and had a grin on his face. He had plans to train with Pantherlily so he can get stronger and in turn, help protect me. I quickly head off the train, having to push my way through people since the train station was packed. I keep looking around and I finally see Gajeel, Cana, and Erza waiting for me.
"Hey guys!" I yell and they all wave.
"So, how was the ride over here? Must have taken a while." Erza asked me.
"It was great, I slept most of the way here." I say.
"You always were a sleepy head." Gajeel says laughing.
"Hey!" I say, pouting a bit.
Cana laughs as she hugs me. "Glad you could make it." She says.
"I'm glad I could find time to come down. I'm especially looking forward to our battle, Erza." I say with a smile.
"I'm looking forward to it as well." She says with a smile.
"Shall we go to the guild hall and we can finally battle?" I ask with a smirk.
"Very well, I accept your challenge." She says, looking determined.
We start walking to the guildhall and I smile looking at everything. Having never really been to Magnolia before, the others had to lead me. As we reach the guildhall, I wave at everyone as they smile and wave back. It was nice to see even after our issues at the games that everyone was so welcoming. After introductions are made, I hand my bag to Cana and Erza requips into her heavens wheel armor. I get into a fighting stance, taking a moment to stretch.
Erza took a step forward, her armour clanking when the metal would brush against one another. She held two large swords, one in each hand while she had also held a determined gaze. Just looking at her, I was in a little awe. The armor she had was beautiful and she held the look of a true warrior. Erza summoned a few other swords, the swords then forming a circle around her.
"Moon beam speed." I said, casting the spell over myself. The sword that circled Erza came to a stop then pointed to me.
"Dance, my blades!" Erza yelled, sending sword after sword forward in my direction. I had quickly dodged the first couple, jumping out of the way then rolling away from another. I'd quickly get up again then narrowly miss a third sword, it was close enough to split a strand of hair. Before she could send more swords, I shouted out a spell.
"Lunar brigade!" I yelled, multiple swords then forming behind me. I'd send them forward in time with Erza's swords, making the weapons clash. Erza's swords would fall and mine would shatter, leaving us both with an opening to attack again.
"Moon light cannon!" I yelled.
"Trinity sword!" She shouted, almost at the same time.
A large blast of light was casted towards Erza, making her squint and go blind for the moment. Nevertheless, she ran forward with her sword ready. Admittedly I was surprised to see she recovered so quickly, but unknowingly to me one of Erza's eyes wasn't real. She send her sword towards me in a very precise formation, giving me little time to react. I felt the sword slice my arm once then managed to avoid her second slash. On the third slash I bent down, the sword swiping the air above my head.
"Moonstone explosion!" I yelled, casting the spell shortly after while I was still close to the ground. Erza then tumbled back slightly, losing her finesse with her sword while she focused on the pain now against her stomach where the spell had hit her. She could feel the attack spread across her skin and under her armour, sending burning pains throughout her nervous system. While she was distracted, I shouted out another spell.
"Moon spear!" I yelled, the spear then materializing in the palm of my hand. I had a pretty good idea that I couldn't beat Erza in head to head combat, so I'd need to mix my abilities with my spear and some other spells together.
"Lunar eclipse beam!" I shouted, then the laser traveled from my hand towards Erza. It circled around like a boomerang, coming back around to hit her. By now, Erza had recovered and was ready for the attack. She lifted one of her swords up to protect herself from the laser, the laser then making the sword crack. While she did that, I spirited forward with my spear in hand. I slid across the ground and ducked while I wedged the spear between her ankles. I pulled the spear forward after and she fell, not expecting the attack. Before she could get up again, I turned sharply then tried to strike her with the spear. She blocked it with her sword, but with the sword being already damaged it would break. The metal shattered into a thousand little pieces and littered the ground. Erza quickly rolled out of the way of the spear then got up, using the wings attached to her armour to make a bit of distance. She leaped back then looked at the pommel of her weapon, where a sword blade once was.
"This is a first, I've never met an opponent with so much raw strength." She said, her gaze then turning back to me once I pulled my spear out of the ground I plunged it into since she had moved out of its path.
"You're definitely a worthy adversary, don't expect me to go easy on you from here on out." She said.
"I'd be insulted if you didn't let me see your full power, give me everything you got!" I said, matching the smile she gave me after.
"Everything?" She asked, her tone hinting at something else.
"Yeah, let's go!" I yelled, my voice extremely determined.
Suddenly, she summoned a large amount of weapons behind her. Erza smirked, seeing my smile drop for a second. Erza then charged forward, using her Heaven's Wheel armour to give her a little lift off the ground. The weapons behind her followed closely while I gripped my spear tighter. Erza slashed at me with her sword then went past me, turning sharply to face me once again. The weapons she summoned would all start to fly towards me, making me have to twist and dodge to avoid them. I used my spear to deflect a sword then I quickly grabbed the swords hilt. I would turn then throw the sword towards Erza, having to use a lot of my strength to direct its path. The sword caught her shoulder, making her let out a small hiss in pain. She fell slightly then I ran forward, leaping up in the air before pushing my spear downwards. It wedged the spear between the spot where one of the wings on her armour would meet with her back plate. While trying to hold the spear there, I flipped forward so I was behind her. I'd jump off her sword to get a bit of leverage after she tried to stop me. Once I was behind her, I sent a swift kick to her back with the spear still locked in its place. She fell and I pulled back on the spear, making the left wing on the armor break apart. It broke much like the sword from before, the finely cut metal turning into a thousand little pieces.
Erza and I could both hear the crowd that was watching us mummer amongst themselves.
"I didn't think that could happen."
"Where did this girl even come from."
"Do you think she'll beat Erza?"
Erza pushed me away as best she could then tumbled forward, lifting her arms up while she requiped into another set of armor. There was a blinding light while she requiped. Once she was done, she was in a semi light set of armor which was made mostly out of a leather material. It was her Morning Star armour. Erza emitted a blinding light once again, making me squint and turned my head away. She was run forward quickly, holding a sword in each hand. Erza quickly would slide forward to trip me, making me land on my back as her feet kicked my legs out from under me. When I landed on my back, I dropped my spear. Erza swiped one of her swords downwards and it skimmed my flank, making me clench my jaw in pain. It was still hard to actually see her with all the light so I tried my best to think of something. I kicked my legs forward and managed to hit her stomach, making her step back slightly. I then rolled away, standing back up once I felt I was at a safe distance.
"Moonlight, poison dust!" I shouted then cast the spell. A purplish dust would fill the area, helping me deal with the light Erza had used to blind me. I could hear her cough as the dust filled her lungs, making her turn sharply to where she was. The dust was thick, making it hard for both of us to see.
"Lunar eclipse beam!" I shouted then sent the laser out of my hand like once before. It circled around then I heard it hit Erza, making her tumbled slightly. I heard her fall to the ground then nothing after. Suddenly, I could hear the whistling of wind while a sword cut through the dust. I tried to jump out of the way when it came into view but it managed to cut my outer thigh. I tumbled to the side then got to my feet again, hearing Erza then run forward. She grabbed the sword she threw at me a second ago then turned to me.
"You're clever... I've never been met with such a challenge before." She said, coughing a little bit from the dust. I watched her cringe slightly when she felt her body start to sting, the poison dust taking it affect slowly.
"I still don't think this is your best." I said through clenched teeth. Erza had gotten a few decent hits on me and did they ever hurt. When I said that, Erza lifted up both her swords then pointed them towards me. Her arms shook slightly, partly from the pain of the poison and the fact that she was getting tired.
Erza concentrated a large amount of power into her sword before sending it out towards me. The large ball of energy flew forward towards me, it was so big that I had no chance to dodge it. I braced myself then let out a pained scream once it hit me. Before I knew I was about to fall, I managed to say a spell.
"Moonstone, h-healing wave." I said before I fell backwards. Erza's spell had gotten most the dust to disperse, letting the crowd see us both once again. The red haired wizard would pant slightly, seeing me on the ground. She turned towards her guild then smiled slightly, thinking she had won. I stumbled to my feet, feeling a little better thanks to the help of my healing spell. Erza then turned, her gaze obviously shocked.
"You... How!?" She yelled, her brow creasing slightly.
"I managed to use a spell last minute." I explained. Erza then seemed a little frustrated, her gaze turning stern. She equipped a new armor, extending her arms out once again. This one had caused her guild mates to pause, unsure what kind of armor she was using now.
"Be warned, I've never used this armour yet... You will be its first victory." Erza said, seeming even more confident then earlier. "This is Ataraxia." She said, now clothed in a beautiful looking armour that covered her body with a white dress. It had wings much like Heaven's Wheel expect the wings were made from large swords.
I took in a deep breath then focused again, extending my hands outwards while I casted a spell.
"Moon shine, brilliant blast!" I shouted, only for Erza to move her hand and make the swords that resembled wings move. They shielded her from the initial attack, leaving a small scorch mark across the swords. Erza grabbed one of the swords then sprinted forward, leaping up to slam it down over me. I jumped back then casted a spell quickly.
"Moonstone explosion!" I yelled, sending the spell to her directly. She clenched her jaw in pain while a small explosion would form on her body in the area the attack hit.
Erza called the swords she used earlier as a shield forward to protect her while she tried to focus again. She had the swords form into a circle like she did once before at the beginning of the fighting. She then sent the swords forward, one by one. I was tired now, compared to what I was earlier so a few of them hit me this time.
I fell on my knees, my hand pressed to a new fresh wound. Erza stared, hoping I would call it quits now.
"I can't lose, not with my little brother watching." I said, lifting my hand off the wound. Erza admired my spirit, her gaze softening for just a moment. "I refuse to quit. That's the one lesson I have learned over the years. You don't quit until you don't have a choice, and even if I don't have a choice but to quit I won't," I said. Erza smiled slightly.
"You have skills, as well as heart." Erza said.
I gave a short and determined nod then stood again. I took in a deep breath then braced myself, planting my feet firmly against the ground.
"Moon crater destruction!" I yelled. The spell had hit Erza dead on, completely engulfing her swords. She couldn't block it or at least didn't know how. A large explosion went off and she had laid in a crater, breathing heavily while she worked to catch her breath. With her swords and her armor almost destroyed, she would requip one last time. She requiped to to her clear heart clothing, cloth now wrapped around her breasts and her lower half was covered by red pants. She held two katanas and instantly charged with them, growing frustrated now that she was running low on magic power.
I grabbed my spear from where I dropped it before then met her with the same strength. We had gone back and forth for a bit, her blades being blocked by my spear and vise versa. Eventually I managed to trip her up and she fell to the ground, but she was quick to retaliate and sweep my legs out from under me as well. We both laid on the ground, unsure if either of us really had the energy to continue.
The guild members were whispering amongst themselves, obviously shocked that I matched Erza in power. No one has ever been her equal, someone's always lost or won. Never in all the years she has battled has the fight ended in a tie. I let out a laugh as did Erza.
"You are definitely a worthy foe," Erza spoke as she stood up.
She helped me to my feet with a smile. "I had a blast fighting you! We should do this again sometime." I said with a smile.
I shook her hand and then casted my healing spell on both of us while Wendy helped out with the rest. I turned and took my bag that Cana was holding before I turned back to Erza once I hugged Tenroku, "You know, the lesson I talked about earlier?" I asked her and she nodded, "I actually learned that lesson from a wizard that I look up to." I say with a soft smile.
"And who would that be?" She asked a bit confused.
I giggled a little bit, "By none other than the queen of the fairies. You, Erza. You've always been my inspiration," I say with a smile and I see her blush a bit,
"From me? Well I'm honored to be the inspiration for a talented wizard such as yourself." She says with a smile. I give her a hug as I then look at Mirajane with a smile. "The next person I wanna fight is actually you miss Mira," I say smiling with a determined look in my eyes. "Of course, not until my next trip to Magnolia." I say giggling.
"Alright, you're on!" She says smiling. "Next time you're in Magnolia, we'll battle." She says while handing me a bottle of water that I chug down.
I then go and walk around town with Gajeel, Erza, and Cana. Smiling knowing that if something were to happen to Sabertooth that I'd definitely have a home in Fairy Tail. I had hope that my guild would become just as powerful and like a family, like Fairy Tail was. Needing to choose a third magic type to practice on I decided I'd do requip magic just like Erza to give her a challenge the next time we fought. Of course, I'd have to perfect my water magic before I try requip magic.
We walked around, unknowingly to the glare that Erza and I were getting from high on a rooftop. Minerva watched us as we walked, her gaze sharp and full of hatred.
"You both will meet your end by my hand. Just you wait Titania and Luna." She said to herself as she then ran along the rooftops out of the city and out of sight.

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