Joining the White Dragon

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After Sting agreed that I could join him on his mission we decided to meet at the train station later tonight. I go to my house and pack a bag full of clothes since I didn't know how long we'd be there. Tenroku packed a small sack with snacks for the trip, mostly for himself no doubt. As night fell, I made my way to the train station. I would squint as my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the night before I saw Sting sitting on a bench.
"Hey Sting, you ready?" I asked.
"Took you long enough, I've been here waiting." He said, making me roll my eyes.
Climbing onto the train I put my suitcase up in the compartment above the seat. Looking at Sting he looked as if he was going to be sick. I sat down as I tilted my head to the side.
"Are you ok? You look like you're gonna be sick," I ask him as he nods.
"Yeah I'm fine just motion sickness," He says and I give a look of pity.
I watch as Lector sits beside Sting and Tenroku sits on my lap. I hold him as I look out the window, my mind starting to wonder.
"So you're a water wizard?" He asked while holding his stomach.
"Yep that's correct," I say as I keep looking out the window.
"So What exactly made you wanna join Sabertooth? I know we're the strongest guild in all of fiore but is there a certain reason?" He asked me.
"I just want to become the strongest wizard in the world," I said then smiled to myself.
"Really you think you'll get there pipsqueak?" He asks with a hint of doubt.
I glare at him "I have a fucking name you know. So stop calling me tiny or pipsqueak. My name is Luna," I say with some annoyance. I glare at him sharply, my eyes burning holes into his. Sting rolls his eyes on return and looked away before he holds his hands up in defeat. "Alright, alright I'll start calling ya Luna," He says.
Once that conversation is over I turn my head to the side so I can look out the window. I start to think about random things, mostly focusing on the outside world passing by. My eyes then drift to Tenroku as I hear him start to snore. A small smile settled on my lips then I gently ran my fingers across the fur behind one of his ears. Tenroku stirred a bit then went back to sleep once I set him done on the seat instead of my lap. As my eyes look up, I see the blonde petting Lector.
"So have you and Lector been friends long?" I ask.
"He's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I would do anything for him. What about you and him? Tenroku, I think you said. How long have you known him?" He asks me.
"Since the exceeds came to earthland from edolas," I say as I hold him with a smile. "I too would do anything to protect him."
As we keep talking about our exceeds I can see the barrier start to come down, I can see the real him a bit. A caring person who values his friends. Or at least his exceed. He's still more concerned over his self image but then again what can you expect from someone who's been in sabertooth for longer than I have. They tend to mainly keep their self-image a priority since they needed to be seen as the strongest guild of them all. I can finally see a side of him I never saw before. Admittedly, I enjoyed it, even if this caring side of Sting was faint and obviously wouldn't last long it was a nice change. As we reach our destination one of the towns elders is waiting for us.
"Are you the two wizards from Sabertooth?" He asks.
"We are. So a dark guild has been terrorizing your village?" Sting asks.
"Yes they only attack us at night. On the south side of town," He says and we both nod our heads.
"Alright Luna lets go and you can see how a real wizard operates," He said, back to his arrogant self and his caring side gone like I expected. I rolled my eyes in response then started walking, Sting catching up quickly.
We make our way to the south side of town after dropping our bags off at the inn. Walking around we don't spot anything strange until we reach the edge of the village. We see a light coming from the forest. Suddenly about 10 men came out of the brush, all of them holding grins and cocky smiles. I change my hand into a water whip as I jump up throwing my body to the side and sending the whip down. Sting on the other hand stood still waiting for them to get a little closer. Once they did he opened his eyes and let out a smirk.
"White Dragon Roar!" He shouts as a white beam of power comes out of his mouth. Knocking out about 3 of them while the others dodged.
The rest of them turned on me while sting took on those three. Sending a few water orbs at them they all seem to dodge. I look at Sting as he stands back, wanting to see how I work. I roll my eyes as I send a few water slicers towards them knocking out a few of them, and by a few I mean two. I try many different water attacks and none of them work. This starts to make me frustrated, each attack seeming to miss and only make me grow more rash. I remember that fighting wizards is a lot different from fighting monsters, it's obvious that they won't just stand there and take it. Sting looks as if he's getting bored and is about to turn away until one comes right up behind me.
"Luna, look out!" He shouts.
I turn around and get hit in the head, a sharp pain now rang from temple to temple as my vision went blurry for a moment. As I fall to the ground I look at Sting as he starts to run at them. Thinking about it I then realize I don't have any other choice. Sting stops running as he sees me stand up. Not wanting to but having no choice I raise my hand.
"Moon Prism Cage!" I shout as the rest of them are surrounded by silver orbs that drain their magic power.
I hear the screams of agony and I place my hands on the ground and say a spell that I had perfected. "Moon Spear Flight!" I yell as spears fill the orbs hurting them with immense pain. The leader, however, manages to stay standing.
"What kind of magic is that?" The leader questions.
I let out a sigh as I answer his question while Sting listens. "It's Moon magic. It hasn't been seen in over 1000 years. And you managed to anger the one person who uses it to perfection," I raise my hand and say my final spell. "Moon Shine Brilliant Blast!" The leader suddenly starts to sparkle then suddenly he has multiple explosions on him, shortly after he falls to one knee. I turn to Sting and let out a sigh. "You can't tell anyone," I say with a little worry. My eyes swirled with fear and sadness, knowing a secret I've kept for so long had finally been released.
"Alright, I won't tell," He says and I let out a sigh of relief.
Knowing that he'll keep my secret makes me feel like a weight has lifted off my shoulders. It's hard to tell if he was serious or not, so I prayed that this was the caring part of Sting talking that I saw on the train. I start walking back to him not realizing that the leader stood up and was about to throw a spear at me. Sting suddenly pulls me to him and lets out another roar knocking the leader on the ground. I smile as I can see he protected me. We both walk to the inn where our exceeds were waiting and talking to one another. I smile as Tenroku flies to me and I give him a large hug, i'd need to tell him about everything later. I see Sting ruffle Lectors hair with a smile, his blue eyes seemingly content. We go to our separate rooms and I fall asleep easily, the previous fight being draining.
~Time skip to the train ride home~
On our way home Sting and I can't seem to stop talking. All he was asking me was about my magic, making him sound like an adoring fan almost. It made me smile and get to ask a few questions in return about his magic, making the train ride home rather nice. It scared me to think about what would happen back at the guild since Sting processed more knowledge about me then before. A big part of me expected Sting to go back to his old and cocky self, so I wouldn't be surprised if that happened. We would be telling jokes and he would look sick throughout the entire train ride. I never imagined I'd see this side of him. Granted he still called me tiny and pipsqueak and I'd yell at him for it, but it felt natural now. I don't think we'll become closer than this. The only thing I trust him with is keeping my secret about my magic, coming to the conclusion that deep down he was able to think of other people over himself. Nothing more. I could never fall for someone who still considers his self-image a priority. Once we got to Crocus we walked to the guild hall. And got paid. I bid Sting farewell and made my way back to my apartment. I went and paid next months rent and then went out to eat. I go to a restaurant and eat a big juicy burger. After eating I go back to my house and sleep. It was an exhausting two days. I can't wait to see what happens in the next few years that I'm with the guild.
Thanks for reading! And as always thank you Free_Doodlez for editing it! Can't wait to see what next chapter holds!

Joining Sabertooth! A Luna Nightingale x Sting Eucliffe fanfiction! (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now