A Time of Rest

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~Luna's POV~
I was helping Sting back to the ship as Selena was helping me get him to the ship. Once we got there I could use my healing spell on him and anyone else who needed it. It still haunts me that I'll have to face my dad. Selena could tell I was shaken by the thoughts of how it could all go down.
"If it's any consolation he talks about you all the time. How much he misses his family." She said.
It was touching that she helped me feel a little better. I hope the others are doing just as well as I am. Maybe even better. I could see Aurora and someone else in the distance. I waved at her as she smiled and waved back. Rufus and the paper wizard were on their way back as well. However, I couldn't see Gajeel anywhere. I hope he was alright.
"Hey Aurora! Where's Gajeel?" I asked once we got closer.
"He got hurt pretty badly. Pantherlily took him back here. He's probably down in the haul." She'd say.
Selena nodded her head as I then ran on board. I went down the steps and I saw Cobalt, Evan, and Gajeel on a separate bed.
"Luna! You're back!" Tenroku said flying up to me giving me a giant hug.
"You didn't think I'd let you down did ya?" I'd ask giggling and hugging him back.
He nodded his head no and I then approached Gajeel. I hope he'll be ok.
"MoonStone Healing Wave." I'd say putting the purplish mist around him.
I hope that it'll help him in the long run. "Alright all exceeds are needed up above." I said as they all flew out.
I followed them out and back down onto the port. Twila was using her healing spell on our new friends. I casted mine on Rufus and Sting. We'll all need to be in top shape if we're gonna go against my father. I turned to each of us including Zorax, Selena, and Twila.
"We need a game plan..." I say closing my eyes.
Everyone who was originally on my father's side glares at my team mates. It was clear they didn't trust each other. Selena trusted me but no one else, Zorax trusted Rufus but no one else, and Twila trusted Aurora but no one else. Seems no one trusts my boyfriend.
"Look you three know our father the best what would you guys suggest?" I asked trying to break the ice.
"Well He's fluent in two types of magic: lightning and fire." Twila said.
"The two powers that are weak against you both." Selena mentioned.
She wasn't wrong about that. If I touch lightning at all my entire body starts to convulse in pain. With water being my secondary magic power my entire body can turn into water whenever I need it to. With Aurora using Ice-make magic dads fire would melt away her ice. However, if we use our primary magic we should be good to go.
"So anyone have any ideas on a strategy?" I asked looking around.
"Well we could always go into the underground tunnels." Zorax said.
"And why should we trust the psychopath?" Aurora said.
"Oh sure blame the psycho for giving an idea." He said snarling.
"Hey calm down Aurora!" I said sternly.
"Do you trust him? I can't believe that you'd trust that lightning bitch! She could kill you at any second and not think twice!" She shouted.
She then backed up a bit after i had yelled.
"Look I understand we have no reason to trust each other. But if we don't work together we may not be here tomorrow!" I stated.
I wasn't lying either. If we allowed Lucas to use the eclipse gate, it would change our lives forever. I wouldn't have met Tenroku, Sting, or anyone from Sabertooth. We wouldn't be here at all.
"So let's put our pride aside and figure out what the hell we're gonna do." I say.
"I like Zorax's idea of using the underground. He'd never see us coming." Sting said.
"Yes it'd be an excellent plan of attack. Nice thinking Zorax." I said with a smile.
He smirked nodding his head as he eyed me up and down. "Not a problem." He said.
"Before you hit on me you should know that I'm dating that one." Points to Sting as he was glaring at Zorax.
"Can't hurt a guy for trying. I'm only doing this to see Yukino again." He says looking out at the sea.
I looked confused for a sec before Rufus said he'd explain later.
"Twila, do you know where he'll be tomorrow?" Aurora asked.
"If I remember correctly he'll activate the eclipse gate at noon tomorrow." She said confidently.
We then decided that Rufus and Zorax will take the underground going west, Aurora and Twila going east, while Selena, Sting, and I will go through the center. We'll meet up underneath the eclipse gate. As soon as everyone agreed we all went onto the ship. I took a deep breath looking out across the sea. I missed home. I wanted to see Cana and Erza again. I missed my friends and everyone. I know everyone was a bit homesick. But I think it hit me the hardest.
"Hey Stardust." Sting said coming out looking up at the night sky.
"Hey..." I said nonchalantly.
"You ok?" He asked sitting down next to me.
"I'm alright just nervous about tomorrow." I say looking out at the constellations.
"I understand" He says looking up as well. "I guess I just hope that you'll be ok after the fight." He says hugging me.
"I should be fine babe." I say still looking up. "Hey I'm gonna go take a walk ok?" I say as I then walk off the boat.
"Want some company?" He asks.
"No I just wanna be alone right now I'm sorry." I say as I start walking into town.
As I'm walking all the memories of my first fight in this new era flood into my mind. How I first learned I could use water magic. I remember the bully at the orphanage trying to drown me in a fountain. I could barely breathe in the water until I tried to make the water bend to where I wanted it to. I used the water to pull the bully off of me and I then held my hands out to keep him in a water bubble which I found out later was called water lock. I got into so much trouble from the orphanage keeper. I ran away from the orphanage that night. I didn't want to stay there anymore if defending myself meant I'd be punished. I ran as far as I could until a nice couple took me in. They were water mages and they taught me everything I know about water magic. A month after I left I heard that they had passed away happily. I never got the chance to thank them for what they did. I smiled at myself as I kept walking. I could hear someone flying above me and I looked up. I smile when I see Tenroku come down. I gave him a hug as he didn't say anything. He knew sometimes I just needed some alone time but I could never turn him down if he wanted to walk with me. He then picked me up and we started flying. I've always loved the wind in my hair when we flew. I wish I could. Fly on my own but it's much better when I have Tenroku to fly with me. It makes me feel safe and not alone. As we soar through the skies we land on a mountain top that overlooks the city. I lay down on the grass and look up at the stars. Tenroku and I always stargazed when we were on an adventure. We pointed out idk how many constellations in the past hour. We each had grown sleepy so we headed back to the boat. Tenroku set me down gently as Sting was still on the deck waiting for me. I smiled and hugged him tightly.
"Thanks for letting me think alone for a bit. I'm sorry that I've been distant, it's just... I never thought I'd have to fight family like this. I know Aurora and I met by a fight but at the time we didn't know we were family." I said and he nodded. We both made our way to the lower deck and went to our shared compartment. We slowly fell asleep in each other's arms. Happy to be together.
Enjoy this chapter too!

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