A Few Years Later

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It's been a few years since Sting found out about my magic, surprisingly enough he kept my secret. In the past 6 years since he found out, he's been helping me train and rank up in the guild. I'm not at the same rank that him and Rouge are but I've rose through the guild significantly. I'm still not an S class wizard like Minerva but I'm a lot closer to S class then I once was. Right now, i'm in the guildhall with Tenroku and Dobengal. He and I formed a team about three years ago and we've worked well together. Team Snowhammer we called it. We were just talking about our recent jobs and about the grand magic games coming up in three months. Suddenly, Sting bursts through the door and had a huge grin on his face. The guild went quiet while he took a second to catch his breath, everyone waiting for him to speak. It was so quiet that you would be able to hear a pin drop, which was rare in a guildhall.
"Hey! The group that was missing from Fairy Tail, they're back!" He shouts to the whole guild.
Suddenly tears fill my eyes. Hearing those words brought more joy to my life than anything I've heard in the past few years. Hearing that Gajeel, my little brother, was alive made my heart light up from the inside. Trying to cover up the tears I could see Tenroku smile at me with bright eyes. We suddenly leave the guildhall after saying goodbye to Dobengal and we go back to our apartment.
"I'm gonna have to plan a trip to Magnolia," I say excitedly.
"Can I come with you?" Tenroku asked.
"Of course you can silly!" I say as I give him a huge hug. I couldn't imagine going anywhere this far without Tenroku.
Packing my bag I make my way back to the guild hall to try and catch up with Sting. As I enter I see him talking with Rufus while Lector was talking to Olga. I approach Sting as I try and get his attention he just shoves me off not paying attention. I won't deny it hurt a bit, but I'm used to him talking differently to me when we're in the guild hall. I wait for him to finish and I walk beside him.
"So, I'm gonna go to magnolia do you wanna come with me?" I ask with a smile.
"Why would you want to go there?" He asks a bit harshly.
"Well I wanted to go see someone who lives there," I say blankly while looking down a bit.
"Well I don't have time to go anywhere with the grand magic games coming up soon I can't afford to waste my time traveling I need to train. And if you're smart you'll train too," he says and walks ahead of me as I stop dead in my tracks.
Even if he's always been an ass he's never talked to me like that since I first joined the guild. I watch him walk away and I could feel a certain S Class wizard looking at me. I try and face Minerva as I see her have pity in her eyes. I turn to walk out when she approaches me.
"I saw the whole thing. Are you ok?" She asks seeming to be concerned.
"I'll be fine. I have to go pack my bags I'm gonna take a trip to Magnolia," I say and I turn to go.
"Was actually wondering if you'd want to join me on a job," she says.
"Really?! You want "me" to join you on a job?" I ask a bit sceptical.
"To help get your mind off of Sting it may help," she says.
I think about it for a bit and then agreed. I ran out of the guild hall not seeing the smirk that formed on her lips, the look a hunter gets when it's prey falls into a trap. As I get home I hold my heart a bit still a bit hurt by him pushing me away like that. I thought we had gotten past this, but he's back to the boy I met the first day I joined the guild. An arrogant self-centered prick with no concern for anyone other then himself. I feel the tears start to fall down my cheek and I let out a short sniffle before I wipe the tears away.
"Nice going Luna. You let yourself grow feelings for the dragon and you ended up getting hurt," I say to myself.
Packing my bags I meet Minerva at the train station. We boarded the train and we head to our destination I just look out the window with Tenroku in my lap.
"So you've ranked up pretty far in the guild in 6 years." She says a hint of suspicion.
"Yeah I train every morning to grow stronger," I say hoping she'd drop it.
"So there's nothing but training?" She asks obviously not believing me.
I shake my head no as I hold Tenroku tighter. She watches me hold him and smiles sweetly, though her eyes show something else as she finds my weakness. She knew I'd do anything for him and that we had a special bond. As we approach a town we get off the train and she leads me into the woods. Minerva eventually started to lag behind me, getting a meter away.
"Not much farther now..." She said, her voice dripping with venom.
"What kind of job was this ag-." I went to ask but she cut me off, sending a strong attack to my back. I tumbled forward then extended my hands out to stop myself from hitting the ground at full force. I fell on my side then turned to look at Minerva, now able to see her devious smirk. Before I could do anything, she used her magic and ended up behind me. Minerva swiftly grabbed my arm then pushed her knee into my back, holding me in a lock.
"Tell me Luna, what makes you so special?" She asked, her voice makes me shiver slightly.
"N-Nothing! I just work hard." I said.
Before she could speak again, my arms formed into a water whip then wrapped around her wrist. I would fling her forward then get up, finally out of the lock she put me in. Minerva was quick to recover, in fact she didn't even hit the ground. She managed to land on her feet, only sliding back across the dirt on her heels a bit. Minerva just smiled at me then she was gone again, vanishing into a dark green and blue portal. It was quiet for a moment and I could hear my heart racing, trying to anticipate where she would come from next. Minerva suddenly appeared next to me then placed her palm over my face. A sudden blast pushed me back and left a ringing in my ears. While I took a moment to recover, she started to speak again.
"Maybe I was wrong, there's nothing special about you." She said before raising her hand to her chin while she thought. "I suppose I should just rid the guild of you now then." Minerva said then smirked again, her eyes narrowing.
Minerva used Territory and created a cage around the two of us while I got over the ringing in my head. I could feel the cage start to sap away my magic power, making everything I did cost more energy. In fear of what she would do I extended my hands out and braced myself, planting my feet firmly against the ground.
"Moon Prism Cage!" I yelled and casted the spell around her. Minerva's eyes widened for a heartbeat but she managed to keep up her spell for now. We kept up our spells, Minerva starting to falter as her power was drained. Soon she was unable to hold the spell and she gave in, her jaw clenching while majority of her power was drained. Once I was free, I broke the cage around her and we both collapsed. During that we had both lost a significant amount of power, leaving us both on the ground. Minerva stumbled up to her feet, her breathing heavy.
"I was right then... You are special." She said. I got up then gave her a pleading look, unable to say anything before she fled. She used her magic to get a ways away from me, exhausting the rest of the power she had in her escape. The fear enters the back of my mind, knowing the type of person Minerva was now would only mean this could be dangerous for me. The worry about what's gonna happen next clouds my mind as I stand up and quickly run in the direction of Minerva. If she blabs about my magic then I'll... I don't even want to think about what will happen. Knowing that she knows my true powers, knowing that she could get me kicked out of the guild or worse. It makes me so worried I feel like I'll be sick, my stomach twisting and turning into anxious knots. As I make my way back to the train station I hold Tenroku as my hands shake and my mind becomes worried beyond comprehension. I don't know what I'll find when I get back to the guild. I guess trusting her was the biggest mistake I ever made. Falling asleep on the train ride home I can feel the nightmares come into my mind of all the things that could happen... I hope nothing happens... it would be a nightmare, I've worked so hard for everything, and to lose it now would break my heart.
Thanks for reading! This time Free_Doodlez wrote the entire battle between Luna and Minerva! Go and check her out! She's an amazing writer! Thanks again!

Joining Sabertooth! A Luna Nightingale x Sting Eucliffe fanfiction! (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now