Welcome to the Grand Magic Games!

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(Disclaimer: I mixed up a bit this will be the first two days combined since I didn't do my research and forgot which days had what. So I'm so sorry for not having it in actuality with the show.) 

It has been three months since I was told that I would be joining the team at the grand magic games. My nerves are shot and my anxiety was all over the place. No amount of training, or mental preparation could've prepared me for today. We had just finished the labyrinth puzzle and came in first place, which didn't really surprise anyone. Looking over at Yukino I smile with a hint of relief. Minerva was taking a leave of absence, which put my mind more at ease. Knowing she couldn't reveal my secret made my job of helping my team a hell of a lot more easier. As our team gets ready to walk out onto the field I do a final check on my outfit. As they introduce the teams ending in last it's Fairy Tail Team A and Team B. As I look at team B I see the black haired male. When I saw his eyes my heart melted. To see your brother standing their and not know who you are or anything just kills you on the inside. To know that he once looked at you with respect and love, and now he looks at you and doesn't even know your name. Instead he would look at our team only with disgust and determination, his mind set on beating us in the games. Still, I smile looking at the man he's become. Seeing all that he's accomplished since I lost him warmed my heart, knowing that he did just fine alone made me feel less guilty for not being there. As they call out the others Yukino taps my shoulder and we get ready to walk out. As they announce our guild as first place we all walk out. I close my eyes and walk out hearing all the cheering. I open my eyes and see Gajeel stare at me. I smile at him and he blinks. After the little opening ceremony I'm stopped outside by Gajeel.
"Uh, I'm sorry to come out of the blue like this but have we met before?" He asks.
I'm about to say something when I'm dragged off by Yukino. I let out a sigh not getting a chance to tell him. As we go back to the guild hall I let out a deep breath as Tenroku comes next to me.
"I see you didn't get your chance huh?" He says.
"I was this close Tenroku! This close! And I didn't get the chance to say anything," I say as I held my head.
I froze. I could've said something and I didn't. Knowing we'd be going back today made my hands sweat and my mind race. I was not prepared for what I was told next.
"Luna Nightingale! You will be facing Lyon Vastia from Lamia Scale today! Be ready and don't fail!" The guild master spoke.
I could feel myself grow dizzy. I was going to be fighting an ice wizard. I wasn't expecting to have to fight on the first day, but so be it. I nodded my head and my way to the arena. I took a deep breath as I then watched Yukino and Kagura fight. Yukino losing. I could feel the lump in my throat and my eyes dart to the guild master in the stands. The aura he gave off let me know that my fears were true. She was going to be kicked from the guild. As she comes back in I could see her fighting tears. She knew what was going to happen. I hug her tightly not wanting to see her go. I then take a deep breath realizing my turn was up. It was my turn to fight. I hope I didn't have to use my true powers. I look at Sting with pleading eyes. He knew what could potentially happen if this got too far. He gave me a reassuring nod and I calmed down a bit. I then step onto the field as I see Gajeel watch me. I smile and calm down majorly. I take a deep breath and look at Lyon. Knowing that my baby brother was watching. I wouldn't lose, not while he's in the stands. I refuse to back down with my baby brother watching me fight. I don't care if he doesn't know who I am. I know. And that's all that matters. I stand with my confidence restored thanks to him. I'd move mountains if it meant that he didn't see me fail. I face him as the pumpkin tells us the rules. We have 30 minutes to beat each other. And as long as Gajeel is watching. I don't plan to lose any fight. EVER.
I didn't know much about Lyon, other then that he used ice make magic like another wizard in fairy tail. Lyon was relatively powerful in Lamia Scale, so I had no idea how long this would take. We both had a great grasp of magic and our abilities, meaning I'd need to not only be stronger than him but smarter as well.
"Good luck!" I said to him as a sign of good faith.
"Tch...This won't take long." Lyon said, as cocky as ever. I rolled my eyes in response then got into a fighting position. Lyon did the same then the alarm rang out for the fight to begin. The timer immediately started to count down and Lyon was quick to start, sending a number of hawks created from ice towards me. My arms turned into water whips and I shattered each hawk one by one, Lyon then holding a smirk.
"Easier than I thought." He said then used his magic to turn the water along my arms to solid ice. My hands turned into fists and I clenched my jaw, feeling the ice inflict a freezing pain in my arms. I used my foot and slammed it down on the ice, letting out a sigh of relief and when it shattered. Suddenly, Lyon fired a lance made from ice towards me. I leaned out of the way just in time, still semi immobilized thanks to my other arm encased in ice and stuck to the ground. He was about to send another lance at me but I thought quickly and found a way to block it.
"Moon dust shield!" I yelled, a crystal like shield then covering me. The lance flew into it then bounced off, leaving a tiny crack in the shield from where it hit. The magic caused a bit of pause in the audience, none of them sure exactly what I used. In the stands, Gajeel stared with his eyes wide. He could have sworn he had seen that magic before, probably being the only one here that has.
The ice around my arm shattered once I used enough force to break it like the other one. Small pieces of ice littered the ground, starting to melt quickly under the sunlight. Once the shield around me fell, Lyon fired another attack.
"Ice make, Lion!" He yelled, taking a moment to create a large lion from ice. My eyes wide for a moment, realizing there's no way I could just use my water magic for this fight. Part of me knew that I'd have to use my moon magic sooner or later, I just always hoped that it would be later and on my own time. The lion let out a roar, the sound of ice scraping against ice echoing across the area when it started to move. I let out a deep breath then braced myself, thinking that my powers had gone to waste for so long. I learned this magic for a reason, practiced it for so long for this. If my secret gets out now, then so be it.
"Moon light cannon!" I yelled then extended my palms out, a massive blinding light sending the ice lion into a fit. The crowd all looked away for a moment, blinking multiple times as their vision came back. Lyon would squint, only opening his eyes again to see me running forward.
"Moon beam speed!" I yelled, immediately being boosted forward. I jumped up, yelling out another spell quickly before I had gotten into the air.
"Moon spear!" I shouted, the speak materializing in my hand shortly after. I quickly plunged the spear into the ice lion and slammed it down, watching the ice then crack. The lion let out screech before it shattered, a million tiny pieces of ice littering the ground. Back in the stands, Gajeel had stared, finally remembering who I was.
"L-Luna!" He yelled, jumping out of the balcony then pushing it way to the front row as the crowd cheered. I smiled when I stood up straight again, the spear still in my hand. Hearing so much applause directed to me was new, and I didn't exactly hate it. I heard a faint yelling of my name then turned, seeing Gajeel about to lean over the rails and fall into the area. My eyes widened and my heart swelled, realizing he had remembered who I was to him.
"Gajee-" I went to yell back, only to be cut off by Lyon.
"Ice make, ice geyser!" He yelled, a sudden cold feeling trapping me. The ice surrounded me, making me shut my eyes tightly at the freezing pain. Lyon held a confident smirk, seeing he had caught me while I was distracted. His smirk faltered when the ice started to crack from the top, the crack slowly moving down the rest of it. I used all of my strength then broke out of the icy cage, taking in a deep breath once I was free.
"Lunar brigade!" I yelled, a number of sword appearing then flying towards Lyon. I ran forward then threw the spear I still had with them, the weapon cutting threw air as if it was nothing.
"Ice make, shield!" He yelled quickly, a thin layer of solid ice forming in front of him. The shield had stopped most swords, a few flying past him. Once the spear reached the shield it would break right through it, landing square in Lyon's chest. He was sent flying back a bit, hitting the ground with a loud 'thump!'
There was silence in the area, everyone waiting to see if Lyon got up again. He let out a groan then stood, dusting himself off once the spear had vanished. Lyon had looked more serious now, but something still told me that he still felt better then me.
"Ice make, clone!" He yelled, a copy of him made out of ice showing up shortly after. I could tell he was getting tired, his magic power definitely getting low. The way he carried himself now compared to when he first came out would give it away. Lyon had fired spell after spell at me, once being able to stand up straight but now forced to hunch over slightly. He was hurt and tired now, but I was coming close to the same state as well.
Lyon's clone ran forward, taking my attention while Lyon used the spell he had started with once again. A handful of hawks made out of ice would fly forward while I dealt with his clone.
"Lunar eclipse beam!" I yelled then sent the attack at the clone, making it quickly shatter. Before I could react, the ice hawks had reached me. They fly around me, their talons making small scratches across my arms. I would hiss in pain then yank myself back each time one of them touched me, a new bleeding cut forming in the spot where the ice scratched my skin. I tried to hit them with an attack by they had gotten faster. Lyon was using a large amount of magic power to control them and keep them out of my reach.
I turned my attention away from the ice hawks then back to Lyon, yelling out another spell.
"Moonstone explosion!" I yelled, making a small explosion form against his skin. He stumbled back, losing control of the hawks which made them fall then break against the ground. Before he could make anything else, I quickly yelled out another spell.
"Moon crater destruction!" I shouted, sending a large beam of light straight to the ice wizard. The attack resembled many of the dragon slayers roars.
Lyon was pushed back once the attack hit him, also creating a crater in the ground. There was a loud explosion and a giant cloud of dust taking over the arena, making the audience cough. Once the dust cleared, Lyon was laying on his back in a massive hole. He let out a cough but didn't get up again, signaling the end of the match.
"Winner! Luna Nightingale!" The announcer called, the crowd then cheering again. Points went to Sabertooth for the fight and they cheered, meanwhile I jumped down into the deep crater I made. Once inside I helped Lyon out, laughing a little bit while he was still dazed.
"I didn't-... Expect to lose against a water wizard." He coughed out, holding on to my arm so he didn't fall over.
"You lost when you underestimated me, still... It was a good fight." I said then extended my hand. He still looked upset about losing but nevertheless he shook my hand before someone from his guild came and retrieved him.
Once Lyon was gone I turned around, about to leave but I had been squished in a tight hug. Gajeel held me tightly, he had run into me so fast we both fell over. I laughed then hugged him back, a few happy tears forming at the corners of my eyes.
"Little brother." I said then poked at him, making him let out a snort.
"I'm not little anymore Luna." He said, sitting up after he had let me go.
"I guess not, but you're still little to me." I laughed again, watching him scowl in response.
I keep smiling as my guild lifted me up with praise. I waved goodbye at Gajeel and we agreed to meet up after the games are over today.
"What kind of magic was that young lady?" The guild master spoke with a hint of anger.
"That was moon magic. The kind of magic that I specialize in," I say.
"And since I just won the match I'd say I've more than earned my spot to stay."
He grumbles and we all head back to the guild hall. Tears running down my face.
Thanks for reading! Can't wait to continue! Thanks again Free_Doodlez couldn't have done it without you!

Joining Sabertooth! A Luna Nightingale x Sting Eucliffe fanfiction! (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now