Sting vs Cobalt

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~Sting's POV~
I watch on as Luna tells us the battle plan. I was supposed to take on the earth wizard, Rufus was to take on the paper wizard, and Gajeel the requip wizard. Gajeel being in the same guild as Erza gave him the advantage he needed to defeat his opponent. Aurora and Luna would take the females. I looked at Lector as he was conversing with Tenroku.
"Stardust" I called approaching her when she was finished telling the others the battle plan.
"What is it Sting?" She asked.
"Promise me you'll make it out alive?" I say holding her hand.
"Of course. I've got friends I still have to see. And I'd never go down without a fight. After all..." She said with a smile. "I'm a member of Sabertooth. I won't be defeated so easily."
She's right we are Sabertooth members. We have a reputation to live up to. I kissed her forehead with a smile. As we split into teams Rufus and I would take the two males to the west while Gajeel and Aurora would take the two to the east and Luna would intercept the female towards the center. I really wish I could go with her but I knew that this was a decision based on logic and strategy. Rufus and I started towards the west to intercept the two males that were that way. When they decided to split up, Rufus and I did as well to get to our designated target. As I kept running I saw the male approach looking down with his eyes closed.
"Hey!" I yelled making him look up.
"It seems I underestimated you five..." he says. "I honestly figured you'd all tuck tail and go running home" he said slowly opening his eyes.

 "I honestly figured you'd all tuck tail and go running home" he said slowly opening his eyes

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"Sorry to burst your bubble but we're members of Sabertooth and Fairy Tail. We don't run from a fight" I say stopping my advance.
"I see.... I remember Fairy Tail well from the handful of years I used to live in Ishgar" he said.
"You used to live in Ishgar?" I asked thoroughly confused.
"Yes. I was a member of Lamia Scale, until I was kicked out due to a misunderstanding..." he said.
"Wait, what's your name?" I asked.
"Me? I'm Cobalt Neekis, and was adopted by the 5th Wizard Saint Jura Neekis" he said and my eyes widened almost comically. "He was the one that taught me everything I know about earth magic" he said.
"YOU'RE JURA'S SON?!" I yelled in complete and utter shock.
"Correction; I WAS his son. When I was kicked out of Lamia Scale he disowned me. I could see it in his eyes even if he didn't say it" he said. "So until my final breath I will personally help Master Lucas build an Eclipse gate so I can go back in time and instruct my younger self to not make the same mistakes I did because maybe then I'll get the redemption that I really crave. Until I breathe my last breath I will be devoted to my goal of fixing my past mistakes. I don't care who I have to go through to achieve it".
"So you'd purposefully hurt innocent people because of something that happened in the past?" I angrily asked looking down. "Now that's just pathetic" I said as I rushed towards him while activating my White Drive.
Cobalt slid into a defensive position as he saw me start to rush towards him surrounded by holy magic. As I rushed towards him I reeled back my fist and started to prepare a magic infused punch intended for his face. Cobalt proceeded to put his arms up in front of his face to act like a shield for the oncoming attack. In retaliation he surrounded his fist with rocks to enforce the punch he directed towards my face, and luckily I was able to dodge in time. A tense couple of seconds passed before we both rushed at each other and met in mid-air throwing various punches and kicks trying to hit the other enough to knock them back a couple feet. At last, I was finally able to knock him back a couple of feet and catch a breather. I looked down at my body and was surprised that I had sustained more damage than I had originally thought. In the mere seconds I was checking to see how much damage I had sustained Cobalt was able to land a hit on me that sent me tumbling to the ground. I shakily got up still in shock that I was hit in those few seconds I wasn't paying attention to my opponent. Getting over the shock, I was able to see Cobalt charging up what seemed like a powerful attack. The magic power he was exerting felt something akin to the amount Jura had used to perform his spell Rumbling Mount Fuji which made me momentarily still before I tried to muster up an attack that would hopefully overpower his.
I channeled all of my magic power to my hands that were in a prayer position by my side and called out, "Holy Ray" at the same time he called out, "Rumbling Mount Fuji."
The attack that he called out made the ground beneath my feet rumble and quake. Meanwhile, my Holy Ray attack had hit as well. There were two large explosions, one from my attack and one from his. A bright and blinding light shot up from the earth beneath my feet and made me clench my jaw in pain while I was pushed up off the ground. While I was dealing with that, multiple rays of light attacked Cobalt. They all landed on him, making a small explosion in the form of a ball of light.
When the dust cleared, we both got back to our feet. Cobalt let out a small chuckle before he started to just straight up laugh.
"This is going to be fun." Cobalt snickered.
My eyes widened for a moment before I closed my fists and got into a fighting position again, waiting for him to send out an attack.
"Iron Rock Fist!" He yelled, a large fist made out of earth appearing shortly after. It suddenly flew forward once it was fully formed, making a small whistling noise while it cut through the air. I quickly jumped to the side, making the fist pummel the ground rather than myself. Once it hit the ground it would break into large and sharp shards of stone. Before I could cast a spell of my own, Cobalt raised his hand. The shards of rock started to shake before disappearing back into the ground.
"Rock Iron Spikes!" He shouted.
Large spikes made from hard stone started to burst from the ground. I jumped and dodged most of them, letting out a short hiss when one managed to skim the top of my left arm. There was a clean cut left in its wake, a small line of blood forming from the small wound. While I was focused on the cut, another spike tried to puncture my abdomen. I narrowly moved out so the way, but got tangled slightly in the spikes.
"White Dragon's Claw!" I called then cast the spell quickly. It broke the spikes and sent the new shards of earth in Cobalt's direction.
"Iron Rock Wall!" He shouted quickly before a large wall built up from the ground showed up in front of him. He didn't cast the spell fast enough and a few shards managed to make it over the wall before it was high enough, but most of them were stopped by the wall. One shard of rock made a small cut in his shoulder while another just brushed past his flank, cutting an even smaller scratch in his skin. Cobalt seemed enraged, his fist now clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white.
"Talus!" He shouted, the entire area then started to rumble. I back up slightly when a large pillar of earth carried Cobalt upwards slightly, giving him a better view of our battle.
He then suddenly moved his hand to the side, making a pillar of stone then shoot out of the ground at me. I jumped out of the way of the first one but a second one hit me after. It twisted slightly then pushed me down to the ground, my body making a large crack across the earth when it made contact. I threw a punch into the stone, making it shatter since I had put some magic in with my attack. I quickly got up again but was caught off guard when my elevation changed.
A pillar of earth would carry me upwards towards the sky while a second pillar followed, angled to smash into me. When the two pillars made contact, I jumped on the second one then ran down it. From here I could easily spot Cobalt, making me smirk.
"White Dragon's Holy Breath!" I yelled while still running down the pillar, stopping for just a moment to cast the spell.
A massive explosion of white light went off once the attack landed on Cobalt. It happened too quickly for him to compensate it, so he took the attack full force. The explosion caused the two large pillars I was once on to crumble and crack. I focused on dodging falling rocks while Cobalt let out a pained yell, the attack making a large crater in the earth. A large amount of rock tumbled into the new crater, covering where Cobalt would of been left to recover.
Once everything cleared, I peered over the edge at the mess of stone within the large hole. After a bit, I stood up straight with my gave focused on the shards of stone. One started to move then was suddenly pushed to the side, revealing a significantly beaten Cobalt underneath. His gaze was tired and his body covered in scratches and bruises.
"Don't let what happened in the past control what you do." I said while looking down at him.
"You wouldn't understand my pain my struggle." He said.
"You lost the one person who made you feel accepted. I know EXACTLY what that feels like. So does my girl." I said loudly. "I lost my best friend because I lost one fight. He was taken from me and I let the fact he was taken rule my decisions."
He looked at me, his gaze showing a little shock.
"Because unlike you, I never had a father. I was raised by a dragon... And I lost him long ago." I said fightin tears. "I grew up when I was only a child."
"You never had a father?" He asked.
"I had a dragon. He was my father. And I will honor him by fighting for the people I care about. There is a woman on this battlefield that I care more about than anything. I will do what I have to if it means she is protected." I said with Luna's face in my mind. Her smile glows. Her compassion can't be measured.
He looked at me and smiled. "When you go back to ishgar will you take me with you? I have to see Jura again." He asked before collapsing from exhaustion.
"I think we can do that." I said.
I then turned to in the direction of the fighting. I have to go help them. I pick Cobalt up and helped him to the ship. When I got there I placed him on one of the beds. I then headed outside and ran in the direction that I saw Luna head off in. I will protect her. She means the world to me.
Thank you to my loyal followers and tti_anna and Free_Doodlez for all your help! It really helped a lot! Enjoy everybody!

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