A Surprising Twist

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Today I was on my own while in Magnolia. Gajeel went on a job with Levy and the rest of team shadowgear. Erza went with Team Natsu and Cana was on a job as well. Tenroku was still sleeping when I awoke so I just left a note for him. I decided I'd visit fairy tails guild hall. However, since I haven't been in Magnolia long I got lost and wound up outside of town. I could tell I was lost since I wasn't even in town anymore. I walk into the forest and look around I then see someone with orange, ginger hair. I approach her as I see her writing in a journal. I quickly hide behind a tree when she turns around. I slow my breathing so she can't hear it. As she looks around herself she then stands up and places her hands on the ground.
"Sunstone Crystal Radiance!" She shouts as a large crystal spike with a flat top rises from the ground.
As I think about what she says I then realize what her magic is. She uses sun magic. A rare magic just like mine. It also hasn't been seen in..... 1,000 years. Just like mine. I then start to question everything in my head concerning her. Like where was she from? Who is she? Is she in a guild? And so many more. As I watch her run up the side of it I then come out from my tree and run in the direction of Magnolia. Not sure of what I just saw or heard. As I'm running I hear her yell down at me.
"Hey, you!" She yells but I keep running.
I planned not to turn back so I cast a spell on myself. "Moon Beam Speed!" I shout and suddenly I'm running very fast, putting significant distance between her and myself. I'm suddenly back in town and I see the guild hall, making me slow down just a bit as I thought I was in the clear. I run towards it and she's nowhere to be seen still. As I slowly start to slow down even more, I enter the guild hall and Makarov waves at me.
"You're the young girl who defeated Lyon, if I'm not mistaken," he says with a smile.
"Yes, that's me," I say, blushing slightly.
"You're also the one who's equal to Erza," He states while taking a drink from his mug.
I nod to that as well still getting used to being compared to her. "I'm also Gajeel's sister," I say with a smile.
"So I've heard. I must say I was quite impressed with you at the games my dear," He says and I blush again very slightly, finding the praise a little embarrassing. "We could use a wizard like you in our guild, full of tenacity and strength," he says.
"I'm honored you feel that way but I'm happy right where I am in Sabertooth," I say smiling.
"I can respect your decision," He says taking another sip from his mug.
As I leave the guild hall I make my way back to the edge of town. The girl from before is standing there looking at me so I come to a stop. I take a moment then approach her with caution.
"You finally gonna stop running?" She asks and I nod my head.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Aurora Daystar. And you?" She asks in return.
"Luna Nightingale. Wizard of Sabertooth," I say as I cross my arms over my chest.
"If you're a member of Sabertooth why are you in Magnolia?" she asks.
"I'm visiting my brother Gajeel Redfox," I say a bit suspiciously.
"Your brother is the Iron Dragon of Fairy Tail?" she asks clenching her fists.
"Yes he is," I say defensively.
She then looks at my moon amulet. "What magic do you use?" She asks.
"I use moon magic," I say and her eyes go wide.
"But that magic hasn't been seen in..." she starts.
"1,000 years. I know.... I'm not from this timeline. I'm from the past originally. I came through the eclipse gate about 18 years ago," I explained as if it was something rather casual to talk about.
She looks at me with wide eyes. "You're from the past?" she asks and I nod my head.
She then clenches her fists. "Wait a minute... I know you... You're the one who got my best friend kicked out of Sabertooth!" She says getting into a fighting stance.
"Wait who was your friend?!" I say trying to defuse the situation.
"Her name was Sitri... And she died a week after she was thrown out. She killed herself because she was tossed out!" She says with tears rolling down her face.
I widen my eyes before I narrow them. "That wasn't my fault. Blame our old guild master," I say turning to walk away.
"No! You don't get to walk away! I will avenge her!" She says as she charges at me.
I quickly jump out of the way to avoid her as I then run into town. Her following right behind me. I would keep running until we ended up in a square area, with little to no people around. I would turn sharply and extend my hand out in her direction.
"Moon prism cage!" I yelled, casting the spell on her. The cage had caught her for a moment but it seemed to do little then give her pause. She quickly casted her own spell.
"Solar blast!" She yelled from inside the cage, shattering it easily. The spell resembled a strong and concentrated beam of bright orange light. Once it broke through the cage it hit me, giving me little time to brace myself with its speed. It burned when it touched me, making me want to scratch off my own skin from the pain but nevertheless, I endured. When I looked back at her, she was on her feet again.
"Nice try, I won't let you get away with what you've done so easily." She said. What has surprised me most was her magic, it seemed like mine but different. She lifted her hands up and casted a spell quickly.
"Solar eclipse beam!" She shouted, a laser coming out of her hand shortly after. It traveled like a boomerang, much like one of my own spells.
It traveled to the side then came back around to hit me but I would quickly roll out of the way. A small explosion went off behind me where the beam hit the ground, making me stumbled slightly. Once I was back on my feet, I put my hands up.
"Moon light cannon!" I yelled, sending the blinding blast her way. She shut her eyes and shield her face slightly, trying to block out the light which in turn made her unable to see the actual attack. She fell back when she was hit with the full blast, making her let out a short groan.
"Moon spear!" I said then ran forward once the spear was in my hand. I would strike the spear down and try my best to trap her, the tip of the spear just beside her throat and holding her white cloak to the ground. She tugged slightly but the cloak wouldn't rip.
"Your magic, where did you learn it!?" I asked.
She responded with a swift kick to my stomach, which pushed me back significantly. She managed to get up slightly then pull the spear out of the ground. Her hand grasped the spear and she held out her other hand before shouting out a spell.
"Solar sword!" She yelled, a brightly colored sword then forming within her grasp. She then ran forward, holding both spear and sword. I jumped back when she tried to strike me with the sword and jump when she'd sweep the spear by my feet. Before she could attack again, I held my hands up to cast a spell.
"Moon storm!" I yelled then shut my eyes tightly while I expected her to hit me with her sword. When I opened my eyes, she was frozen in a large and slightly transparent stone. I had made this particular spell myself and this was the first time I got to use it this way, I was extremely relieved that it worked. I stood up straight then let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding, my eyes then widened when the stone started to crack. Once the stone shattered, I was blasted with a sharp spear of ice. I fell back then stared wide eyed as she seemed unaffected by that spell as well.
"Daystar brigade!" She shouted as multiple swords formed in the air behind her. They would all point to me and with a flick of her wrist, they would fly forward.
"Moon dust shield!" I said quickly and managed to protect myself just before the swords got close. They would hit the shield then bounce off, leaving small scratch marks along it's surface.
"Think Luna... Use your brain." I said to myself, trying to think of a plan while the swords pelted the shield. When I finally had an idea, I let the shield drop.
"Moon beam speed!" I said then cast the spell on myself. I narrowly avoided the rest of her swords as I ran to the side. Before she could react, I cast another spell.
"Lunar eclipse beam!" I yelled then sent the laser from my hand. She braced herself for the attacked then I charged her while she focused on the beam. I jumped slightly and sent a kick with all of my strength into her flank, making her turn her attention back to me. While she was focused on me, the beam had finally reached her and managed to hit her directly in her other side. She let out a pained yell and I put both my hands on my spear that she still had. She refused to let go so I channeled a bit of magic power into it, which shocked her hands and forced her to loosen her grip. I yanked the spear away but she was quick to try and hit me with her sword. Before she could hit me, I ducked down and knocked one of her ankles with the spear. This made her fall to one knee, making us level since I was bent down a bit. She lifted her sword to send it down on my head but I lifted my spear and blocked it, making the two weapons clash. There was a large amount of force exerted when her sword touched my spear, making us both tumble back slightly and gain some distance.
"Sunstone, crystal radiance!" She then shouted. Multiple crystal like stone extended from the ground, ruining the square we were fighting in. The crystals stretched up high, making the area a bit dangerous. Suddenly, she ran forward then climbed up one of the crystals. When I would get close to one, it felt hot to the touch, meaning I wouldn't be climbing them anytime soon. We had attracted a small crowd, mostly the wizards from Fairy Tail since she was destroying their town a little bit. Most of them stayed away from the fight though, seeing we were both extremely powerful and seemed to need to settle this ourselves.
I let out a pained hiss when I felt something burning my arm, making me turn my attention back to the women attacking me.
"Solar blast!" She yelled again from the crystal she was on, sending another blast of light towards me. I jumped out of the way but the attack hit a crystal, making it break into massive pieces. The crystals were falling to the ground, about to land on one well dressed man who seemed too busy painting the fight to get out of the way fast enough. I forgot about my attacker for a moment then ran forward, barreling into him to get him out of the way.
"Watch out!" I yelled just before I reached him. We both tumbled out of the way of the giant shard of crystal, narrowly avoiding a crushing death. The man I had helped, known as Reedus, quickly made his way to safety after.
Many more of her crystals started to fall, one slamming into another and making our battle field extremely dangerous. Once every crystal was down, all the large shards just seemed to break into smaller and smaller pieces.
She ran forward with her sword, while I quickly reached down to grab my spear that I had to drop when helping Reedus. She went to swipe at me with her sword but I blocked it with my spear. She used her free hand to punch my flank, making me stumbled for a heartbeat. I pushed my spear forward and it hit her shoulder, the sharp part piercing her skin. She hissed in pain then stumbled back slightly, her hand now over the bleeding wound while she gripped the sword in the other. She then tossed the sword to the ground, panting lightly. I assumed she had given up, making me relax slightly.
"Sunshine star cannon!" She then yelled, sending a blast directly at me. I felt the attack hit me and a weird form of paralysis try and take over my body. Something had stopped it from happening fully, my secondary magic seemingly saving me. My water magic would wash away most the effects, leaving a light tingle on my skin. My body turned from skin, to water, then back to skin, taking a moment to exert the paralyzing effect of her spell. Once that was over, she looked shocked to see I was still standing.
"That's never failed! That's it, this ends now!" She yelled then ran forward, her sword ready to be slashed at me. I ran forward as well, lifting my spear up.
Before we could reach each other, a massive hand was slammed down between us.
"That's enough!" Master Makarov's voice boomed, making us both come to a halt. He went back to his original size, though he wasn't afraid to use his magic again if he had to. For now, my attacker had listed since her vendetta was with me and not Makarov.
He had turned to face her directly, his gaze stern and seemingly angered.
"Your recklessness almost killed Reedus! He was innocent in all this and you put him in harm's way for your personal quota!" Makarov scolded. When I looked back, I saw Reedus and some of the other guild members of Fairy Tail, all giving me approving nods no doubt thanking me for saving the painter. I looked back at Makarov and the young women.
"Not to mention all the destruction you caused on Magnolia for your fight." Makarov went on to say.
"I didn't-." She started but he cut her off.
"You didn't expect her to just let you kill her did you!? She's done nothing wrong and deep down, you know it. You're looking for someone to pin your anger on, your hatred, you are looking for someone to blame but she is not to blame!" He said, gesturing back to me quickly at the end. The woman looked at her surroundings briefly, seeing the amount of destruction she had caused. The crystals she summoned had landed on a few buildings and ruined the pathway of the town.
"What have I done?" She mumbled, seemingly asking herself that question.
I walked up to her and I put a hand on her shoulder. "Look I'm sorry with what happened to Sitri. I really am. But it was our old guild master. He's the one who made the rule that if you lose a match you get kicked out. Our guild now respects its friends. If Sitri was here now I'm sure we'd ask her to rejoin us." I tell her and she lets out a few tears.
"But-..." She started.
"Battling me won't bring her back. I know what it's like to lose someone you love," I say looking down. "But instead of trying to avenge her, try and honor her memory." I say and she wipes her tears away.
"Sabertooth sounds like a cool guild now that the previous guild master is gone. I'd love to join but.... After I attacked you who's ever gonna forgive me for what I've done...." She says while turning to the town.
"To let someone walk in darkness is something I can't allow knowing I could help them." I say and Makarov nods.
"While I can't forgive you for almost killing one of my children I can see that you lost someone you cared about and for that I am sorry. But taking your anger and pain out on other people is not the way to do things." He says while holding out a hand to her. "While She may not offer total salvation she can help you get onto the path of good. That's what sisters are for." He says and I blink.
"Excuse me Master Makarov, but im not her sister..." I said, looking at her after.
"On the contrary, not sister but twin. The sun and the moon duo." He says taking yet another drink.
"Sir, I'm an orphan sent through a portal because my mother had to give me up." She says looking down.
"Then tell me this, when are your birthdays?" He asks.
At the same time we say the same answer. "January 22."
I stare at her in awe. I lower my shoulder and a moon birthmark was on my right shoulder. She lowered her left shoulder of her cloak and there was a sun birthmark. I gaze in amazement.
"Just as I thought twin sisters who were separated at birth. One was adopted by Gajeels mother and one was sent through a portal to our time if I'm not mistaken you stepped through the eclipse gate right Luna?" Master Makarov asks and I nod my head. "Hmm, head to miss Porlyusica to confirm it if my suspicions are correct." He says and we both nod. I look at her and she looks at me, both of us unsure what to think.
"I wasn't adopted by Gajeels mom she is my mom had a dna test and everything...." I say holding her hand.
"I can't believe I've found a family. I mean if you'll have me." She says looking down.
"Are you kidding me? I've always wanted a sister!" I say hugging her.
She looks surprised by my answer. "Even after I just tried to kill you?" She asks.
"Yep, not the first time someone tried to kill me and it won't be the last." I say laughing. "And they've tried to kill me over less," I said, giggling.
"Well... Thank you so much." She says crying.
"Of course! Wait until you get to Sabertooth, you'll love it!" I say as we walk into the forest out of sight. A certain wizard following us as she set her plans into action.

Joining Sabertooth! A Luna Nightingale x Sting Eucliffe fanfiction! (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now