The Time Has Come!

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I open my eyes to the mid morning sun peeking through the window. I smiled as I felt someone's arms wrapped around my waist tightly. The embrace was secure, warm, such a small gesture had come with so many feelings at once. I turn my head and notice the blonde dragon slayer sleeping soundly. As I smile, I feel his grip tighten up even more. I could feel my heart swell with happiness. I kiss his cheek as he stirs slightly, his eyelids twitching. I smile again as he yawns then opens his eyes.
"Hey Babe." He says yawning.
I smile as he called me that. "Morning sleepy head." I say and giggle.
"I'll make breakfast if you wanna get the mail." He says as he sits up stretching.
"Yeah I can do that." I say then get up, taking a moment to sit after I threw my legs over the side of the bed.
I slowly put on slippers and securely tie a robe around my body as I walk down the steps. I walk outside and I wave at Dobengal as he walks by before going back inside. I pick up the mail and I shift through it, scowling at the junk. I stop sorting through the mail when I see a letter addressed to me from Gajeel. I place the other mail on the counter and I open up the letter. I start reading over it as I'm drinking a glass of water. It was an invitation to the Harvest festival. I look at the date and it's three days from now. As I remember the prophecy I drop the glass and it shatters at my feet. I hear Sting run into the kitchen, his gaze falling to the floor that was now littered with broken glass.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked concerned.
"I have to go find Aurora!" I shout as I run up the steps and put on my outfit and jump out the window with Tenroku carrying me. "I'll explain later I promise!"
Tenroku flies me to my old apartment as I figured that's where she was and I knock on her window and she opens it and I fly in and had her the letter. I watch her read it as she drops it.
"In three days?!  But the prophecy!" She shouts.
"Yeah I know!" I say looking nervous. "We have to go to the southern continent." I say looking at Tenroku.
"How are we gonna get there?!" She asks panicking.
"Calm down I'm sure we can borrow a fast ship." I say trying to calm her down.
After finally calming her down we both agree to talk to Rufus and Sting about it and ask for their help.
"I'll write to Gajeel. I'm sure Tenroku and Hanami wouldn't mind flying to Magnolia to deliver the message asap." I say as I quickly start writing.
I explained everything in the letter. I mention the prophecy and our concerns. Once I'm done writing, I hand Tenroku the letter. He returns it with a nod and him and Hanami fly off towards the direction of Magnolia. As Aurora gets ready I notice her cloak that was hung up nearby.
"So where did you get your cloak?" I ask her curiously.
"Lady Irene got it for me." She says nonchalantly.
As Aurora finishes getting ready we both head out towards the guild hall. Once we get there after running the entire way using my speed spell I see Sting and Rufus standing outside talking. As we approach them Rufus waves at us and Sting turns around looking worried.
"Where did you run off to? You had me worried sick!" He says as he hugs me tightly.
"I'm sorry about that but I had to talk to Aurora." I say hugging back.
Aurora and I start explaining the situation to them. I can see the concern on Stings face as I tell him what Miss Porlyusica had told us. I can tell he didn't want me to go. Rufus seemed concerned for Aurora which I was happy that he cared so much about her even though they just met.
"I know I should've told you right when I got home but I didn't expect it to be happening so soon. I thought I'd have more time to prepare and analyze the situation." I say as I put a hand on Stings shoulder.
"I don't want you going there." He says and I lower my head knowing this would happen. "Not unless I go with you. And Rufus goes too." He says and I smile and nod.
"Of course I wouldn't dream of going without you Sting." I say happily.
"I mean I wouldn't mind you going Rufus. But only if you want to." Aurora says looking to the side.
"It would be an honor to accompany you on your quest." He says bowing.
"Then it's settled we're going to the South continent." I say looking towards the sky.
Fairy Tail isn't the only one who gets to save the world anymore. It's Sabertooth's time to shine. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of any of this being possible. That it'd be up to me to save the world. Or having a twin sister now that I think about it. I hope Tenroku and Hanami have made it there safely. They should be there by now.
~Gajeel's POV~
I was walking to the guild hall with Lily when I smell Luna's and Aurora's exceeds nearby. I look around wondering if my sisters were around Magnolia.
"What is it Gajeel?" Lily asks flying up in front of me when I stopped.
"I smell Luna's and Aurora's exceeds." I say calmly.
"There!" Lily says and points to the sky.
"Yo Tenroku!" I shout out grabbing their attention.
They both fly down looking completely exhausted. After catching their breaths Tenroku hands me an envelope.
"This is from Luna! They may need your help!" Tenroku says.
I immediately grew worried, my mind playing out a thousand situations that put them in danger. Had something happened? I quickly opened the letter and started reading. After I'm done reading, I shove the letter into my pocket quickly and run towards the guild hall. Lily flew next to me looking concerned and Tenroku and Hanami flew next to us too.
"Gajeel, what's wrong?" Lily asked.
"Luna and Aurora need our help." I say calmly.
"But what about the Harvest Festival?" He asks as well.
"I can't participate this year. If Fairy Tail has taught me one thing it's family comes first." I say as I see the guild hall. I see Makarov just outside of it and I call out to him. "Master Makarov!"
"Hmm? What is it Gajeel?" He asks looking slightly worried.
"I'm sorry but I won't be in the Harvest Festival this year. Luna and Aurora need my help." I say panting slightly.
"Then you must go help your family." He says and I give a smile.
"Wait, Luna's in trouble?" I hear Cana ask.
She walks up with Erza next to her. "What's this about them needing help?" Erza asks.
I hand Erza the letter and Cana reads over her shoulder. Erza then closes her eyes and hands Makarov the letter.
"I'll join you!" Cana sternly says.
"No you two stay here." Makarov says.
"But master." Erza starts.
"This is something that they do alone. I'm more than confident that they'll be capable of handling this situation on their own. Gajeel you should head out now." He says.
"Right I can't waste any time. Come on Lily, we're going on a little field trip." I say as he grabs onto my black and we start flying off in the direction of the Sabertooth guild hall. Tenroku and Hanami flying next to us.
"Master why did you let Gajeel go even though you have confidence in Luna and Aurora?" Erza asks.
"Because their his blood sisters. While I know I don't usually care about blood relations this is something that I believe has to happen. He'd go weather I gave my permission or not." Makarov says.
~Luna's POV~
After Sting asked Rouge to look after the guild in his absence we were off. We started heading to the port in the South. I hope Tenroku and Hanami catch up to us quickly. I didn't want to leave without them but we couldn't waste time waiting for them. I don't want to put anyone else at risk if I didn't have to either. We left Crocus a few hours ago. I don't know who or what we'll be facing but a small force is a good idea. Not a lot of people to get hurt.
"You seriously think you can go on this quest without me?!" I hear someone yell from the skies.
I look upwards and I see Gajeel, Pantherlily, Tenroku, and Hanami fly downwards towards us. I smile as I giggle. I'm happy that he'll be joining us.
"Gajeel, why did you come?!" I hear Aurora scold.
"Because we're family." He says plainly.
"A good a reason as any." I say with a smile.
"You're seriously ok with him tagging along?" She asks me a little shocked.
"Yes I am. He can handle himself." I say as we keep walking. The four exceeds start a conversation with one another.
I feel a lot better knowing that everyone here would have each other's backs. It was reassuring. As we keep walking for a few more hours we reach the southern harbour. I felt bad for Gajeel and Sting since we'd have to take a boat. With them being Dragon Slayers I hated that they had to suffer motion sickness. Then a thought entered my mind, one of my spells can help them. I smile at the thought of that. As we use one of the Sabertooth boats that Sting had bought recently for the guild. I use my spell on them both.
"Moonstone Healing Wave." I say  and Sting and Gajeel smile as they don't feel sick to their stomachs.
"So any idea what we'll be fighting in this Southern continent?" Gajeel asks.
"We have no idea. Just that it's said that only Aurora and I can defeat it." I say looking down.
"Well whatever it is we'll handle it together." Sting says which makes me smile.
Knowing that my friends and family were by my side made everything seem possible. Like nothing could defeat us. Though I knew it was just a dream. Sooner or later we'd face something that not even the great Iron dragon slayer or the white dragon slayer can defeat. And I feared that day was coming soon. That it was coming on this quest, on this new continent, and I was scared. Until Sting said a Sting sentence.
"Hey, even if we fall, we'll keep getting back up." He says with a smile.
With that simple phrase I no longer worried. I smiled with the aura of determination. I won't let anything happen to my family. Blood or not.

Joining Sabertooth! A Luna Nightingale x Sting Eucliffe fanfiction! (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now