The Grand Battle (Finale)

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I had just woken up from the sleep of the century. In other words it was horrible. We all went to the upper deck. Gajeel, Cobalt, and Evan are gonna stay here. I don't want them to be hurt.
"Alright everyone knows the game plan. Sting, Selena, and I will be the heavy hitters. Aurora and Twila I want you guys to be on the minions he has. Rufus and Zorax I need you on defense." I say and they all nod.
We quickly make our way to the underground. Everyone goes to their designated area. Selena was happy to be working with an actual team instead of just 4 other people. We keep running about 4 miles taking a break every now and then.  We come across about three minions.
"These will be a piece of cake." Selena says.
She was right. All it took was her electric field and they were down. We kept running until we reached the others.
"Wow took you guys long enough." Zorax said with a chuckle.
We look up and we can feel the magic power of the eclipse gate. It was so powerful. I looked at everyone.
"I just wanted to say thank you to all 3 of you. We wouldn't have been able to figure this out without you. I'm sure Sabertooth will enjoy having all three of you as gifted members of the guild." I say.
"Thanks. Now... let's go kick some ass!" Zorax shouts.
I nod to Aurora as she makes ice Make spikes beneath us. We all use our powers to blow up the ground above us. We all jump off the ice spikes as they go into the air. Aurora and I hold hands as we approach him. The others go for the minions completely not following the plan. But then I remembered that Aurora and I had to be the ones to defeat him.
"Father please! Don't do this!" I pleaded.
"I can't... I have to get my wife back..." he said as he turned and entered the gate.
"Come on we have to follow him!" Aurora shouted.
"You both go ahead we've got it!" Sting said.
"Go fulfill your destiny!" Twila yelled.
We both nod and run through the portal. I see everyone standing there. In the same position as when I left. My mother was crying on the ground. I left Aurora to go find dad while I went up to mom. Finally being able to fulfill my promise. I put my hands on her shoulders and she looks up at me.
"I'm sorry do I know you?" She asks.
"I'm Luna. Your daughter. I told you I'd come back for you." I said and she hugged me.
"You will not be takin anyone else through that portal!" Zeref yells.
I growl as I looked at him. "You don't control me Zeref! You never have! I don't care if you can kill me in one spell! I'm taking her back!" I shouted.
I watch as Aurora and dad come from the woods and are fighting towards the gate. He pushes her back through the gate as well. I hold onto mom's hand and we run through.
"Everyone destroy the gate!" I shout as mom and I run through.
Aurora and dad are still fighting. I take mom to an area where she'll be safe. Dad and Aurora aren't using magic power at all just hand to hand. I nod to mom and head off to join the fight.
When I caught up to them, Aurora and dad were still fighting just as before. He dodged two of her hits, leaning one way then the other. Suddenly, Aurora was pushed forward by a bolt of electricity. Dad had started to use magic, tired of her games. Aurora landed a few feet away from me, holding her side where the bolt had hit. She sat up, sending a small glare at our dad after.
Dad put his hands together, bolts of electricity coming off him at certain spots. I inwardly groaned, not a fan of the fact that I'd probably be getting shocked again. He saw me then slammed his fist into the ground. The ground would crack and break, a large amount of lightning traveling through it. The lightning found me and made me freeze for a moment, being shocked out of my mind. I fell to the ground after, letting out a small groan.
"Luna!" Aurora yelled, worried that I wasn't okay.
I gave a small wave in her direction which relaxed her slightly.
"I'm fine, just give me a minute." I told her.
Aurora's brow creased then she stood up and turned to dad. She held her hands out and would cast a spell.
"Solar Eclipse Beam!" She called out, a laser then shooting out of her hand. It circled around then went to hit dad but he easily moved out of the way last minute. Normally that spell always hits but since he timed his dodge right it only hit the ground.
"Burning embrace!" He yelled out, making a large amount of fire appear then go directly to Aurora. She screamed slightly when the fire wrapped around her, squeezing her tightly like a burning chain. Aurora fell on her knees, her back arched as the fire burned her skin.
"Sunstone embrace!" She called out. A light shade of fire appeared around her, giving her some relief from the pain but unfortunately she was still trapped for now.
I got up then ran forward, hoping to take his attention off Aurora so she could finally be free of his flaming prison.
"Moon Light Cannon!" I called out. A large cannon blast shot out from my hands, which he easily dodged. The light from the blast still managed to blind him, making him stop for a moment then rub his eyes. Aurora was now freed as she quickly joined my side. Aurora called her sword to her, the bright blade appearing in her hand shortly after.
"Lunar Brigade!" I called out. A wheel of swords appeared around me, waiting for my command. Aurora charged forward, her sword ready while I supported her from here. I clicked my hand forward and a few swords from me followed her, heading straight for dad.
Dad easily moved out of the way when one sword went forward quicker then the others, the sword then shattering against the ground. Aurora went to strike him with her sword right after his dodge, but he ducked down and shot a bolt of electricity into her stomach quickly. This sent Aurora back so I started to attack dad more instead. I sent sword after sword forward, all that he'd either dodge or destroy with lightening. He started to walk forward at the same time, closing the distance between us. I started to send swords at him faster to try and stop him but it seemed to do nothing.
Aurora ran forward again, slicing her sword downwards. Dad moved out of the way but a little late, a sharp cut now visible in his arm. His gaze narrowed then he held his hands out.
"That's enough!" He snapped, sending two spells out. One went to Aurora and one to me, both of them hitting their marks. They were two balls of pure fire, which made both of us hit the ground once they touched us. Aurora dropped her sword where it would vanish after.
While we both felt the burning feeling across our bodies, there was a new feeling. It was shock, making both Aurora and myself yell and scream in pain.
"Stop!" A new voice said, mom quickly running forward after.
"No mom stay back!" I yelled.
Dad suddenly stopped. He looked over at the dark haired woman in front of us. He was visibly shaking.
"L-Lydia..." He said.
She nodded. "Look at who you're hurting. Why would you think it was a smart move to hurt your own children?" She asked almost in tears.
He looked at us on the ground trembling in pain. He then called back his lightning, making me sigh in relief. He then started to walk up to her.
"I thought I'd never see you again." He said.
I quietly moved closer to Aurora. In order to destroy the gate we'd have to do a unison raid.
"I've always been here. You don't realize how happy I am to see you. When i was told that you and Aurora were dead I feared the worst. I only had Gajeel and Luna..." She started to speak.
"I was told you, Gajeel, and Luna were dead!" He said loudly.
"Then we were both lied to... But that doesn't give you the right to harm your own family." She said.
I watched as they shared a loving embrace. The prophecy was right. We did reunite a family. Mine. Suddenly the ground began to shake. Aurora and I looked over and saw the eclipse gate grow unstable. Mom helped me up while dad helped Aurora.
Aurora and I walked forward towards the gate, taking each other's hand. Aurora starred the gate down as did I, a large magic circle then appearing over us.
"I call upon the sun." Aurora says.
"I call upon the moon." I said after her.
"Together we ask you lend us your power, give us the strength to overpower our enemies. Bring us light and warmth while our enemies feel the sting of death." We'd say together.
"Sabertooths light!"
A large beam of mixed light came down on the gate, slowly breaking it apart. It acted almost as a vortex, chipping apart the gate slowly at first then completely ripping it apart. There was a overpowering wind that came with it, picking up the rubbles from the gate at the same time. Once the spell was over, the gate was left in pieces.
Aurora and I looked at each other then immediately hugged, seeing we had done it.
We all made our way back to the boat. Happy to finally be heading home and to have this crisis averted. When we make our way onto the ship Gajeel is on the deck leaning against Pantherlily.
"Did you get it done?" He asked.
I nod and points to mom. "We also brought someone from the past." I say and he starts breaking down into tears.
"So we're finally a family again?" He asks smiling.
I nodded my head. Suddenly we hear a voice calling out to Gajeel.
"Yo Gajeel wait up!" Someone yelled out.
"Gildarts?! What are you doing here?" Gajeel said laughing.
"Long story short I was here on a job with this lovely lady." He would say pointing to her.
She would curtsey. "Vivienne von Knottley, a pleasure to make your acquaintance... Or I suppose I should say acqaintances." Vivienne said, looking at the rest of the group.
"Could we catch a ride with you all?" Gildarts asks rubbing his head. "I kinda got our boat smashed so we're stranded." He says chuckling nervously.
Just then Vivienne hit him upside the head.
"Smashed..." She repeated. "Of course you found some way to ruin my expedition, I don't understand why I keep hiring you when you keep costing me more and more jewel." She grumbled to Gildarts.
"Because you love my company." He says snarkily.
"Oh please, I'd prefer the company of a dog... It would even have better table manners." Vivienne said, lifting her chin slightly to turn her nose up at Gildarts.
"Anyway could we catch a ride back to Ishgar with you??" He asks us.
"I don't see why not hop aboard." I say with a smile.
They both gladly climb onto the boat. We all follow. Aurora and I wave to the townspeople. All of them waving back.
"Please come visit us soon!" The town's mayor called out. "You'll always be welcomed here!"
We all smile and wave as I cast my spell on Gajeel and Sting. Happy to finally be heading home. Back to Sabertooth, back to my friends, back home. Finally reuniting my family after all this time. I couldn't imagine a more perfect ending.
It's been a long time coming! This book is finally done! Thank you to all my followers and especially Free_Doodlez ! The next book in this series is going to a collaboration with Free_Doodlez including her character Vivienne von Knottley! I hope you all enjoy what's to come next! See you next time!

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