Gajeel vs Evan

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~Gajeel's POV~
I could feel Luna's magic power from over here at the port. Aurora and I agreed that I'd wait here at the harbor and wait while she went on ahead. Panther lily and the other exceeds stayed on the ship to make sure that nothing happened to it. I was so bored that I thought no one would show up. How wrong I was. Just as I was about to head back to the ship I saw a figure in the distance. I could hear his sword scrape across the ground. It's sound made me want to cover my ears but I didn't. He had blonde hair that reminded me of Salamanders. However his was styled differently. So he was the requip wizard. Watching Luna fight Erza I had wondered why she hadn't been the one taking him on. However I also understood that I had the most experience with requip magic. Being in Fairy Tail and all. He stopped just as he was a few feet away from me.
"So you're my opponent?" He asked not showing hardly any emotion.
"Depends you the requip wizard?" I asked.
"I am." He said casually.
"Then yeah I'm your opponent." I said grinning.
I didn't see him move but I suddenly had a large cut along my arm. And he still stood there looking at me. How did he move without me seeing him? I suddenly put my iron scales on. This is gonna be different than fighting Erza. This is gonna be difficult.
"I'm not going to lose to you..." he said. "I won't lose until the eclipse gate is finished. I will save my family."
"What the hell happened that made you so... Emotionless..." I asked.
"When I was a little boy I lost my mom and sister..." he said.
I won't deny I know what the guy feels like. But I also didn't understand why he was emotionless.
"My family was killed by the dragon Acnologia." He said as my eyes widen. "So I will go back in time and save them. And nothing and no one will stop me. Now... I hope your prepared for an honorable battle." He said holding his sword out.
I got into a fighting stance waiting for him. Acnologia I can see being mad at but giving up emotions is just crazy.
"You're probably wondering why I'm not showing any fear or joy. It's because I locked out the weakness that I had." He explained.
This guys twisted. Emotions make you stronger. What a scumbag. I'll show him the power of my emotions.
"Then come at me if your so confident..." I said waiting.
"Very well." He said holding onto his sword as he glowed. "Black wing armor." He said. "You probably recognize this armor. I did get it from your talented Erza Scarlet." He said as he charged forward.
"Iron Dragon's Sword!" I called. My arm morphed into the blade of a dark sword, created from solid iron. I quickly lifted my arm up to block his attack, our two blades then clashing. The large clash of metal on metal would echo across the area, giving him pause but only for a heartbeat.
Evan was quick to refocus. He would jump back then charge forward again, this time sweeping low. I used my sword to block it again, just barely. Before he would move, I held my free fist up.
"Iron Dragon's Club!" I shouted. A large beam of iron would shoot from my fist, aiming for Evan. He jumped backwards then again as the beam extended outwards. He then flew upwards slightly with the help of the wings that were attached to the armor. A large gust of wind was sent towards me, which ultimately knocked me back.
I let out a grunt when I hit the ground and rolled backwards slightly, but quickly recovered.
"Humph, inadequate." Even said, his gaze as blank as ever.
I rolled my eyes then ran forward. For someone with no emotions he seemed quite cocky to say the least. When I got close, Evan held his sword up horizontally. He set his hand over the flat edge of the blade, ready to block whatever I had.
"Iron Dragon's Scales!" I shouted. I smirked when I felt the scales cover the entirety of my body, giving off a small clinking sound as I ran forward. Evan still seemed unmoved as I ran forward, ready to put a fist to his face. He used his sword to stop my initial attack, blocking my fist. Before he could pull it back to swing it again, I grabbed it by it's blade.
I was then thrown back, being blasted by a large beam of magical energy. It hurt me even through the iron scales, making me take a moment to focus again. It felt like a burn that you didn't expect, like one would get from cooking and accidentally touching a hot pan.
Evan pointed his sword towards me, as if mocking me silently. I shook my head as I grew a little frustrated, seeming to be unable to land a hit on him. I let out an enraged yell then ran forward again, this time having a real plan in mind.
Evan blocked my first attack with the sword again then leaned back to avoid my second one. This time, I grabbed the wing of hi armour before he could make any real distance between us. With a little force, I crushed it. With the wing now being a bent and battered hunk of metal, Evan seemed unnerved but I honestly couldn't tell. All I was able to notice was that his attacks became more erratic.
He would swing his sword to the side to try and hit my flank, only for it to bounce off the iron scales. I held a cocky smirk as his attacks seemed to do nothing, the metal edge of his blade just bouncing off the scales protecting my body. His brow twitched as he obviously got a little frustrated. He then put both hands on the hilt of his sword before stabbing it into the ground just in front of me. A small explosion went off, kicking up earth that it touched and throwing me back. The explorer was blinding, and when it touched me it would burn right through the scales. I let out a grunt and tried my hardest to keep the spell up, but ultimately it failed. Just after the explosion ended, the iron scales would vanish.
"Requip!" Evan said, going still for a moment and holding up his hand to change out his weapon and armour.
This time he requiped to armor that resembled Erza's giant armor. He also held a lance now, his sword seeming to disappear. This made no difference to me though.
Quickly, I charged forward and kept ready to attack. Unlike the black wing armor, Evan shouldn't be able to fly away. Once I was within reach, I called out a spell.
"Iron dragon's club!" I called out. A large beam of iron would sprout from my fist, heading straight to Evan. He raised a brow for a moment then pushed the beam downwards with his lance once it was close enough, the strength his armor provided giving him an edge.
With my spell practically nullified, Evan ran forward. He held his lance out, shifting it slightly to add more force to his attack. I jumped out of the way and the lance plunged deep into the ground. The force behind it would cause the ground to crack and quake for a heartbeat, making me stumble. While I was focused with my balance, Evan sent a strong punch into my jaw. I was thrown backwards, surprised by the actual strength that Evan had amassed. Once it hit the ground, Evan pulled the lance from the ground and charged again.
It was easy to notice, even from the ground that Evan was slowed in that armor. It was clunky, hard to maneuver in. I decided that I could use that to my advantage, hopefully.
When Evan went to attack me, I rolled out of the way so he attacked the ground once again. He would quickly swing his lance to the side once I got up, attempting to strike me. Again he missed then fell back when I slide to the side.
"Iron dragon's foot blade!" I called before I sent a strong kick to the back of his knee. Evan stumbled slightly then fell back when the blade cut into his armor. He landed on his back, his jaw clenched at the now stinging pain in his knee since it was practically kicked out from under him.
"Iron dragon's sword!" I called, sending the sword down on him shortly after. Evan held his lance up to block the sword, which he successfully did. It was then I activated the iron teeth that lined the blade of my sword, ripping the handle of the lance apart.
With the lance now broken in two, Evan tossed it aside. He kicked me in the stomach to knock me back before the sword could touch him. Once we both got up again, Evan held up his hand.
"Requip!" He called out.
His armor was replaced with armor that resembled Erza's sea empress armor now, only it was more masculine. He held a sword that seemed to be made out of water as well.
Evan wasted no time and charged forward, holding both hands on the hilt of his sword. He sliced the sword and I didn't bother to move considering it was just water. That was my mistake since the water blade would still cut my torso. The pressure along the edge was enough for it to cut like a knife and leave a stinging scald. At his next swing, I jumped out of the way. Once there was distance between us, he shook his head.
"Arrogant." He spat then held his sword up, the end pointing towards me. It formed a whirlpool then sent it forward, surrounding me. The force with the whirlpool would sweep me off my feet quickly, giving me little to no time to react. "Scald." Evan commanded, making the water turn boiling hot. I let out a pained cry, feeling my skin burn terribly and there was nothing I could do to stop it. He would lift his sword up slightly then slam it down, making the whirlpool slam me down to the ground.
The burns made me stay for a moment, my hands shaking as I tried to cope with the pain. Evan let out a small 'Tsk' sound then started to speak.
"Where are your precious emotions now? All I see is pain and suffering... Emotions are pointless, just a weight we're forced to carry throughout our lives." He said.
My jaw clenched, growing angry with his arrogance. I forced myself to my feet, making him lift his chin slightly.
"Emotions are... Well they make us human. They make us laugh and cry, make us really be able to experience life to the fullest. Things like happiness and joy let us find reasons within our lives to keep going, keep fighting for the ones we love and want to protect." I explained.
"... Happiness?" He questioned.
"Yeah, happiness." I said.
Evan thought for a moment then his brow creased as his gaze narrowed.
"Happiness and weakness are just one in the same." He sneered. Evan then held his hand up again, his sword vanishing. "Enough of this, it's time I end you and all your idiotic opinions of emotions." Evan said before deciding to reaquipe.
His new armor was something I hadn't seen Erza ever use. It was made from some shiny metal and had detailing that resembled scales across it. The armor seemed to be extremely protective and came with a large claymore. The claymore was engraved with multiple symbols, some resembling dragons. It was dragon slayer armor and it looked extremely powerful.
"Iron shadow dragon mode." I said, realizing I'd need to try my hardest for this one. I ran forward as Evan held his sword up, ready to attack once I was close enough. Once I was close enough, he swiped his sword upwards. The blade literally cut through me, having no effect since I was a shadow. His eyes widened for a moment then I wasn't sure what his expression was since I used the power of shadows to appear behind him.
I let out a quick chuckle then sent an iron covered fist forward, denting the armor that protected his back. He was pushed forward and to the ground, but he quickly got up. Evan tried the same tactics over and over, seeming to never adapt to the situation. After a bit of the same thing, he would get up halfway.
"Iron shadow dragon's roar!" I called out. I poured everything I had left into the attack, thinking of those important to me as I did so. I fought for my friends like pantherlily, I fought for my newfound family which was Luna and Aurora and I fought for my guild, Fairy Tail.
The attacked would completely ruin Evan's armor, breaking through it so he could experience it's full power. A massive blast of shadow and iron filled the area, as well as left a hole in the ground. Since I used all my power in that attack, iron shadow mode was gone after. Evan meanwhile laid on his back, his armor chipped and broken in spots. He was conscious, but seemingly lost in thought as he stared up at the sky. There was obviously no fight left in him, so he wouldn't get up again.
"I lost.... to someone who has something I've never had....." he would say as he sat up. "Someone to truly fight for..." he said holding his arm.
"You really are clueless aren't you?" I said as I kneeled down. "It's not a possession... I have a family who I care for... and who cares for me back." I say holding out my hand. "And not to mention that I know what your going through... I lost my mother and sister as well... however, try going your whole life not realizing you ever had a family or never knowing that you had an older sister." I said looking to the side.
I helped him up as I stared him dead in the eyes. "I had no memories from before I entered the eclipse gate... if you go back in time for this... you may change the lives of everyone..."
He looked visibly shaken. "I hadn't thought of that ... but how am I supposed to go on without a family..." he said finally showing the emotions he claimed that he had buried.
"Well you can start off by honoring them in the best way I know how... by making a better life for yourself and the ones around you." I said with a smile. "And by going back to Ishgar and joining a guild." I said and he nodded his head. He slowly made his way back to our ship. I smiled watching him. If anyone knows what it's like to not have something or someone to fight for it's me. After my days at Phantom Lord... I know what it feels like to not have any friends or family. But now that I'm with Fairy Tail I won't lose to anyone else who might threaten my family.... they mean the world to me... and I'm not about to make them now...
Thanks for sticking with me through this! I'm sorry it took so long! Thanks Free_Doodlez for all your help!

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