Aurora vs Twila

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Gajeel and I had agreed to split up. I had volunteered to go against the dark fire wizard known as Twila. I was running along the roof tops of the buildings hoping I'd see her if she was trying to sneak up on me. I'd be ready to fight. I stopped on one roof so i could catch my breath. As I thought about Twila she had seemed familiar. I couldn't think of why. I saw a dot in the distance on a roof of about 30 buildings in front of me. I squinted my eyes to get a better view but then suddenly jumped out of the way. A laser of dark fire was fired at me and i narrowly dodged it. Thankfully i did and landed on another roof. I started running forwards. I was going to close the distance between us. As soon as she came into view I stopped dead in my tracks. Her magic power was that on the level of Lady Irene's. It was amazing how much power she wielded at her age. She was only a few years older maybe only a year older than Luna and I. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She held little in terms of emotion. No not emotion. She was focused.
"You will regret going against me little one.." She said calmly.
She pointed her finger up and suddenly I was enveloped in flames. I closed my eyes as the flames burned at my body. "Ice-make explosion!" I yelled dousing the flames.
She still stood there focused. "I see you hold Ice make magic as well as sun magic. Interesting." She simply said.
"Who the hell are you? How can you have this much magic power at your age!?" I asked.
"I am over 2000 years old. While you may know Zeref has the curse of ankselum. I hold a different curse. I hold the curse of youth the inability to die as well. I do not kill people if I love them. In fact I cause the opposite I cause them to grow younger." She said. "However I don't want to die. I want to live."
My eyes grew wider. She was immortal and can turn back time for a single persons body. I can now see why she was so powerful. She has had 2000 years of training. But I can't afford to lose here. I'll figure out how to break that curse of hers.
I held my fists up as I waited for Twila to do something. She went still for a moment before she held both her hands up.
"Swarm." Twila said, a massive flock of birds created out of fire coming from a magic circle. They all dived towards me, some turning away from the group to surround me. They were made of dark fire and completely surrounded me. I would jump when one of the birds went past my side, burning my skin as it went. It left a red scorch mark in its wake. More of the birds did the same, but I did my best to duck and weave now. Eventually I put my hands together and closed my eyes.
"Ice-make, shield!" I called out. I was incased in a ball of ice that would grow outwards. It would stretch out to the birds made out of dark fire then stop them in their tracks, freezing them until they were nothing but smoke. Once the birds were gone I let the shield fall, but Twila was ready.
"Fire orb!" Twila called out.
A large ball of dark fire would shoot towards me, growing larger the closer it came. My eyes widened once the ball came in contact with my skin, immediately exploding after. I was tossed back significantly, new burn marks across my arms and any spots of uncovered skin. I got up to the knees then placed my hands over some of the burns, using the cold feeling they had from my ice magic to try and relieve some pressure from the heat.
Twila was still for a moment, focused on something else while I dealt with my burns. She held her hands out, a magic circle under her feet while she focused magic power. I wasn't sure what she was doing but I was going to find out the hard way.
"Ice-make, spear!" I yelled, the spear then forming in my hand. I got to my feet again then tossed the spear towards her, watching it cut through the air. Twila hadn't even opened her eyes as she would spin out of the spears path. The spear would turn towards the ground the shatter since it missed its mark.
Twila then opened her eyes, having focused her power for long enough.
"Tornado flame!" She called out, holding one hand up as a massive dark flame started to twist into a miniature tornado. She sent it towards me, the tornado picking up speed as it went. I jumped out of the way but the tornado circled back around, this time getting me from behind. It enclosed me in flames, picking me up off the ground at the same time.
Once the tornado was gone, it left me on the ground. Still, I got up to my knees, taking a moment to deal with the pain my body felt now.
"Still alive? You're tougher than I thought..." Twila said. I let out a heavy sigh, still feeling terrible pain through my body. It was then I heard an all too familiar voice.
"Aurora!" It was Gajeel.
Twila turned her attention to Gajeel, her head tilted to the side.
"A friend?" Twila asked.
"No, I'm her brother." Gajeel said.
He ran over to me then helped me back to my feet, giving me a determined smile. Gajeel and I both started to run forward, ready to attack Twila. It was then that we were separated, Twila using a wall of fire to cut a line between us.
"Gajeel?" I called over, worry etched into my voice.
"I'm fine." He called back.
I attempted to go around to hopefully get back to him but Twila only cut me off with another wall of fire, this time not as tall. She held a small smirk for a moment, seeing she was able to control where we went relatively well. I suddenly started to worry for Gajeel since he would need to deal with Twila while I was trapped here. The walls of fire turned into a circle around me, keeping me stuck for now. Each time i tried to douse the fire with ice, the flames would just grow larger.
Twila held her hand outwards, mostly focused on Gajeel now.
"Fire Wave!" Twila called out, a large amount of fire then coming from her hand at an alarming rate. It rushed towards Gajeel who had no where he could dodge since the fire would cover the area around him. He tried to use his magic to get out of this tough spot but the dark fire was comparable to a molten consistency. It would easily melt through the iron beams that extended from his legs which he used to stay above the fire.
After a bit, he fell. The iron he used to stay out of the flames paths finally melted and unable to hold him anymore. All I was able to see was Gajeel fall into a sea of flames, a painful cry from him following. Twila was extremely focused, her gaze unwavering while she controlled the flames. Once it cleared, Gajeel was on the ground. His arms and other spots of skin were covered in major burns, making it hurt for him to move.
"He's done, leave him out of this now!" I yelled at Twila but she either ignored me or didn't hear me.
Using the same spell, she would press her hand to the ground this time. "Fire Wave!" She called again, this time making the ground shake a bit. It started to crack and rumble around where Gajeel laid, the fire then eventually bursting up through the ground beneath him. Once again, he was engulfed in flames. Another pained yell surfaced as the fire scorched him mercilessly. I pressed my hands over my mouth as I stared for a moment, unable to hide my fear and worry.
Once Gajeel was on the ground again, he seemed even worse. Twila started to walk forward to him then I panicked, trying even harder to get out of her fire cage.
"No!" I screamed at her, finally catching her attention. Her gaze seemed bored, longing for something more interesting than dealing with me.
"This is the best you can do, Aurora? Lady Irene would be disappointed." Twila said.
I froze for a moment, my eyes widening once she mentioned Lady Irene. I had never imagined hearing Irene's name fall from Twila's lips, especially not now.
"How do you know Lady Irene?" I asked.
Twila would furrow her brow in confusion, thinking I was playing some game with her. Instead of questioning me, she waved me off then went back to Gajeel.
"W-Wait! Stop!" I yelled, wanting to get her attention again to lessen the pain on Gajeel. Twila ignored me once again then I desperately attempted to put out the fire around me. Seeing her get dangerously close to Gajeel, I held both my hands out.
"Solar Flare!" I called out. A cloak of flames and bright light covered my body, keeping me protected for now. I ran forward and through the fire, the two different tones of flames mixing for a heartbeat before breaking apart as I passed.
I finally caught Twila's attention again once she heard my footsteps. She turned, her eyes now wide when she realized I was using sun magic.
"Enchanted Solar Eclipse!" I called out, sending a large orb to Twila after. The orb surrounded her in her shocked state, taking a moment before it activated. It would drain her magic power then give it to me, but since she was so powerful that there was no way it could take all her magic power. Twila was also quick to break out of the orb, using her magic to overload it in a way and make it difficult for me to keep the spell up. Once she was free, she held both her hands out and planted her feet firmly on the ground.
"Flaming Vipers." Twila said, two enormous snakes then stretching out from her hands. They were created from pure dark fire, much like the bird spell she had used earlier.
"Daystar Brigade." I said, a wheel of swords created from bright amber light then forming around me. Twila moved one hand forward which sent one of the snakes forward as well. I would leap out of the way, feeling refreshed from the magic power I stole from her earlier. Before the snake turned again, I sent two of my swords forward which cut through the fire of its body. The snake withered away, the flames it was made out of dispersing into nothing but air. While I was turned around, Twila sent the second snake forward. It rushed forward, wrapping around my body quickly to squeeze the life out of me. The flames it was made out of were thankfully nullified since I still had my shield from earlier up.
After a bit of struggling, I wiggled my hand out from the snakes crushing grip. When I waved my hand to the side, the rest of the swords I called earlier would quickly cut through the air and towards the snake. While it hissed down at me, the swords completely cut through the back of it's head. One sword would go farther down then make a horizontal motion, cutting through the snake's body like the swords did for the first one. The snake's grip would started to loosen, giving me the chance to get free. Once the snake was gone, I turned to Twila.
"That's better, Aurora." She said.
"Tell me how you know Lady Irene." I demanded.
Twila frowned for a moment, her gaze turning towards the ground while she thought.
"She was a mother to me... More than just a teacher." Twila explained. Hearing this, I scowled for a moment. I tried my hardest to remember her but everything was too vague.
"Did I know you...?" I asked. Twila gave a small nod for her answer, her gaze serious. I tried even harder to remember her and it started to come back, small bits and pieces. I remembered a blonde girl, resembling Twila as she was now. It was surprising at first that she hadn't changed a bit but she was stuck with the curse she mentioned. The memory of Twila was still vague since I had been so young back then but still, I remembered her.
"You... " I trailed off. "Irene trained you, taught you... I was only three or maybe four at the time." I said, growing more confident as I went on.
Twila nodded again, but stood firmly as she held her hands up.
"I doesn't matter now, I need to defeat you." Twila said. She held her fist up, her gaze wavering a bit as she prepared for her next attack.
"Fist of the King!" She called out, sending her fist forward after. Twila wasn't strong on her own, without the magic behind it I expected the punch would of been as strong as getting hit with a flower. With the magic behind it, the punch would burn and thrown me back. I quickly got back to my feet, holding my hands out as I waited for her to do something next.
"I'm sorry, Aurora. I have no choice." Twila said.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to!" I yelled at her. Twila frowned then held a hand to her chest, taking a moment to decide something.
"It's not a curse." She said.
"What?" I asked.
"My illness, the fact that I don't age... It's not a curse but a side effect." Twila explained. Her small and dainty frame started to shake slightly. Twila shifted her weight from side to side while she tried to hide her emotions that came to her while she spoke. "I took part in an experiment, drank a potion that left me with this terrible side effect... When I say it's a curse it's easier for me to live with it, being able to say it wasn't my fault when it really was." Twila finished.
"You still don't have to fight, we can try and find a way to fix this." I told her.
"No... I have to." Twila said. She held both her hands up now, her gaze odd and unable to focus on me now. Twila didn't want this, she didn't want to hurt Aurora but she had no choice.
"Flaming Sword Dance." She said.
Multiple swords formed out of dark fire then circled her, turning upward slightly at her command.
"Solar sword!" I called out, the sword then materializing within the palm of my hand. I held it tightly then lifted it up, waiting for her to do something next.
Twila extended her hand outwards, sending one sword forward through the wind. I took in a deep breath then ran forward, using my sword to deflect hers. When the swords touched, her sword would bounce off mine then fall to the ground where it would vanish after. Twila did the same thing again, this time sending two swords. Once completely missed since she had been so shaky still, unable to fully think about where she was sending the sword. The other one came close but I was able to dodge, the sword going straight into the ground behind me. The more swords she sent towards me, the closer I would get at the same time. She became erratic, unorganized while she started to send swords forward blindly. She just wanted to stop me, or if she could slow me down.
"Morning Sun, Radiant Explosion!" I called out. A massive beam of solar light went forward and hit Twila, exploding in impact. Twila let out a scream, taking the attack on fully since she had been distracted with her own thoughts and guilt. The explosion filled the area with blinding light for a heartbeat, but would quickly disperse. Once the light and the dust cleared, Twila was on the ground. After a bit I realized she wasn't getting up again to continue our fight, she was admittedly beaten.
I relaxed for a moment then snapped my head to where Gajeel was still, quickly running over to him. I skidded to a stop then kneeled down next to him, checking quickly to make sure he was still breathing. Once I decided he was still alright, I hugged him tightly. An approaching third party caught my attention, making me look up. I let out a small sigh of relief when I saw it was just Pantherlily.
"Aurora, what happened to Gajeel?" He asked once he spotted Gajeel unconscious. I gestured to where Twila was still on the ground then turned back to Pantherlily.
"He tried to help, she almost killed him." I explained.
"I heard his screams earlier... I got worried." Pantherlily admitted. I nodded slightly then turned to Twila once again when I heard quiet sobs. Her body would shake slightly as she coughed and weeped, making me suddenly feel bad.
"Can you take Gajeel somewhere safe?" I asked Pantherlily.
"Of course." The exceed said with a small nod.
Pantherlily got a good grip on Gajeel before carefully taking him away, wanting to get him away from Twila incase she planned to finish him off. Once they were out of sight, this left me and Twila alone. I walked over to where she was then sat next to her, my movement catching her attention.
"What am I going to do now? I failed..." Twila said.
"You didn't fail..." I said.
"No, I did." Twila said, her tone changing dramatically. "I failed here, the experiment failed, I failed Lady Irene." She listed off. I frowned slightly then looked down at the ground while she kept talking, unsure what to say to her. "I'm just one giant failure, what do I do? I watched my mother die at age 5... I couldn't do anything for her... This experiment has ruined my life. It was supposed to make me older. Instead they made a fucking miscalculation... Turning me into this...I learned long ago that if your relentless... You survive..." Twila went on.
"Twila... There's got to be something to help you." I said.
"Like what!?" She snapped. "I've tried everything... Every spell, incantation, and magic object... only thing that could help me is if I met Zeref and he killed me... It's what I deserve for letting Lady Irene down..."
I then stood up and extended my hand out to her. Twila looked confused for a moment before she reached up to take it, allowing me to pull her to her feet. Twila shook slightly so I would support her for now until she could build her strength up once again.
"You've been dealing with this alone, watching everyone you loved or cared for in the slightest die... I want to help you, I know together we can find something to cure you." I said to her. The determined and heartfelt tone of my voice seemed to be enough for her as she smiled sadly. She admired my optimism, something she had given up on a long time ago.
"O-Okay... We can try." She said, giving a small nod.
I nodded back then carefully would lead her away from the scorched battlefield left in the wake of our battle. Twila held on to me tightly so she didn't fall or trip, gladly letting me help where I had to. I was certain she would take some time to get used to having someone else to depend on, but in time she would be happy again. With this win. We only had one more goon to defeat before we dealt with Lucas, my father. I hope that Rufus is doing alright...

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