Chapter 1 - The Beginning (Rework)

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Quirk Ranking:

S-Legendary (All Might) 1000-950 RP : Ranking Points

A-Extremely strong (Endeavour, Best Jeanist, etc.) 949-850 RP

B-Strong (Kamui Woods, Death Arms, etc.) 849-700 RP

C-Above average 699-500 RP

D-Average 499-200 RP

E-Weak 199-50 RP

F-Useless 49-0 RP

The four-year old Izuku Midoriya sat in a chair at the doctor's office, where he and his mother were eagerly waiting for the results of Izuku's quirk test. Izuku was playing with his All Might action figure while his mother looked on, happy that her son had the dream of becoming a hero.

Izuku turned to his mother with a questioning look on his face. "Do you think I will get a strong quirk like All Might?" Izuku said holding his toy high up in the air. "I'm sure you will" Inko said happily that Izuku was having big dreams.

The door opened and the doctor entered the room, his face looked somewhat troubled. Inko noticed this which made her nervous as she didn't want Izuku's dream of becoming a pro hero be crushed at his age.

The doctor sat down on his chair and scratched his head with a pen. "Well young Izuku surely has a quirk but to say it's strong is an understatement." Izuku excitedly wobbled up and down in his chair happy that he got a strong quirk.

Inko was relieved that Izuku had a quirk and that his dream wasn't shattered, but she still wondered about what the doctor meant with his statement. "What are you talking about? Is his quirk A rated?!" She asked, now fully focused on what the doctor had to say.

"Well how should I say this... Out of 1000 points which are given in the quirk test, Izuku reached the full 1000 points." The doctor said shocking Inko and Izuku likewise. While Inko still looked shocked, Izuku on the other hand had a giant smile on his face.

"I CAN BE LIKE ALL MIGHT" Izuku screamed, running through the doctor's office. Inko was laughing and the doctor looked happy too. "Thank you very much doctor. Come on Izuku let's get home, we can make Katsudon" Izuku and Inko went home with Izuku only being able to think about how he will be like All Might.

Izuku arrived at the playground the next day. Bakugo and the others were playing already. He ran over to them, a giant smile on his face not being able to wait to tell Bakugo about his quirk ranking. "Kacchan!" Bakugo turned around waving towards Izuku.

"I was at the quirk doctor's office yesterday, guess my quirk rating!" Bakugo looked at him and his smile turned into an evil grin. "You're definitely weaker than me, so I would say maybe about 300 points" His goons laughed at the sight that was Izuku's disappearing happiness.

"Why do you have to be mean Kacchan?" "I'm not mean it's just the truth" Bakugo said, acting like he was taunting Izuku. "Anyway, the doctor said that I reached 1000 points!" Izuku said, now being back to his usual cheerful attitude.

Bakugo and his goons were stunned for a second before Bakugo decided to further mock Izuku. "1000?! You're crazy, not even All Might has that many points! He probably said 10 and you just didn't listen correctly" Bakugo said laughing at the green-haired boy.

While Izuku was slightly angry he began glowing, which didn't go unnoticed. "Whoa Izuku is glowing." The winged one said pointing towards Izuku. As soon as Izuku focused on the fact that he was glowing the light that he emitted, disappeared.

"You see? That was your stupid weak quirk!" Bakugo said mocking Izuku even further. "No, it's not a stupid quirk just you wait until my quirk shows its full power!" Izuku ran away sad that his friends were so mean towards him.

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