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I felt horrible. My stomach was hurting, my wrists were burning, my head felt like it had been split in two, everything was painful. That was all I could think about. I want Father. I want to go home. I want the pain to go away. It feels cold and numb in here. At least I can't hear those two scary men anymore.

I decided to move around a bit. I could feel something above me with my legs; some sort of lid. I decided to try pushing the lid off, but I couldn't. It seemed like it was made of wood and it was probably nailed tightly. So then, I decided to see if I could free my bonds at least. I moved my hands around. It seemed like my wrists were tied together with rope. I was twisting my wrists around to see if I could slip my hands through it. It was starting to burn my wrists more. I will need to find something sharp.

Maybe there's a sharp nail sticking out along the side of this box somewhere. I decided to feel my way around the best I could, but it didn't seem like there could be a nail. With what little strength I had, I rolled onto one side to knock the box over one side. At first, it seemed to teeter toward that side, but then after some pushing, I was able to turn the box over. So far, there were no nails on this side, though I did notice a crack of light located on the side of the box I was lying on before. I decided to turn it over again. Again, no sharp nails or pieces of wood. Things seemed to be proving to be helpless. It was dark, I was bound and I just now realized that my clothes were now stinking from when I wet myself earlier.

"Hello!" I heard a voice. That didn't sound like any of the men. I scooted, then looked through the small crack on the box. "Huh, looks like it's abandoned."

"Are you sure, Dinkey? It looks scary in here," another voice said, who sounded like a frightened teenage girl. I was barely able to get a glimpse of that teenage guy with a black leather jacket like some greaser wannabe.

"Don't worry, doll. Dinkey will protect you from anything."

"Awww Dinkey, you're such a sweetheart."

Gross. Teen love. I can even hear them kissing. Ew. At least they were doing this beyond my viewpoint.

"Hmmph oh Dinkey!~"

This is worse than those random sex scenes they place in PG13 movies. Ugh! This is torture! Please tell me they're not... No. No. Oh god, they're taking their clothes off. (1) I started kicking and muffle-screaming inside before I heard a gasp.

"Dinkey, I thought you said this was safe!" I heard the girl scream, followed by a slap across the face. I watched as the blond diva left through the window.

"Wh-Wha- come back, Doll!"

I heard some footsteps and a groan from that gross greaser wannabe. I saw him walking toward the window, his shirt off. He sighed, "great, she probably hates me now."

I kicked the box some more, trying to get free. I began trying to scream through the gag. The only thing that came out was a muffle.

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