Pre Investigation Day 2

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DECEMBER 26 12:31 PM

Manfred and I returned to the Defendant Lobby for a short time, so I can rest and gain back my composure. After seeing that picture, I didn't know how much control I could hold in. I've probably made a fool of myself in front of Blaise. I'm certain he took notice. This is not going to end well. (1)

Manfred had poured the two of us some tea, then sat on the couch next to me with his folded arms and a frown. It was good, because I needed the silence to think over everything that's happened. I held onto the part of my jacket that had my son's note. That was the only thing calming me down right now. If my son had fallen, he wouldn't have written that note. I shouldn't have panicked like that, but emotions can drive a man insane.

Hearing the door open, I stood up, then saw Raymond and the two boys behind him. Raymond seemed worried, while the other two boys seemed nervous as if they've done something wrong. 

"We messed up, didn't we?" Phoenix asked sadly.

"No, you didn't. You boys did a good job," I assured with a bright smile on my face. Phoenix grinned happily.

"Still, I heard what happened and saw the article. Are you alright, Mr. Edgeworth?" Raymond asked.

"I'll be fine. Thank you."

"Great. Miles first drags us here and now everyone's freaking out because he can fly like Peter Pan," Larry said.

"Wait, what was that you said?" I asked.

"See, that's what I mean! Everyone's freaking out because Miles can fly!"

"Not that one. Who did you say brought you here?"

"Oh, that was... oops, I wasn't supposed to say that!" Larry cried, sweating bullets.

"Wait, Miles was here!?" Raymond cried, almost freaking out.


"It's a good thing this room is soundproof. I'd control your chatter, unless you want said kidnapper to hear of the boy's whereabouts," Manfred said.

"I'm sorry~" Larry whined, showing crocodile tears.

"This place is soundproof? Wow! It's like one of those secret agent movies! SO COOL!" Phoenix exclaimed,his eyes glittering.

"Is Miles still here? Do you know?" I asked the boys. (2)

"Don't answer that!" Manfred called out.

"Hey! Whose side are you on, Von Karma!?" Raymond yelled.

"Fool, do you realize that by revealing the location of the boy, it will give Debeste a grander chance to keep Miles like a caged animal or do you want that to happen again?" Manfred snapped, snapping his fingers. "The boy is safer with us not knowing. Don't give the prosecution a chance of winning. Even just discussing his location makes the chance greater. If there's one thing Debeste is good at, it's getting to what hurts you the most and using it to keep you where he wants you."

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