Blaise Debeste's Trial Day 3 Part 1

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DECEMBER 28, 9:20 AM

Dinkey and I returned back to Mr. Von Karma. There was still fifteen minutes before recess was over. I already gave Father the evidence he needed. He will be alright, I'm sure of it. He's still fighting down there. I'm certain he must be afraid just like I am right now. Though, even though I'm afraid, I can't back down.

Mrs. Debeste will be the next witness. No matter what history she has or who she is, I cannot be afraid to face her. I don't know her or her intentions. All I know is that she is a valuable witness. Everyone that Debeste has with him were victims in some form or another. Even Tyler Brook and Sowy Hem were victims, regardless if they were the ones that kidnapped me. I can't forget that.

Father. He was also a victim, even before he met Mother. I thought about what Uncle Ray said in the last trial. Because he had been trafficked, he knew no other family or place to go. He smuggled, because that was his only means of survival. I'm sure it was the same for Father. It's why his job mattered more than anything or anyone else in his life. His only family was where he worked at. He probably didn't realize that there were other people outside of the ring that cared about him. (1)

I remember when I was working on an art project from school. Father was too busy to help me and I thought it meant he didn't love me anymore. I wonder if Father felt the same way at that time, that nobody in the world outside of the ring could ever care about him. I'm sure Mr. Gant would disagree, but just like how I was with my art project, I'm certain Father couldn't see that there were people that loved him. Sometimes it's hard to see the people that love you when you are so caught up in your own problems. (2)

Mrs. Debeste. Like Father, Uncle Ray, Tyler Brook, Sowy Hem and everyone... she too is a victim. She needs someone to pave her a way out of her situation. She may not even realize she's a victim. Whatever the case may be, I have to be strong. I'm a Prosecutor. I stand for the witnesses that don't have the strength to walk to the Witness Stand. Uncle Ray wouldn't have been brave enough to take the stand had Mr. Von Karma not provided security and protection to make sure he could testify safely. I have to be that beacon to pave that path for each witness under the threat of the defendant. I'm certain it's no different with Mr. Faraday.

Opening the door, I saw Mr. Von Karma with Mrs. Debeste. Both of them turned to me and I released my hand from Dinkey's. I need to be the Prosecutor. I walked up to Mr. Von Karma with full confidence. A Defense Attorney is to always smile for his clients. I'm a Prosecutor. My only client is the people. So, I smile for them.

"I handed the evidence needed for Father's trial," I said.

"Ah good. We are just about to work on the testimony. If you have any questions, now is a good time to speak up before recess is over," Mr. Von Karma said as I nodded.

"What do we know so far?"

"Anna Debeste has been married to Blaise Debeste for 13 years. She knew about his association with the ring, though was unaware about the corpses of children in the trashcans," Mr. Von Karma stated.

"What about Father?" I asked.

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