Investigation Day 3 Part 1

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DECEMBER 27, 10:46 AM

I stayed with Mr. Von Karma and his family, since Father was arrested. It had been a long day and, while I have enjoyed being with the Von Karma's, I also felt sad about Father. A part of me was scared I would never see him home in his office, watching Saturday Morning Cartoons with me, cooking me baked chicken from the oven since he was never good with stove top, asking me about my friends and taking me to one of the festivals in town. At least I can go to school and see my friends again, but with the amount of homework I'll have now, who's going to tell me, 'I'll be with you in a sec, Miles,' then never comes until almost forever (1). Knowing Mr. Von Karma, he'll probably have Mrs. Von Karma help me and it just won't feel the same.

Mrs. Von Karma cooked everyone lunch, which was delicious. Father was never good with stove top and often prefers oven or grill. This beat the instant noodles I got from Dick. Though, Serena did cook me some hot dogs for dinner last night. That was good. This was better, though.

"I'm relieved this whole thing was settled. Mother (2) is going to want to hear word about this from you. She's been anxious since hearing about your arrest, Dear," Mrs. Von Karma said.

"Understandable. This Christmas has been nothing, but a nightmare. I didn't think I'd ever find myself in this dinner table again," Mr. Von Karma admitted. "I should have taken time off my schedule to spend Christmas with you."

"It can't be helped. You're a Prosecutor and you had a case to settle with Father," I said, trying to lighten the mood. Though, it didn't seem to work. Mr. Von Karma seemed disheartened about something.

"Actually, that isn't the only thing I should have done. I should never have picked up that gun."

There was silence in the room. Mr. Von Karma must feel really burdened. I watched everyone's faces. Fredrick was staring at his food, focusing on eating his rice bit by bit. Serena bit her bottom lip as if trying not to cry, while her husband was rubbing her shoulder. Mrs. Von Karma was the only one with a strong face, though was focusing more on feeding Franziska on her high chair and getting her to behave. Mr. Von Karma must have felt like he failed his family by what he did. (3)  I know what it's like to feel like a failure. I still remember Art Class and PE.

I got off the chair, then walked to Mr. Von Karma before giving him a hug. He flinched, seemingly startled. After about a minute or two, I felt him patting my back as I looked up and gave him my biggest smile.

"You know, after a case, Father always makes a big kettle of tea and if it's Christmas, he'll stir it with a candy cane. It's really good. I can make some, if you'd like," I offered.

"Hm... that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Would you all like some?" Mrs. Von Karma asked everyone else.

"Sure," Serena replied. "Get one for my husband too." Her husband seemed to like the idea.

"Yes... tea sounds lovely. I am curious about the candy cane trick. I might teach that to my daughter one day," Fredrick replied as I grinned in reply. His daughter was still barely a year old, so it made sense he'd wait until she was older.

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