Blaise Debeste's Trial Day 3 Part 2

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DECEMBER 28, 10:15 AM

I watched Father approach the Witness Stand. Now, that he was on the Witness Stand, I felt more at ease. Though, I knew the battle wasn't over yet. Debeste was still fighting for his Not Guilty verdict, even with barely a leg to stand on. He will keep fighting until the end. I'll need to use Father's testimony to put Blaise Debeste behind bars once and for all.

Taking a deep breath, I looked straight ahead, waiting for Mr. Hammond to take his possition, before I began.

"Name and occupation," I said, noticing how more quiet my voice became. I almost felt embarrassed.

"Gregory Edgeworth. Defense Attorney at Edgeworth Law Offices," Father responded confidently.

I swallowed my throat. Why do I feel so nervous? Is it because Father is watching me? In the past, he's always been by my side or in front of me. Now, he's facing me. He maybe a Witness, but I felt incredibly self-consciousness. I normally have never felt pressured by everyone staring at me, but this felt so different, now that Father was at the Witness Stand. (1)

"It's alright, Miles. You're doing great. Keep going," I heard Mr. Von Karma whisper. I saw Father and he also smiled and nodded encouragingly. I nodded in response, then drank some water to moisten my throat.

"Y-You have worked under the Defendant nine years ago as a Smuggler. You were also aware of the Child Trafficking he participated in."

"Yes, as was stated in my previous trial. I've got a record of my previous trial," Father confirmed, handing it to the Fancy Judge.

"Hm... I see. Very well, I shall submit this into the Court Record," the Fancy Judge nodded before the bailiff handed a copy to Mr. Hammond and me. I smiled. Father was given a Not Guilty verdict as an Accomplice for murder, due to proof of his immediate action to collude with the Defense Attorney, Robert Hammond. Though, there was something in the Trial Record I wanted to place into question.

"Fath- ahm I mean... Witness," I said. I didn't want to call Father by his full name, since it would sound very weird. "According to your trial record, you were given a Not Guilty verdict, due to immediate action to break Conflict of Interest and collude with the Defense Attorney of Rachael Newslayday."

"WHAT!?!" Debeste shouted, slamming the bench as Mrs. Debeste cackled.

"Greggy dear, you truly are a cockroach," Mrs. Debeste laughed from the Witness Bench.

"OBJECTION!" I slammed my hands on the bench at the Debeste's, saying, "I object to the interruption of Ms. Debeste! If I may continue, neither her or the Defendant are allowed to speak, while I'm talking to the Witness!"

"Objection sustained. You may continue and no more talking out of the both of you," the Fancy Judge replied as the unstable couple shot glares at each other.

"As I was saying, one of the decisive evidence of this is a fax written to you by the Defense Attorney, Robert Hammond. It reads, 'The video footage you handed me is showing static. I also cannot read the lips of the woman on camera. Are you sure this is the right copy? Perhaps you should run this by Mrs. Debeste and see if it can be fixed.' Mrs. Debeste is mentioned in this fax. Can you tell the court why?" I asked.

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