Investigation Day 2 Part 2

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After looking at the flying object that supposedly was carrying my son, I made my way to the Detention Center to check up on Manfred. Considering that my son barely managed to escape out of Blaise's hands, something told me that Manfred was going to be interrogated. As Chief Prosecutor, Blaise had the power to interrogate outside of the Visitor's Room. Normally, only Detectives were allowed to interrogate the defendant in the Interrogation Room, while Prosecutors were only allowed to talk or interrogate the defendant inside the Visitor's Room.

As I waited in the Waiting Room, I saw Dick with who looked to be like an older woman. He saw me and gasped.

"Mr. Edgeworth!" Dick almost cried.

"Ah Dick," I subtly greeted, then cleared my throat. It was a signal for asking about my son. I know Miles can't be seen everywhere with him, but I need to know if he's at least with someone trusted.

"Huh? Oh, yeah it's fine!" Dick replied. Since we were in a public area, we couldn't speak of Miles aloud. He had to subtly tell me that my son was alright and I will have to accept that as my answer.

"Thank you," I thanked Dick, then turned to the young woman. From her face and hair, she seemed familiar. "And, who might you be?"

"Hmph, I'm Serena Hamilton, the top Fashion Designer in the country," Serena bragged. That's when Recognized her face, Serena V. K. Hamilton. It was easy to know her designs with her logo VK.

"Ah, I believe I've seen you in the Fashion Statement magazine, Mrs. Hamilton. A pleasure to meet you, Maim," I greeted as she offered her hand and I kissed it politely. (1) "What brings you here?"

"I came to check up on Papa and update him," Serena replied, arms crossed and seemingly serious. Papa?

"Yeah, get this, she's Manfred Von Karma's daughter," Dick informed me. Wow, that is a shock. Wait, is that what V. K. stands for? Von Karma? ... Huh. That's when I remembered the picture.

"Oh yes, you're his eldest daughter. I saw your picture on his desk," I said, showing a smile.

"I'm surprised he allowed you into his office. He normally never does this, unless it's family strictly," Serena stated factually with crossed arms. She then smirked. "Then again, he normally never trusts or hires Defense Attorneys."

"Any updates?" I asked.

"We just got done checking the evidence. So far, Debeste hasn't touched the clothes, though he did try to get to the step ladder," Dick announced.

"More like he tried to manipulate the blood on the ladder. Such a desperate foolishly foolish act, if you ask me!" Serena stated.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well... I should probably explain in detail. You see, Bonnie Young is the head of the Forensics Department and she was just arrested for Obstruction of Justice by Detective Gant," Dick explained. I was afraid of this. Of course he would use the Head of Forensics. Poor Young was probably another one of Blaise's puppets.

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